
Sign In And Draw A Lottery, Start From The Ninja World To Become The S

Totsuka, who was about to play a game, suddenly crossed over! Opening the door, looking at the Hokage Rock with only two statues, Lin Tuo was even more dazed. Is this Hokage Rock? Is this Konoha Village? I have traveled to the world of Hokage? Or the era of Second Hokage? 【Ding! The sign-in lottery system is bound... the binding is successful] 【Host, please keep in mind that our goal is to become the strongest! 】 When Lin Tuo checked the entire system, he was in a bad mood! "Dog system, can't I choose by myself?" "Why do you have to rely on lottery to get everything?" There is no mall! There are no tasks! Only draw! 【Please host to explore by yourself】 Facing the coldness of the system, Lin Tuo expressed his helplessness! It's better to hug your thighs! Whose thigh are you hugging? The thigh of the future Fifth Hokage Tsunade Hime, of course! However, he slowly discovered that smoking and smoking... actually became the strongest existence!

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96 Chs

Chapter 84

Seeing how Totsuka and Tsunade cared about him, Uzumaki Mito smiled gratifiedly."This matter has been decided! I have also agreed, so let's not talk about it."In other words, Tsunade doesn't know the consequences of transferring Nine Tails, otherwise it would be impossible to agree with Uzumaki Mito to do so!Glancing at Totsuka who has been silent all this time, Uzumaki Mito said softly:"Would you like to go with grandma? Xiaotuo.""All right."Totsuka nodded, thinking about how to change the ending of Uzumaki Mito.But no matter how he thought, he couldn't think of a way, and his heart was full of infinite helplessness!Use lottery?But even if you use the lottery, will you be able to find a way?In the future, I can go to Chiyo from Sunagakure to see if I can get the Forbidden Technique of "Self Reincarnation".But the current Chiyo didn't use "157" to issue this ninjutsu at all, okay?Do you want to watch grandma die?Totsuka is not reconciled!As a time traveler, can't even change the ending of relatives?Suddenly, Totsuka's heart moved.No! I seem to be able to change the ending of Uzumaki Mito!what to useMangekyō Sharingan of course!The time-returning ability of the left eye can be used not only on oneself, but also on other people or even an area, but it needs to be controlled within ten minutes.As long as the time for Uzumaki Mito to extract the tail beasts is controlled within ten minutes, then he can use the ability of time regression to restore the vitality of Uzumaki's water to the state before the Nine Tails were extracted!His eyes became kinder, and Totsuka's heart relaxed a lot.Although I don't know if it will be successful, but the probability of success is very high!"Let's go! Taku, Tsunade."Uzumaki Mito waved and was about to set off with Totsuka.There was a luxurious carriage parked here at the gate, obviously Uzumaki Mito had already prepared for it.After getting into the carriage, Totsuka naturally sat in the driver's seat.Holding the reins in his hand, Totsuka started the carriage with a light shake.In the carriage, Hand suddenly thought of a question:"Grandma, what about Nawaki after we're gone?"Nine-year-old Nawaki is still in ninja school!"no problem."Uzumaki Mito laughed: "Your second grandfather will pick up Nawaki from the ninja school today.""That's good!"Tsunade nodded, not paying much attention to Nawaki's affairs.Because Totsuka has been by her side all the time, Tsunade is no longer the loveless woman in the original book.Although Tsunade, Nawaki's younger brother, is also very concerned, the rope pair is not as important to her as in the original book.Riding a carriage, Totsuka and the others left the country of Konoha Chaozuo all the way.Along the way, even if they met ninjas, few people knew Totsuka.First of all, Totsuka has grown up, and secondly, Totsuka has not done many tasks in these years, so he seldom appears in front of Konoha Shinobi followers.As a result, Totsuka's presence in Konoha is very low. Except for a few people who know Totsuka, few people know that Totsuka is the Konoha's White Fang dragon back then.Even Tsunade, Jiraiya and Orochimaru are more famous than Totsuka!But Tsunade, Jiraiya and Orochimaru all know that after twelve years of growth, Totsuka's strength has become unimaginable to others.It's just that Totsuka has never shown it, and there is no opponent who can force him to show his true strength.Along the way, Totsuka, Tsunade and Uzumaki Mito chatted and came to the Minister of the Uzumaki Kingdom.The country of the vortex, the hidden village of the vortex.The person who came to receive Totsuka and the others was Uzumaki Ashina, the head of Uzumaki Hidden Village.Uzumaki Ashina is a ninja of the same era as Uzumaki Mito, but compared to Uzumaki Mito who still looks young and beautiful, Uzumaki Ashina is already a very old ninja.When Uzumaki Mito got off the carriage and saw the aging Uzumaki Ashina, her beautiful eyes were full of emotion."Long time no see, Patriarch Ashina."Uzumaki Ashina couldn't help feeling a little excited when he saw Uzumaki Mito."Mito, you are still as beautiful as ever!"Uzumaki Mito smiled, took Totsuka and Tsunade and followed Uzumaki Ashina into the big house where the head of Uzumaki Hidden Village works.Uzushio Hidden Village and Konoha are in an alliance, and with the help of Konoha, the development of Uzushio Hidden Village is still very good.People in Uzuo Hidden Village live a long life, so Totsuka saw many old people along the way.Uzumaki Ashina and Uzumaki Mito are sitting together above the living room, Totsuka and Tsunade are sitting side by side under their heads...There are also a few Jōnin from Ushio Hidden Village sitting with me, and the atmosphere in the living room is very harmonious.After chatting for a while, Uzumaki Mito explained his purpose:"Patriarch Ashina, we are here this time to select a talented junior in Uzumaki to go to Konoha to become the next generation of Nine Tails Jinchūriki."Hearing this, Uzumaki Ashina's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of disbelief."Mito, are you sure you want to do this? You should know the consequences of transferring Nine Tails, right?""as a result of?"Tsunade couldn't help asking: "Patriarch Ashina, will there be any consequences for transferring Nine Tails?"Seeing that Tsunade didn't understand, Uzumaki Ashina looked at Uzumaki Mito inquiringly.After hesitating for a moment, Uzumaki Mito finally turned his head."Say it!""All right!"Uzumaki Ashina sighed and explained to Tsunade:" Jinchūriki are connected to tailed beasts, especially someone like your grandma who has been a Jinchūriki for a long time.Once you take Nine Tails out of her, it takes your grandma's life force as well.So once the Nine Tails are transferred into the body of the next Jinchūriki, then your grandma is likely to..."Uzumaki Ashina did not say the latter, but Tsunade understood!"What did you say?"Tsunade stood up abruptly, getting very emotional!"No! I don't agree! I won't agree to 4.2 anyway!"Seeing Tsunade's excited appearance, even Uzumaki Mito felt very helpless.In desperation, Uzumaki Mito had no choice but to look at Totsuka for help.Receiving Uzumaki Mito's eyes, Totsuka couldn't help but sighed.Stretching out his hand and grabbing Tsunade's wrist, Totsuka said:"Stop it! Tsunade.""Am I making trouble?"Tsunade glared at Totsuka:"Tuo Jun, can you just watch grandma die?""I can not!"Totsuka, who had already thought of a way, said calmly:"So I've already figured out a way to save grandma.""Really?"Tsunade was instantly pleasantly surprised!