
Paranoid. Eyes Awekening!

After standing there for a while in an awkward silence, Jak turned to the small maid and said.

"You there, Maria right?" Jak asked.

"Yes young Master." she said in a robotic manner.

"Are there any libraries here?"

"Yes the Castel has a big librarie on the west side."

"Good, go there and find me a book about the world." said Jak.

Maria without even thinking much, like it wasn't strange at all for the young master to ask for this bowed and said "yes young Master" in the same robotic manner.

After she went Jak was alone in the room, today he felt better so he got up from the bed and walked to the window, what he saw amazed him. There was a big bustling city in the distence with even bigger fields of green, the sun was shining but it was a strange purpel sun in the sky, it was extremely strange but it didn't seem to make the people uncomfortable, there were people wearing armors training in a big field in the distance, it was like he was in one of those movies about Knights and Magic.

After a while Jak opened a closed to see what was inside, and was exited, there was a big mirror, he looked and was amazed.

There was a boy about 160cm tall, slime body, black heir and black eyes that they seemed to contain a starry sky. After staring for a long time Jak smiled bitterly and said.

"So now I am a 14 or 15 years old brat who..." but beafor he could finish the door swung open and a beautiful woman rushed in.

"Gabriel why are you up, go to bed, Master Arnold said that you are going to need to rest a few more day beafor you are ok." Said the women in a concerned tone.

Jak looked at the women up and down, she was an extremely beautiful woman, about 170cm or 180cm tal, in her earliest 30 with blond hair and blue eyes, oval face and cherry lips, if she was on earth she would be considered a beauty that could devasted cities with a smile.

"And you are...?" Jak asked

The women started crying "My poor son Gabriel, you don't even recognize your own mother, the maid said that you were acting weird like you lost your memory but I didn't belive, oh my poor son" while she was crying and talking she came close to Gabriel and hugged him tight.

At first Jak was starled but after a while his arms moved unconsciously around the women and he was hugging her too "why does this feel like the right think to do" Jak said to himself.

At this moment the was a knock on the door "Young master I brought a soop for you, it was master Arnold recipe"

"Come in" said Jak.

The maid was pushing a little card with the food. Whe she saw the women she bowed and said.

"Madame Annabeth, you are also here I will go get another bowl for you."

Annabeth smiled and said "There is no need, I have to go see Master Arnold anyway, you look after Gabriel if he needs anything, do it." After that she turned to Jak and said "Eat and rest well Gabriel, mother is going to se if Master Arnold has any method to help you get your memory back" after saying this she left.

"Leave the food, you can go" said Jak.

The maid was starled but she still bowed and left the room.

"God dammit this is all real, what Standford Castel!? What young master!? And now I am this young master Gabriel who was poisoned and beaten to dead!?Fu*k, Fu*k,Fu*k!!! Who poisoned him, who tried to kill him, can I even eat this, FU*K!!!" Suddenly there was someone knocking on the door." Young master Gabriel I brought the book you requested "

"Come in" said Jak

Maria came in and bowed before handing over the book, as she was prepering to leave, she heard Jak voice.

"Wait a minute" he said "do you have anything to eat on you?"

She thought it was strange for him to ask for something to eat, especially with a cart full of food in the room, but she still took a small bag from the side of her waist and handed it to him.

"This is all I have with me young master, this is some tosted bread, it was toasted by me to last longer." she said in the same robotic manner.

"Good" said Jak as he took away the bread and said "Thanks, oh and take this soup and throw it away without anyone seing you." She bowed and took the cart with her.

After eating the bread Jak took a look at the book and started cursing "How the FU*K iam supposed to read this, I don't even know how I can fuck*ng speak the same language. Screw it I will give it a try, I don't have anything better to do anyway"

It was a small brown book it had strange letters on its cover after looking at it for a while Jak felt something strange in his head. Suddenly his eyes started to turn purple in coler and the strange simbols started to meke sense "A brief history of Griffin Empire"

"What the hell I can actually read it" said Jak to himself. After that he started flipping trough the pages, the purple light coming from his eyes seemed to become strong and he finished 100 pages in less that 15 minutes. The information from the book seemed to have magicly transferred to his brain, it was a strange feeling like the book was uploaded in his brain.

"This can't be." Jak was stunned, not so much by this strange ability but the content of the book.

"There is actuly magic in this in this world, and mythological beast. The Griffin Epire was founded about 5 000 years ago, by a brilliant magician who founded a elite saqude with magic knights mounted on Griffins, he unified this land and named it after his elite squad. The Empire has 5 provinces and every provinces has 3 or 5 cities in its domain. The Empire its always at war with the neighbor Empire, also know as the Holy Epire, because of its religious influence over the Empire. There is more information about the cities and provinces but I can frogged about that now. "

After staying in silence for a while.

"No matter what this is a dangerous world I have to raise my power, I don't even know who tried to kill the previos owner of this body, and if they will try it again"

And with these thoughts in minde Jak went to sleep.