
show your fetish

A calm daily college story of a protagonist who can see a fetish

Arnnok · Fantasy
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10 Chs

〈Episode 2〉Incorrectly endowed karma

Buddhism has the concept of karma , accumulating good karma returns to good fortune , and accumulating bad karma returns to punishment. it is said to come

Therefore, if you have accumulated good karma in your previous life, you will be happy in your present life , and you will be happy in your next life only if you have accumulated good karma in your present life .

In other words, if you always want to live a happy life, do not do bad things and live kindly.

' I must have lived quite badly in my previous life .'

Otherwise, this life could not have been possible. Have you ever heard the saying that

even if you fall backwards, your nose will break ? It is said that there is no luck like that, but my luck was like that. Somehow, I've been bizarrely unlucky ever since I was a kid . Of course, I have never succeeded in taking a picture even in an alternative situation, and I have never seen any benefit in a game where luck works like a draw .

At least when he was young, he was exceptionally unlucky, but it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that his luck had dried up in his mid -twenties .

The beginning of full-scale misfortune was acute hair loss that came at the young age of 24 . Thanks to that, I've been wearing wigs since my mid-twenties .

When he turned 30, Sojung, who had never used it before , fell ill with a terrible disease called erectile dysfunction. You know that feeling when you wake up in the morning and realize your tent is n't pitched ? He will never know unless he experiences it himself . Is it because I've had too much bad luck? Before I knew it , I had become such a big person that I could get over getting hit by bird poop with aegyo .

'ha. I feel like I'm going to die of loneliness .'

My real problem now was neither hair loss nor impotence. However, the terrible loneliness that comes from not being able to meet people tormented me.

In my experience , as Christmas approaches, I feel more lonely. I wasn't kidding, I wondered if I would end up living alone like this .

'Is your mother doing well?' It's been a very long time since I haven't seen

my family's face . Even though we kept in touch often, it had been almost 3 years since we had a face-to- face conversation . I want to visit my hometown right away and say hello. It made me want to see even my little sister who was born as a genetic enemy . However, when he wants to go home, his steps do not fall. It was because I was worried about what would happen if something happened to the house again . How hard it was when you were harassed by a debtor related to a guarantee the other day. ' It's not comfortable being alone.' Even if I was lonely, I 'd rather be alone. My bad luck affects not only me but also the people around me . Because of this, I was known as an unlucky bastard when I was involved in middle and high school, as well as college and work .

Even in the midst of that, there were a few people who approached me first to see if there was a lot of inbok , but in that case , I put a wall on my side and kept my distance. In order not to cause damage , who did you get involved with in the yard that came out to the house ? Even quitting the publishing house where I barely got a job and becoming a freelancer was all I had to say because it was to avoid harming others .

'This life is bad, so I hope to be happy in the next life .'

I didn't really believe in Buddha, but sometimes I thought about it .

Then he had a sudden thought .

' Isn't the next life already wrong?'

They say that in order to be happy in the next life , you have to accumulate good karma in this life , but I have never done anything particularly good. Rather, I was not unhappy alone and carried my misfortune, so in a way , wouldn't this also be like accumulating bad karma ?


This is a life where you can't be happy if you try to be happy.

Kiyiik- Kwaaang!

I wish that the present good karma would be big enough to cover the past bad karma .


"Oh no!"

A woman who predicts what will happen soon and cries out in pity.


On the other hand, the man next to me ran without hesitation with a low curse . The blown man was hit by a car while hugging his child .

Kiyik- Kwaaang!

Eerie sounds and screams echo from everywhere .


"What, what! what's the matter?"

"Someone was hit!"

"The little one is fine! But the one who covered the child ... Someone call 911 quickly!"

Someone secures an airway and performs CPR to save the man who has stopped breathing, while someone calls 911 with a trembling voice . The majority of people take pictures or watch the horrific scene with a sad yet interesting gaze.

A man was looking down on the whole situation . A man with mysterious white hair and blood-red eyes. There was even a tail reminiscent of a devil near his hips , so his appearance was no longer an ordinary person . In addition, the appearance of sitting in the empty air was very unrealistic. The man who had been watching the situation for a while scratched his eyes as if in trouble. "I just found it… You are one step too late."

