
Si Stiles Stilinski

dag_innuendo · Fantasía
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2 Chs

The Character Creator Lobby

Welcome to The Game!

Unfortunately, this means your time on earth has ended.

But this is not the end of your story!

By donating to charity every chance available you have received enough good karma to be reincarnated with a system!

Do you accept 'The Game'?

[Y] [N]

If I had a body I'm sure my eyes would be bulging from my skull at the insanity before me. I imagined clicking [Y] and a ding sounded throughout the void.


To begin character creation, let's first decide your name!

[Input Custom Name] [Random Name]

[Special - Skips Character Creation]

I didn't feel confident in naming myself but thankfully I didn't have to. I had two other options that would do it for me albeit one going a bit beyond that.

The special option looks great considering I take forever choosing character cosmetics in games. It took me two hours to make my Skyrim character and I don't want to risk spending eternity in character creation.

Special option has been selected! This option skips character creation!

Loading Character

Welcome Mieczysław Stilinski!

Name: Mieczysław Stilinski

Alias: Stiles

Age: 9

​​​​​​Loading Stats

Level - 1

HP - 100/100

? - n/a

Strength - 2

Perception - 2

Endurance - 2

Charisma - 4

Intelligence - 5

Agility - 4

Luck - 2

Perk Points - 1

Money - $0.25

The Sheriff's son, diagnosed with ADHD, known to be mischievous and quick witted. His mother is recently deceased and his father is showing signs of becoming a workaholic.

Character Creation has ended!

Please wait to be transferred to Teen Wolf universe!


Teen Wolf? I thought I'd get to pick the universe or go somewhere like Harry Potter or Naruto... I suppose it could be worse. At least I watched the series and know a bit about it.

And Stiles? I wasn't expecting to become a cannon character.

Transfer Complete!


[Y] [N]

​​​​​​​Obviously, I picked yes.