
Sign In And Draw A Lottery, Start From The Ninja World To Become The S

Totsuka, who was about to play a game, suddenly crossed over! Opening the door, looking at the Hokage Rock with only two statues, Lin Tuo was even more dazed. Is this Hokage Rock? Is this Konoha Village? I have traveled to the world of Hokage? Or the era of Second Hokage? 【Ding! The sign-in lottery system is bound... the binding is successful] 【Host, please keep in mind that our goal is to become the strongest! 】 When Lin Tuo checked the entire system, he was in a bad mood! "Dog system, can't I choose by myself?" "Why do you have to rely on lottery to get everything?" There is no mall! There are no tasks! Only draw! 【Please host to explore by yourself】 Facing the coldness of the system, Lin Tuo expressed his helplessness! It's better to hug your thighs! Whose thigh are you hugging? The thigh of the future Fifth Hokage Tsunade Hime, of course! However, he slowly discovered that smoking and smoking... actually became the strongest existence!

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96 Chs

Chapter 83

Twelve years have passed, and the current time has come to Konoha's thirty-fourth year.Totsuka and Tsunade are twenty-four years old!Tsunade has already passed the Jōnin assessment and became a Konoha Jōnin.It is said that he has practiced for twelve years, but in fact Totsuka only spent one month to practice Sage Mode with the help of the system.For the rest of the time, Totsuka spent most of his time in addition to increasing the number of Chakra, learning to develop ninjutsu, and practicing to enter the state of Sage Mode faster.Tsunade barely made it to Sage Mode in his fifth year.Then under Totsuka's suggestion, Tsunade combined Hundred Healings Mark with Sage Mode in the remaining time to create a kind of two kinds of Sage Art.The first is: Sage Art·Hundred Healings Mark.What kind of ninjutsu is Sage Art·Hundred Healings Mark~?it's actually really easy!Hundred Healings Mark is a ninjutsu passed by Uzumaki Mito to Tsunade. Its function is to seal the Chakra that is not usually used, and take it out for use in battle.The same goes for Sage Art Hundred Healings Mark!Turn the sealed Chakra into Sage Chakra, and you can call the sealed Sage Chakra during the battle to help Nashou enter Sage Mode instantly!But Sage Art·Hundred Healings Mark has a rather uncomfortable place!That is, you must first exhaust the Chakra in your body before you can invoke the sealed Immortal Chakra, or convert the Chakra in your body into Immortal Chakra before you can invoke Immortal Chakra.The first method can naturally enter Sage Mode instantly, but depleting Chakra first will put you in a more dangerous state.Although the second method will not put oneself in danger, it takes a long time to prepare.But anyway, Sage Art·Hundred Healings Mark is definitely stronger than the original Hundred Healings Mark.In addition to Sage Art Hundred Healings Mark, Tsunade also developed a second Sage Art, that is:Sage Art Ninja Art: Mitotic Regeneration Baihao Technique!Baihao Technique is Tsunade's ninjutsu that brings the wet bone forest Sage Mode and the super vitality and recovery of its own constitution into Ultimate!Even a life-threatening injury can be healed instantly in the state of Baihao Technique.It can be said that after entering the state of Baihao Technique, Tsunade is completely immortal!Unless Tsunade can be completely destroyed in an instant, it is impossible to kill Tsunade.In addition, Baihao Technique can also greatly enhance the power of Tsunade's strange power on the basis of Sage Mode, making Tsunade directly incarnate into a female God of War.all in all:Before entering Sage Mode, Tsunade possessed Elite Jōnin level strength.After entering Sage Mode, Tsunade will have Kage-level strength.After using Baihao Technique, Tsunade's strength can directly reach the level of super shadow level.It's that powerful!As for Totsuka?After twelve years of practice, Totsuka's Chakra volume has increased by three points, reaching the attribute of sixteen points.In terms of Chakra volume, Totsuka's Chakra volume has already reached the middle stage of Super Movie.But only the amount of Chakra has reached super Kage-level, none of the attributes such as ninjutsu phantom speed has been broken through, and it is still at the level of the ten-point elite Kage-level.The other is Sage Mode!After countless times of practice in the past twelve years, Totsuka has been able to transform all the Chakra in his body into Immortal Chakra in an instant, directly entering Sage Mode.And if you use Susanoo with Mangekyō in Sage Mode, you can even cast Susanoo in the form of immortality.The defense and attack power of the Susanoo in the fairy form can be strengthened several times, and it has the defense and power not inferior to the full body Susanoo.And Totsuka's state of turning on Sage Mode is perfect!Apart from a little eye shadow appearing above the eyes, Totsuka's body will not change in any way, and the pupils of the eyes will not change in any way.It is clearly a more perfect Sage Mode than the future protagonist!After all, even in Naruto's Sage Mode, the pupils will become frog eyes.These are Totsuka's greatest achievements in cultivation in twelve years.In contrast, Tsunade's Sage Mode is not as perfect as Totsuka.Although the eyes will not become live slug eyes, Tsunade will have a curse mark on his face after turning on Sage Mode, which has a different kind of beauty.There is no way for Tsunade to instantly enter the state of Sage Mode like Totsuka, and it takes at least three minutes to prepare.If it is actually in battle, it will take five minutes of super long preparation time!That is to say, under the guidance of Totsuka, Tsunade developed Sage Art·Hundred Healings Mark, otherwise Tsunade will need a long time of preparation to enter Sage Mode just like Jiraiya....asking for flowers...In addition, the 12-year sign-in also allowed Totsuka to save a lot of lottery draws.In addition to a premium lucky draw given on the 10th anniversary of the system, Totsuka now has:Senior Draw: Six TimesIntermediate draws: six timesNot to mention the primary lottery draw, about 30 times.It is not too far away from the goal of Totsuka's ultimate lucky draw.It is worth mentioning that after twelve years, Tsunade is no longer an airport.Twenty-four-year-old Tsunade is fully opened, and she is at her best!And Totsuka has also grown into a tall and handsome guy with a height of 1.8 meters, thick eyebrows and big eyes, sharp edges and corners.Standing with Tsunade, no matter who you are, you will give a compliment!On this day, Totsuka and Tsunade were preparing to go to the wet bone forest to continue their practice, but they were stopped by Uzumaki Mito."Xiao Tuo, Tsunade, you can go to the country of vortex with grandma!""Go to the country of vortex?"Totsuka and Tsunade stopped moving, with extremely puzzled expressions in their eyes."What are you doing in the country of vortex? Granny." Tsunade asked."Is such that!"Uzumaki Mito explains:"I'm getting older too, and it's time to find an heir to carry the Nine Tails inside of me.Hearing this, my heart trembled.Looking for an heir?That means Uzumaki Kushina will be brought back?Frowning deeply, Totsuka clearly remembered how old Uzumaki Kushina looked in the manga!Uzumaki Mito has the Hundred Healings Mark, so it is impossible to become that.Just an explanation!That's what diverted Nine Tails, allowing Uzumaki Mito to drain Chakra from Hundred Healings Mark.Moreover, transferring Nine Tails will consume a lot of Jinchūriki's vitality, Uzumaki Mito does not have more vitality to make Chakra, so it cannot be restored to its original appearance.Uzumaki Mito died shortly after transferring to Nine Tails from the original book!Thinking of the beautiful Uzumaki Mito growing old and dying, Totsuka subconsciously clenched his fists."Grandma, how old are you?"Tsunade said unwillingly: "You look almost as young as me! There is no need to find an heir!"