There was a deep sadness in the man's eyes as he looked at the dead . then after a while . There was a certain determination in those eyes .

'Even if he was reincarnated, he is the person who was my older brother . I can't leave it like this .'

Having made up his mind , the man raised his hands high and lowered them into the air .


Surprisingly, following the man's hand gesture, the air split. Through the cracks , the palace was lined with red silk and decorated with

splendid decorations . The beings in the palace were staring at the empty space that suddenly split with astonished faces .

The man looked at the surprised faces with his hands behind his back and raised a corner of his mouth. Then the man moved his steps and shouted loudly. " Come here!"

It was the moment when an emergency took place in the underworld.

* A man who bravely threw himself to save a

child . Seo Joo- hwan woke up in a white space, neither a hospital nor the afterlife .

And now, several hours after waking up . Seo Joo- hwan was struggling

to come to his senses in a confusing situation . Right now , in front of his eyes, a white-haired handsome man was sitting smiling round and round , and next to him was a dignified old man who was groaning with his head on the ground .

What kind of situation is this now ?

This gray-haired man introduced himself as a demon from the 7th dimension and started a long story .

'Am I crazy?'

I thought so at first.

However, he could n't help but believe it when he showed miracles such as spewing fire from his hands or making lightning strikes in empty spaces . Moreover, the story itself was only beneficial to him , so he wanted to believe it even if it was a lie . After taking a deep breath for a while, Seo Ju-hwan carefully opened his mouth. "Dream Demon Rust-sama?" "Call me Russ . speak comfortably Even though it's a previous life, you were my older brother."

"… haha. I appreciate your words , but I am comfortable with respect ."

Seo Ju-hwan adhered to a polite attitude. No matter how much he was in his previous life, he was the older brother, but he is not now. To be honest, the story of my past life didn't even come close to me .

Rust also nodded nonchalantly, as if he had no intention of forcing it . "I can't help

it because it's comfortable . But know this. As I said before, you were a hero worthy of praise in your previous life ."

"… that I was a hero I still can't believe it ." "He wasn't

just a hero , he was also the leader of all surviving humans. He had strength and character, as well as leadership. Ah, anyway, the Earth was eventually destroyed by the void ."

"Is the Earth going to perish?"

This is a story I had n't heard . My head went blank at the news of the sudden destruction of the earth.

Rust chuckled and waved his hand as if the reaction was amusing . "haha. But don't worry because I, reincarnated, got rid of the void . Oh, by the way, the earth you live in is in a different dimension. Totally unrelated." "haha… … ."

Seo Joo-hwan smiled awkwardly . He had been like that since he first heard the explanation, but it was quite difficult to follow the flow of the story . Rust smiled and said, as if he had noticed Seo Joo -hwan 's appearance .

"Just know that. Isn't that what's important right now anyway?"


Every story that came out made my mind go blank, so I forgot the purpose for a moment .

Seo Joo-hwan brushed off his thoughts and asked again .

"Well, you mean you're going to revive me anyway ?"

"huh. By the way, the point of return was 5 years ago, and the misfortune that was wrongly attributed has already disappeared. Of course, it will keep the memory . This is the condition for compensation given by the underworld ."

Compensation means that a person who has infringed on the rights of another person pays for the damage. In other words , it was said that the underworld had a history of violating Seo Ju-hwan's rights and causing damage.

'That damn bad luck wasn't mine.' According to

Rust , he was originally a great hero in his previous life . Even so, it is said that it was because of the mistake of the underworld that he lived an unhappy life . And the leader of the Underworld who made that mistake is

Next to Rust, he took a Wonsan bombing stance. It was the grandfather who was trembling . Seo Joo-hwan's eyes, looking at

such a great King Yeomra , were cold . 'To think that such an unhappy life was only due to clerical mistakes... … .'

Just thinking about it makes my blood run backwards. His clenched fists trembled as if expressing anger.

It was then.


Suddenly, with a tremendous sound, King Yeomra's head fell to the ground. Even Seo Joo-hwan, who was quietly angry at how hard he was hit, was startled .

Rust, who got up from his seat, was stepping on the head of King Yeomra . King Yeomra wriggled like an insect and groaned. "Turn it off." "Anyway, these are funny bastards. Even though it 's a soul from another dimension, do you get confused about it and give it the wrong karma ? Will the souls from the destroyed dimension reincarnate because they feel unfair? Destroy this one time too? ok?" " I'm sorry!"

