
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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55 Chs

Chapter 36): Truth or Dare (1)

Chapter 36): Truth Or Dare (1)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}


*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Carl groaned as he rolled over, at the moment he was in the warm comfort of his bed, and he had no plans to answer whoever was pounding at his door trying to get him out of his bed. With his space heater on the basement was the perfect temperature, he didn't want to even fathom putting his feet on the floor and getting them ice cold like he expected, carpet only did so much.

"Carl!" He faintly heard being yelled behind the door, but he still didn't move, "Carl! Wake up! I know you can hear me, and you have three people here who want to speak to you."

Groaning he turned to yell at the door, "Tell them to go away!"

Everything went quiet until seconds later his phone started ringing, looking at the caller ID he saw that it was Kassidi, sighing he knew she was one of the people here for him, "Yes?" He answered the phone as if he didn't know.

"Carl, Jordan and I along with your other friend are here to see you. Will you please open the door?" She asked politely but he could hear some heat as Sophia was mentioned.

Carl sighed, he was hoping for one day where no one bothered him, looking at the time on the phone it was just past eight a.m and it was a Saturday, why couldn't they let him sleep? "But Kassidi, I want to sleep. It isn't even ten yet." He complained.


"CARL OPEN THIS DOOR NOW!!" Kassidi shouted over the phone and through the door making sure that he would be awake for sure.

"I can never do anything I want!" Carl complained as he wrapped himself up in his cover and got out of bed, putting on his krocks he walked up the stairs.

As he unlocked the door he threw a glare at Kassidi, Jordan and Sophia, Sophia was staring wide eyed at Kassidi along with his family who couldn't believe the girl had just acted that way. Carl ignored them all as he grumbled making his way back to his warm safe bed, the sound of hurried feet let him know that he was being followed.

He was glad that his room was finished being furnished, the little money he was able to save up was able to help, there was now a TV along with a couch and a game system in his room. There were also some different sized weights sitting in the corner, from 15 to 55pounds, it was his home work out equipment.

Carl flopped back on his bed while closing his eyes, it was long until he heard the sound of shoes hitting the ground before someone was jumping on his back, he didn't need to look to know who it was. "Nice room." Jordan said as he took a seat on the couch.

"Thanks." Carl mumbled his voice low with the extra weight on his back.

"Umm so Carl, are you going to introduce all of us?" Sophia asked him.

For what felt like the five hundred time that day he groaned, "Ugh, you guys didn't do that already, aren't you all here at the same time?"

"Carl, just do it!" Kassidi said into his ear as she laid her body on his, she shot Sophia a look as she did so.

"Fine. Sophia, that is Jordan Winston and the annoying girl on my back is Kassidi Thompson. Jordan, Kassidi, that is my best girl friend Sophia Vegas."

Kassidi growled slightly her ears hearing 'girlfriend' instead of 'girl space friend's as Carl introduced them all.

"This is actually a good thing you all met today. Sophia, Kassidi doesn't have any other friends, and Kassidi neither does Sophia besides me. Maybe you two can be friends and have sleepovers or whatever." Carl said thinking of Kassidi's problem.

Sophia went wide eyed while Kassidi hid her face in his back, both girls were slightly embarrassed that they didn't have any other friends besides the same boy, but also held a little hope in their hearts. Carl knew this too, because as much as Kassidi showed she wanted to keep him from herself, she was a little girl who did long for a female companion, so she would jump at the chance to have a friend like Sophia.

"So.....what are you all doing here?" Carl asked as he turned slightly to see them all, as he did so his cheek was pressed against the chubby cheeks of Kassidi.

"Well I am here so we can get the skit idea down, we didn't hammer out all the details the last time we talked." Sophia said as she took out some snacks from his hidden compartment he had on the shelf, Jordan following her lead.

"And Kassidi woke me up at the crack of dawn to come over here. Since she didn't know where you lived I had to bring her, figured I would stay and hang out as well." Jordan said as he popped a goldfish into his mouth.

"And of course, I just wanted to see you Carl! It has been a week since I have after all." Kassidi said giggling as she rubbed her cheek against his own.

Carl hummed as he listened to them and decided he didn't feel like talking about the skit today, not for any reason but that they had been putting a lot into it and he just wanted a day off, he was becoming burnt out. He didn't want to get tired of it before he even got really into it, he didn't expect it to take this much work, that plus school and thinking of other ways to make money was a lot.

"Oh well Sophia, today we are taking the day off. For the past three days we have been writing a script and getting everything ready, let's just film it all this weekend and spend this time relaxing." Carl offered.

"Fine. I mainly wanted to get out of my house anyway, Hailey is teething and it is loud there." Sophia agreed while complaining about her sister.

"Your mom just had a baby?" Kassidi asked jumping on the topic.

"Well not just had but yes." 

"Oh my mom is pregnant right now. I am not looking forward to a new sibling, don't get me wrong I am happy, just don't want to deal with the crying of a baby." Kassidi said while wrinkling her nose making Sophia laugh.

"Umm, can you get off me now?" Carl asked not that he minded her being on him but now that he was awake more he noticed how hot he was.

"Aww, but I'm so comfortable!" She said wrapping her arms around him trying to hold him tighter.

"Kass." He said sternly making her grumble as she slid off him but didn't move very far away.

Jordan and Sophia were laughing from their spots at the couch.

"So what are we going to do then?" Jordan asked as Carl got up and moved to the bean bag chair across from the couch flopping into it, Kassidi sitting next to him not even seconds later.

"Umm, who wants to play truth or dare?" Carl asked shrugging while looking at them, he really didn't know.

"Oh that's a great idea, we can even film it. I brought the camera and everything! You two don't mind going on our YouTube* channel right?" Sophia asked as she looked excited.

"That's fine by me." Jordan said shrugging as he opened a pack of chips to eat, already on his fifth bag.

"As long as I am in the same frame as Carl then I don't care." Kassidi said as she wove her fingers through his own.

Sophia seeing this rolled her eyes but she didn't say anything as Carl just noticed the bag she was carrying, she began to take out the camera along with mics that would be attached to each of them. Carl rose up making Kassidi pout as he dropped her hand, he quickly took out the 'Filming' sign he made and ran upstairs attaching it to his door on the outside.

Fiona was the only person in the kitchen as she was cleaning she looked up as she heard him, "Oh, are they all going to be in the video?" She asked him as he put the sign up.

"Yeah last minute thing."

"Alright, well I will try and keep it quiet up here. Shouldn't be to hard as everyone is out and Liam is taking a nap."

Carl nodded before he went back downstairs closing the door as he did so, walking down the stairs Sophia already had everything set up, they were just waiting on him at this point. He wasted not time going back to his seat and setting he mic up on himself, giving Sophia a thumbs up she hit record and walked back to her own seat.

"Hello everyone! And welcome to the first video for Sophia's and Carl's Life channel, plus other things. I'm Sophia and over there on the beanbag chair is Carl." Sophia said with a bright smile.

Carl waved, turns out this this will be their first video.

"So today we are going to do a truth or dare video with our two friends here Jordan and Kassidi. Now as you can see we are kids so we won't be doing anything to extreme or asking anything over the line, but we are going make sure it is fun. To make this fair I am going to use this app on my phone to decide who goes first, from there well you the rules the person asked goes!

"Let's start!" She said while pressing the button on her phone as a circle spun each of their names passing the line that pointed at it.


Youtube- To not deal with to many copy right things or so that my book isn't taken

the wrong way in any way after this chapter this will now be called V-View (Something random I just made up)