
The start of whatever(2)

Jacob laid peacefully on his bed. Thankfully the streets of Leibin weren't too loud, even if there were some troublemakers. This, in no small part, was thanks to Jacob living in the outskirts of the city. Jacob, while he didn't like his family, was still thankful of his father since the old man paid for this apartment. Thinking about it, it was kind of odd since the apartment was close to Steamy's workshop. Jacob even though it had all been pre planned by his father.

'Never mind, Steamy and his close-to scalding steam really tire me out. It's better for me to get some shuteye.' Jacob thus went to sweet sleep.

Usually Jacob doesn't dream or at least doesn't remembers dreaming, but this time he even seemed to be lucid. He looked around and saw white towers and pure white roads leading towards one central tower; towering above all else in the distance.

'What pure white, every tower, every road seems to be white and even the sky is like blank paper. It seems confusing but I can still see everything clearly. It must be connected to the fact that this is a dream.'

Jacob looked towards it and saw a figure approaching him. He was alert since he couldn't even gain a full grasp on the surroundings. To his surprise the figure approaching seemed familiar. And as it closed in on him, he could see who it was.

It was Steamy with his usual work outfit on. As Jacob saw those blue trousers of his and the annoying orange shirt with another blue jacket on top he couldn't help but cry out.

"Steamy, why are you here? Where am I? What's going on?"

"Hey little guy, been a hard day, huh. Well its about to get way harder. Anyhow, welcome to the dream!"

When Steamy got close to him, he started monologist while ignoring his questions.

"Little guy, this, before you, is the Hub. Well, this area of the Hub is called White Forest and is the residential district of the Hub. At least thats what we call it. Let's go for now, you will be getting acquainted with it later anyway."

He pulled on Jacobs arm and for the briefest of moments did Jacob feel pain.

"This... word, it's real? How?"

"Hmph. That has to be the case since you felt pain, right? Now come on, you have to meet the team. The leader will explain everything to you, he's experianced in talking to dipshits." Steamy smirked and gave him a knowing look. He motioned Jacob to follow him. Jacob was perplexed for a good while and chose to go along with Steamy. After working with the old bugger he couldn't help but trust and revere the hardworking Steamy. Even if the man loved cursing at everything around him, if anything Jacob actually thought it made him less eccentric.

They soon after they arrived at the center of the so called White Forest, at what seemed like a central square. The square had a fountain in the middle of it, and on it sat two men. One had a huge physique and was clothed casually with something sticking out of his back. The other one was even odder dressed than either, he seemed like a knight - equipped in pure white armor with green emeralds engraved upon it, the only lacking item was a fitting helmet and some weaponry.

'Is this a cosplay collection of wierdos, or am I actually in a dream?'

"Welcome little one, it is great to have another member in the Sausage Squad!" the knight greeted him with a bright smile and spread arms. He truly did look eager to meet him, the complete opposite of his companion.

The person, or what seemed more like a ogre, didn't even look at him and seemed to be contemplating something. Jacob was sure that if this place had a more lively environment then the ogre would look like either a hunter or a bigger, thicker and more alive version of 'The Thinker'.

Steamy looked at him and told him "These are our tank and leader, Marine and Zen respectively. You might be intimidated but I'm sure they'll grow on you. Especially since they have their own dorkiness."

'I can already see how fuck up they are chief.'

Jacob while stunned still played along and couldn't help, but he scratched his head in embarrassment, "Well If anything, I'll at least enjoy my time in the legendary 'Sasuage squad', even if the whole situation is crooked. I just hope you guys won't make the situation too dysfunctional."

From the moment Jacob had seen the two he had already been thinking of a way to introduce himself, only to get sent off course by the name. He really couldn't help himself go full monky mode and spurt out something he thought would break the ice.

Steamy and Zen just gingerly laughed in full contrast to the death glare the ogre called Marine was giving him. For a second it even seemed as if he was locked down by a primordial beast. Thankfully for Jacob the feeling dissipated immediately after Marine started chuckling.

He heard a loud booming voice, "That was the intention behind it anyway. Don't you like it?"

Finally, it seemed as if the surrounding atmosphere relaxed. A casual yet tight feeling appeared in Jacob even to the degree of him cracking a joke, "Well, it seems as if we are all on the same page in terms of our social lives then!"

Spouting bullshit when feeling pressured had always been his go to plan.