"Tell me honestly. Is the soul given the wrong karma really my brother ? I think there are several other souls as well? Let 's investigate once more . hmm."

When Rust said suspiciously, King Yeomra trembled as if he had been struck by lightning . He thought, breaking out in a cold sweat.

'The dream demon, who is famous for being a nerd in the dimension world, is interfering in internal affairs! Absolutely not !'

As far as he knew, this was the first time that his karma had been reversed . But how do you know what the lower ones are hiding ? In fact , I didn't even know about this incident until Rust recklessly invaded . It was the end of the day, in case anything else really did come to light. King Yeomra, who

became desperate, endured the pain and quickly opened his mouth.

"Rust-sama, I'm sorry! I will take responsibility for the full investigation, so please trust me!"

shit. Rust smiled as if he had waited for that one word. However, he spoke in a low voice without revealing a smile .

"Isn't an apology supposed to go to the wrong person ? Did you do anything wrong to me?" At those words, the quick-witted King Yeomra raised his head and looked up at Seo Ju-hwan . Suddenly , the foot that had been trampling on his head was gone. King Yeomra looked at Seo Ju-hwan and shouted desperately. "I'm really sorry, Seo Joo-hwan. We made a big mistake in the underworld . Please release your anger ."

"yes yes?"

"It must be hard to believe that I apologized only in words. With my authority, I will return the regression point for another 5 years. Let me go back 10 years in total . Possession or reincarnation is possible if desired . This is my best, so please... !"

King Yeomra put his head on the ground again until he heard a thud.

It was truly an amazing sight. The judge who

judges the good and evil of his life , and the king of the underworld with eighteen ministers and eighty thousand jade guards kneeling down and bowing his head to a mere human. If all the underworld messengers saw this scene, they would have doubted their eyes.

Seo Joo-hwan took a step back, startled by King Yeomra's desperate look, and Rust winked at him and opened his mouth.

[That guy can't hear it, so don't show it.]

A voice suddenly sounded like it was ringing in his head. Seo Joo-hwan quietly nodded his head as advised.

[ Even if it's a little annoying, it's good to accept it at this point . There's nothing more to be gained by struggling here , and I don't know how these guys will turn out if I push them to the edge . Nine times out of ten, when I'm gone, they'll do anything they can. Of course , if something happened to my brother , I would take revenge , but what would it mean if he was already dead ?]

Seo Joo-hwan nodded his head once more to agree . Before Rust came out, his fever had risen to the top of his head at the fact that he had lived an unhappy life due to the mistake of the underworld , but now it had calmed down .

And it was the yard where the existence of the king of the underworld showed sincerity to this extent . No, it was a situation that was beyond sincere and even humiliating, so as Rust said, there was no point in continuing the situation any longer .

In addition, the condition presented by King Yeomra was a reward sweet enough to dilute the painful past .

Seo Joo-hwan, who came to a conclusion inwardly, reached out his hand to King Yeomra . "Get up, my majesty." flinch. King Yeomra trembled when he saw Seo Joo-hwan's outstretched hand .

But he didn't seem to want to wake up right away . It seemed that it would happen only when the word of forgiveness came out of Seo Ju-hwan's mouth .

Seeing him , Seo Ju-hwan sighed and said, "To be honest, I don't think I can forgive you right away . It's been pretty tough for a while."

"Yeah, that's right. Since he was accused of a crime he didn't have, he probably won't be able to forgive him easily ... … ." King Yeomra's face was stained with a look of dismay. His heart burned, wondering if Rust was messing around again . I had just seen Rust rampaging in the underworld just a few hours ago. That devil-like appearance was truly worthy of the title of demon god . ' I can't see that again! ' Even if you are prepared for the punishment that will follow after this happens , even with the help of the emperor and the immortals... … . The time when King Yeomra tried to make some kind of decision. Seo Ju-hwan suddenly said with a soft smile.

" I have no intention of taking it further. The Great King has already decided to pay compensation , and in fact, the Great King is not the one who made the mistake? Let 's end this matter here ."

"… Are you really?"

