
Shifter Sans

Undertale fanfiction that I wanted to try to do for fun, this is my first time writing anything so don't be too harsh. It's the usual route, MC meets god, gets 3 wishes and goes on his adventure, BUT he doesn't remember anything other than fictions (Games, Animes, etc.). WebOfSpidey, if you wish for me to take off the cover tell me so.

BreathOfSin · Video Games
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16 Chs

Sparring and Surface once again

"Sure, why not?" After shifter said Alphys started attacking right away

"You weren't expecting for me to wait for you right?!" Alphys started by using Lightning bolts

Lightning bolts were coming from almost all sides only leaving opening in the front where alphys stood with axe over her shoulder but how could she know that he can teleport?

Shifter teleported out of Alphys's attack zone and started firing bones, he didn't want to use his full power, after all he was not as weak as normal sanses

Alphys was surprised as she didn't remember any monster being able to teleport but she still easily blocked the bones

"Is that all you got?!" Saying that Alphys jumped forward swinging her axe trying to split Shifter in half, she wasn't holding back

Shifter easily dodged to the side and used blue magic, Alphys was like a ball bouncing off the walls, although on fifth time she plunged her axe in the wall and thus Shifter couldn't move her with blue magic

"That's some nice trick! but you won't beat me with that!" Alphys was about to dash towards Shifter again but!

Shifter's eye glowed blue

"Are you sure you want to keep going? I won't be holding back any longer"

Alphys felt a shiver down her spine but smiled nonetheless

"That's what I want! Don't hold back! You won't be able to defeat me otherwise!" Finally Alphys dashed once again towards Shifter but he was nowhere to be seen


Alphys looked up and was shocked to see a Gaster blaster, it shot energy blasted right beside Alphys, inches away from dealing damage which definitely wouldn't be small

They stopped fighting, Blue was looking at Shifter was a surprise but quickly went over it after all, he and his brother both had Gaster blasters too, he thought that all skeletons had those

"...What the hell was that?" Alphys asked

"Gaster blaster" Shifter smirked

Alphys quickly turned around, facing Blue

"Do you also have those?" Alphys asked once again

"Yes, I, magnificent sans of course do have those! Although alittle different looking" Blue was proud of himself

"DOES THAT MEAN YOU WERE HOLDING BACK AGAINST ME THE WHOLE TIME?!" Alphys was enraged, she thought she was being looked down on

"M-mweh? What's wrong alphys, you're not mad are you?" Blue asked worried

"Me?! Mad?! Of course I'm mad! you were holding back on me! ON ME! The captain of the royal guard!"

"B-but it was a sparring! I wouldn't want to hurt you.." Blue said with his head down

Seeing that Alphys realised her mistake

"Sorry blue, I shouldn't have screamed at you... BUT! From now on use those things in our sparring, okay?!"

"Yes!" Blue saluted Alphys

"Good, now you" Alphys turned towards Shifter

"Where the hell did you even come from? I never saw you and such a strong monster would be known in the underground" Alphys asked suspiciously

Then out of nowhere another voice sounded out, although it was a little dry

"H-he's from AU, I'm sure of it!" It was the Royal scientist Undyne

"Bingo" Shifter didn't lie, why would he?

"T-that means my theory is correct! AUs exist!" Undyne was happy over the top

"What's an AU?" Alphys asked Undyne

"AU is an alternate universe, there might be small or big differences between our two worlds, I-it was just a theory but now that I know that AUs exist, I'll try my best to find a way to make portal to the AU

"Alright, I'll take my leave then" Shifter said that and teleported away

All of them, Undyne, Alphys and Blue stood there for a while and then everyone went in their way

Hours went by, Shifter was watching yet another human going through the Underground, he was not helping them this time around... Not like they needed it anyway, they dodged everything easily

Finally it was the final fight, Temmie somehow transformed into Asriel, Chara and Asriel fought, Asriel cried alot, broke the barrier and released the monsters THE END... Just joking

After they went to surface an ink portal suddenly opened near Shifter

"Shifter, it's an emergency, I need your help!"

Sorry, had a lazy week

BreathOfSincreators' thoughts