
Shifter Sans

Undertale fanfiction that I wanted to try to do for fun, this is my first time writing anything so don't be too harsh. It's the usual route, MC meets god, gets 3 wishes and goes on his adventure, BUT he doesn't remember anything other than fictions (Games, Animes, etc.). WebOfSpidey, if you wish for me to take off the cover tell me so.

BreathOfSin · Derivados de juegos
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16 Chs

Underfell and Start of Underverse arc

"Shifter, it's an emergency, I need your help!"

Shifter yawned and answered

"What happened?"

"My... Old acquaintance of mine is destroying AUs, he's in underfell at the moment, follow me!" Ink jumped back into his portal

Shifter looked at the portal for a few seconds and then jumped in... He didn't know the coordinates of underfell and previously he only got into Underswap because he got coordinates of underswap from doodle sphere

On the other side of the portal was a forest covered in snow, near him there were Ink and Classic

"Heya classic"

Classic finally noticed Shifter and recognized him after a few seconds

"You're shifter right? Nice to know that you're here" Classic knew that Shifter was strong after all he got rid of Player from his AU

Shifter just smiled at classic and then turned around towards Ink

"What's the plan Cap" Shifter turned into Pirate Sans

Image here^

Ink looked at him for a few seconds and then said

"...I don't have a plan?" Ink scratched his head awkwardly while both Classic and Shifter looked at him as if he was dumb

"*Sigh* Alright, I'll go check out the situation, although, could you describe your "Old acquaintance"?" Shifter asked

"A-ah, sure! He's in all black and white and he has a big knife" Right after Ink said that Shifter teleported to mountain near snowdin

From there he saw how cross, slowly dragged his "Knife" along the snow leaving a red mark

Every monster around him was hiding, too scared to stop him... Suddenly a new figure appeared infront of him, he had a similar outfit to Classic but edgier and more red, he had one golden tooth and a red glowing eye

Image here^

Cross stopped and looked at the newcomer

"Huh, you're in my way, Get outta here" It sounded out like a threat

Red (fell) was blatantly ignoring his threat like words and was scratching his teeth

"Wow, what do we have here? Hey fluffy a**hole, nice knife." Red was obviously mocking him

Both Xtale Chara and Cross looked at him dumbfounded

"...What did you call me?"

"Ha, Whatev, Waddya want?"

"You made a pretty big mess out of snowdin..." Red suddenly started laughing his ass off

"All of you are cowards, Hiding like idiots! Haha, look at yourselves! Everybody sucks!" Red had a smug grin the whole time

'Interesting guy living in this pacifist timeline' thought Chara

"...Disgusting" Saying that Cross threw his Sword tearing Sans'es Jacket

Red Glared at cross, after that cross started his monologue how he owns this AU now, not like Red cared and finally he said his famous line

"WE CAN HAVE A GREAT TIME" His red eye had red flames coming out of it

Cross jumped ahead swinging his sword but it was blocked by bones

"Not so fast bud" Shifter sitting on one of the trees still in his pirate sans form

"...Who the hell are you?" Cross asked, while both Cross and Red were looking at his clothes, Red holding back his laughter

"Shifter, what about you?"

Cross didn't answer that and instead jumped forward towards Shifter as he deduced that he's far stronger than red based on his reaction speed

Shifter saw this coming and that's why he teleported away on Grillby's bar's roof

"You're not so nice are you? In that case, it's time for you to have a BAD TIME"

Sorry, had a lazy week

BreathOfSincreators' thoughts