"of course. However, I would appreciate it if you would only punish those who made direct mistakes against me ." "Yes, yes, of course! big. Thank you for your consideration. In addition to compensation , we will definitely find out the culprit and punish him!"

King Yeomra took Seo Ju-hwan's hand with a moved expression and raised himself. Rust snorted as if he didn't like the image of King Yeomra , but in fact , he was spending his days thinking that he was lucky in his heart .

[good job. No matter what, he is the king of the underworld . There's nothing good about losing. In fact, if I run amok in another dimension, I'll get annoyed.]

Thus, the great incident that overturned the underworld was settled.


"Hmm. Uh hmm."

King Yeomra corrected his behavior and refined his voice. He straightened his back as if trying to preserve his dignity, and spoke in a grave voice.

"Then we will proceed with the payment . Seo Joo-hwan-nim, you can choose between returning, possessing, or reincarnating."

" I will make a return."

Seo Ju-hwan made a decision without hesitation. It was a great reward for all three , but it was not easy to see my family again if I chose to be possessed or reincarnated.

"All right. So let's go back to December 22 , 2015, exactly 10 years ago . It will take about 10 seconds, so please prepare your mind." Wooung- At the same time

as he said to prepare, light began to emanate from Seo Joo-hwan's body .

' I'm going back now.'

Ten years ago, he would have been 22 years old. It was not a bad time as it was before the events that were

still very unfortunate . But I felt like I forgot something important . A passing memory at that time. '… wait for a sec. When did I get discharged?' The age at which most Korean men enlist in the military is 21 years old. Seo Joo-hwan enlisted around May 14, when he was 21 years old, and by December 15, he was still serving as an active duty soldier. Seo Ju-hwan hurriedly opened his mouth with a white face .

"Hey, wait a minute!"

But savagely, it flashed at the same time as the shout ! A halo of light completely enveloped him. The only thing that came out vaguely was Rust's laughing voice .

[ Enjoy this life , hyung. He secretly put a present in there , so make use of it !]

Rust's incomprehensible sound lasted, and his vision darkened.



<Complete enumeration>

"Yes Ino Ohm! Are you sure you don't know your sins ! Oh no, good! I'll recite all of your sins myself !"

The ruler of the underworld, King Yeomra's thunderous shouts shook Daejeon. In unprecedented anger , the angels of the underworld and the prison guards, as well as the eighteen ministers who were directly subordinate to King Yeomra, held their breath.

"Giving fruit to the soul is the main task and the most important event in the underworld, and for the soul, it is the fruit of good and evil accumulated over a lifetime. It is unacceptable to carelessly manage this !" But of course you neglected it. Even though he realized his mistake later, he was in a hurry to hide his mistake, let alone correct it . Even that wasn't enough, after a while , I heard that the spirit came from another dimension and said it wasn't a big mistake , and I ate it as a snack at a drinking party , so I can say that I have no regrets ." "Oh, how unfortunate, great king! In the first place , the spirit came from another dimension, so it was difficult to determine his sinful karma. And at a drinking party

You made a mistake in getting drunk , so take that into consideration… "

"Innoooum! noisy! You didn't reflect until the end and said you did it because you were drunk , making absurd remarks that don't sound like excuses! Even though I gave you a last chance, I can't see any sign of reflection, so there is no room for forgiveness! Hello!" Jail guards waiting for the call of King Yeomra

He ran fast and stood up. King Yeomra gave a command to the prison guards like an abstract.

"Throw this bastard into the eight heat hell! Since the soul who received the sinful karma due to this guy's mistake lived miserably for 32 years , this guy will have to suffer for 4 years in each hell, for a total of 32 years . Take me with you!"


"Fa, eight heat hell! Oh no! Great King! Great King! I was wrong, great king!"

The grim reaper howled desperately with a pale face. However, King Yeomra did not give him a glance and spoke in a stern voice to his servants gathered in Daejeon .

"From now on, we will conduct a full-scale investigation . Eighteen ministers and prison guards, follow me. From this time on, I will personally pluck out the rotten parts of the underworld from the root !" Saying so , King Yeomra's eyes burned hotter than super fever .

Starting from this day, the underworld of the 69th dimension was praised for being the most fair and fair among all dimensions , and later, this King Yeomra received the trust of the Jade Emperor and became one of the best of all people. get a seat