

Not long after, the guard walked out sweaty, "Master Bishop, something has happened in Spirit Hall, Hongrui Deacon and Yunshan Bishop were killed, and Palace Lord is no one now. !"

Ye Qin faintly smiled, bypassing the guards, and walked directly into the hall.

"It's not that I don't see anyone..." Hu Liena was about to have an attack. When I saw Ye Qin's silhouette, not only did his anger fade away, but also some excitement appeared in his heart, as if she was facing the boy in front of her. , Full of goodwill.

"You, why are you here?"

"Does Hu Palace Lord not welcome us?" Ye Qin said with a slight smile, "Then we go!"


After speaking, Ye Qin turned around and left.

"Wants to come to come, wants to walk to walk, when my Spirit Hall is?" Hu Liena felt a sense of loss, and then hurriedly shouted.

Ye Qin clicked the corner of his mouth, and then turned back again.

"Come on, why are you looking for me?" Hu Liena looked at Ye Qin frowned.

"I want to join Spirit Hall!" Ye Qin replied.

Hu Liena hearing this, inexplicably happy, but replied, "Didn't you reject me?"

"Now I agree again, I don't know what Hu Palace Lord said How?" Ye Qin responded with a smile.

"I...well, you can join!" Hu Liena bit her red lip.

"It is okay to join, but I have the conditions!" Ye Qin continued.

"Say!" Hu Liena complexion sank.

"I only put my name in the Spirit Hall, and I can arrange a free job at random, without participating in any training and tasks!" Ye Qin said.

"How can there be such a thing!" Hu Liena frowned.

"Just forget it, then I won't enter!" Ye Qin turned his head and left!

"Come back, for the sake of you saving me twice, I agree!" Hu Liena shouted.

Seeing this scene, Yang Qitian on the side was dumbfounded. It seemed that Hu Liena was very unwilling to leave Ye Qin.

"Monkey Yang, you heard that I am already from Spirit Hall. Go back and tell Zhao Ying that I don't need to be trained by her!" Ye Qin said to Yang Qi Heavenly Dao.

"Okay, His Highness the Prince!" Yang Qitian replied.

"Then you go first!" Ye Qin continued.

"...Yes, yes!" Yang Qitian was stunned, then walked outside the hall, walked halfway, touched his forehead and turned around again, "No, your highness, the queen told me to protect myself You!"

"Who else can kill me in Spirit Hall, go back and tell Zhao Ying, and come back later!" Ye Qin frowned.

"Yeah!" Yang Qitian walked away quickly.

After that, Ye Qin turned and closed the palace gate tightly.

"Why do you close the door?" Hu Liena frowned.

"Close the door and do business!" Ye Qin said with a slight smile.

"This is Spirit Hall, what are you doing!" Hu Liena said warmly.

"Nothing, I just want to ask you, what position are you planning to arrange for me?" Ye Qin asked.

"What position can you have as a brat!" Hu Liena said ill-humoredly, "There are no idle jobs in Spirit Hall at present, so let me give you a Palace Lord assistant!"

"So good? This post should belong to Hongrui!" Ye Qin said with a smile excitedly.

"How did you know? Is Hongrui's death related to you?" Hu Liena's face became a little ugly.

"How is it possible! I heard from my aunt, Hongrui is your competitor, she is dead, Spirit Hall will definitely suspect you, you have to be careful!" Ye Qin said.

"This is what your aunt told you?"

"Otherwise!" Ye Qin did his best to avoid too much exposure. He changed the subject and said, "Take me Take a look at the bedroom!"

"No, absolutely not!" Hu Liena refused.

"Why not, you have already seen my bedroom, what happened when I visited your bedroom!" Ye Qin insisted.

"Could it be that there is something insulting in it?"

"Where is it, in any case it is absolutely not possible!"

"I remember, you owed me a Request, well, this request is to let me go to your bedroom, dignified Spirit Hall Palace Lord, do not speak without words!" Ye Qin said with a slant at the corner of his mouth.

"You...Why are you doing this!" Hu Liena frowned and bit her teeth, "Follow me!"

Ye Qin faintly smiled, follow Hu Liena In the footsteps, the western-style house next to the moved towards the great hall walked, and then Hu Liena said, "This is it, you can visit it, you can't move my things!"

"Naturally not!"


"Very good! After the tour, we don't owe each other!"

"Yes!" Ye Qin nodded, pushing the door open, suddenly a strong fragrance came to his nose. Unspeakable comfort came to life.

The room is clean and tidy, and the main color is pink, which shows that Hu Liena looks cold, but she must be full of heart!

Also, Ye Qin noticed that there were a few black underwear on the pink bed quilt.

Seeing Ye Qin's gaze rested on the clothes, Hu Liena immediately pretty face blushed, and hurriedly put the clothes under the quilt!

"Have you finished reading it!" Hu Liena said angrily.

"Ding! The punch-in mission is triggered, the wall dong kisses Hu Liena, the mission reward, a god-bestowed spirit ring, a one-time permanent disguise card!"

"I rely on !" Ye Qin murmured in his heart, "system, you are more messy than me!"

"Hu Liena!" Ye Qin suddenly yelled.

"en?" Hu Liena's body trembled suddenly.

I saw, Ye Qin pushed Hu Liena into the corner of the wall without saying anything!

Ye Qin is a freak. He is only six years old. Not only is he handsome, his height has reached about 1.4 meters, and he is only a head shorter than the fourteen-year-old Hu Liena.

"What are you doing!" Hu Liena flushed, his heart beating with peng peng.

"You have never liked being taken advantage of. You kissed me before, and now I want to kiss me back!"


Hu Liena hasn't said it yet, Ye Qin's lips have been sealed.

At this moment, Hu Liena was furious, but she was unable to attack Ye Qin anyway. Eventually, her anger gradually dissipated, and she seemed to have some enjoyment in her heart, and she started to meet her.

The two people used jerky movements for about 3 minutes, and then Hu Liena pushed Ye Qin away, angrily "You are a bastard!"

"ding , The check-in task is completed. Congratulations on obtaining a god-bestowed spirit ring and a one-time permanent disguise card."

"This time, we really don't owe each other!" Ye Qin said with a slight smile.

"..." Hu Liena looked angry.

Ye Qin said nothing, he strode out of the bedroom