
show your fetish

A calm daily college story of a protagonist who can see a fetish

Arnnok · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
10 Chs

<Episode 1> Prologue

There are more diverse fetishes in the world than we think.

for example.

[Podophilia (podophilia)]

- Syndrome that focuses on the feet and feels sexual desire .

[Morphophilia] - A syndrome in which sexual arousal is felt from differences in the size of specific body parts,

such as the difference in height between the hands and feet .

[Autagonistophilia] - A syndrome in which sexual arousal is felt when exposed to the public, such as on stage or being filmed on camera . [Olfactophilia]- A syndrome in which sexual arousal is felt by odors from the body, especially the genitals .


- Syndrome obsessed with and aroused by female breasts.

If there is a relatively common fetish, [Normophilia] - A tendency to feel sexual desire only for normal and general partners without having a specific fetishism or abnormal sexual desire .

Even the inclination not to prefer any fetish was classified as a fetish


- A syndrome in which sexual pleasure is obtained through the act of cutting one's body . [Erotophonophilia]- Syndrome that derives sexual pleasure from killing people . [Pecattiphilia] - When committing a crime such as rape or theft

Syndrome of obtaining sexual pleasure .

There were also fetishes that could not be understood with common sense . and i

"Lucy, open that woman's status window."

someone else's talent You can see the fetish .