
The beginning of our lives(1)

While Jacob wasn't that smart, he wasn't a complete fool. He was suspicious. His current situation didn't much make sense.

Was everything just a illusion, a lucid dream with him having no control? Was the pain he felt before just a illusion? Some believe that you can wake up from a dream by feeling pain, but is it the truth and is could this be used in his current predicament?

All these questions and more were floating around Jacobs mind. But his present situation demanded his full attention. Even if this is all fake at least it is more stimulating then his average life. Jacob remembered a quote he once heard, being bored makes you creative. And again, how much application did this actually have? In life all we seek is stimulation. It's not like one will ascend to heaven if they achieve the peak of boredom, right?

A smooth voice rang out amid the silence, "Now I'm sure that you are definitely confused about two things. How and why? Well I can only tell you a bit, since even I haven't fully understood our predicament."

Zen continued with a serious expression, he shook his head and said "If I am recalling correctly, here is the gist - You are a 'normal' person who has been brought to the Hub through a dream. This place is just as its name implies, a hub. We are a group of people with one simple connection, arriving here at a point of our lives. It is quite abstract and is as much a quota as it is a connection. Everyone who arrives in the Hub will, at some point in their lives, achieve their peak." Zen stopped talking for a while, so as to allow Jacob some time to think.

Jacob was also listening attentively and actively attempted to make sense of the situation. 'A peak? I'm not sure that I can achieve anything, never mind a peak.' This was his mindset which he grew from his birth onwards, a total faliure to be blunt.

Zen seemed to know what he was thinking and shrugged, "The peak symbolizes a state in which we activate our full potential and be granted with a belief. This comes directly from the Hub and ourselves, of course. Yet, since we don't know the full story anything I say now will only be my assumptions. As you can see there are only four of us and before that we were only three. This has to do with the intrinsic quality of the Hub." once again Zen paused.

"We will periodically get assignments to complete. You will see later on, for now it is better to answer the previous questions. This place is not only real, it is even connected to other 'unreal' places. Other worlds as the Hub calls them." Jacob examined Zen, he wasn't sure but he felt that Zen was getting excited.

Zen waved his hand and slowed down, "Don't worry, you will find out soon enough. For now, it is better to get acquainted with your surroundings. We only receive assignments every other month and the previous one was two weeks ago."

He concluded with "You will return every night so don't worry about not having enough time. Also one last thing, in the Hub there are many types of assignments but only two ways of doing one. You either go solo or group up. You can choose either but I can say for myself that the solo ones definitely aren't any 'fun'." Jacob nodded to express his understanding and thanked him for the introduction.

Since that was the presumable end of the discussion he looked at Steamy. Steamy returned his glance and patted his shoulder.

"After a few moments it dawned on him. We still haven't given you a code-name. Boys, what do you think?"

While Jacob was a bit irritated at the physical contact combined with the whole confusing situation, he glanced at the two and seeing that they nodded he continued looking at Steamy.

The old dog Steamy also seemed to be disturbed by his gaze and figured that Jacob wanted the reason for giving him a code-name.

"My boy, saying your real name isn't the best idea. These two once told me a story, that was the time when I just arrived and got to know them a bit."

With a look of reminiscence on his face he continued.

"They said that they once tried to hunt the other down but upon meeting in real life they realized that it was meaningless. They couldn't do anything to each other without breaking away from the Hub, which was also meaningless. You should thank the Hub since it prevent us from harming one another, period. Well that's not the only reason but you should get the gist."

Jacob still looked uncomfortable but still nodded. He felt them all gazing at him but only shrugged since he didn't know any good code-name.

Steamy sighed while Marine gave a suggestion, "Why don't we wait until he gets his own power and give him a full name then. For now, lets just call this brat Variable, we haven't had a new member joining us for the longest time and this is sure to get fun."

Zen and Steamy both nodded, while Jacob looked awkward.

"Well since we are done with the introductions I will bring the boy with me and explain how to 'play the game'."

'Play the game? Well, since its called a game it better be fun.'

Steamy bid the other two goodbye and led Jacob towards the central tower, he also finally let go of Jacob's shoulder.

He looked at Jacob and said with a teasing look, "I hope that that was fun since it will only get better from here!"

Jacob looked back at him annoyed and said "Not only have you seemingly dragged me into a weird dream. You also want me to do things now? Don't forget, I only have the position of worker. Not even close to a assistant. My contract only..."

He rambled on. In his mind he only though how he could avert troublesome work. 'Old man, don't make me sue you! It's not like I enjoy working for you...'

Steamy waved his hand and cut him off, "Well about that, I will just fire you then. It's not like you can prove or pay for it anyway so you can't sue me for overworking you. Not that it would affect me."

While Jacob really didn't want to, he could only lift his head and stare into the sky. He let out a sigh and reluctently agreed "Well, guess this is my life then." He truly wasn't happy, but he supposed he shouldn't say no to it. He still needed money to live and starving wasn't in his current plan.

Of course if this turned out ot be too trublesome, he would just let go and try to do something else. Well if he could, from what Zen said they would receive a mandatory mission every other month.

While he followed Steamy he got to thinking about the current state of events and summed it up in one sentance - 'Seems troublesome, but also kind of exiting!'