

This is the tale of a young child who was fostered by a magical creature while growing up unaware of his true identity. It is the boy's adventure to discover who he was and where he came from.

BLACK_HORNS · Fantasía
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16 Chs

Chapter 2 (Breaking the Chains)

After leaving the cave lice brings the baby boy into her den.

"Hello, babies, Mama's home".When she said that two little Cubs came out of the Den.

"Mama, mama ".Two little cubs started to run around Lice.

"Calm down you gonna hurt yourself don't run around."

"Oh and look I bring you a new little brother ".

"Buwadar!?" two little cubs tilted their heads.

"Yes, so take good care of your brother okay?".

"Okay, okay ".once again the little cubs started to run around joyfully.

"And let me introduce you too".Lice put down the baby boy on the ground from her back

"These two are my son and daughter well actually I had 4 children but..... Not too long ago, those damn humans .....killed my babies in front of my eyes."While saying that a tear fell from the lice' eyes corner.

"Mama, don't cry". Two little cubs look at their mother with tearful eyes.

"Huh!? Oh yeah let's not talk about that...so little guy they are your brother and sister from now on ... I hope you guys get along nicely."

After that Lice bring her kids into the den.


"Oh, little guy why are you crying?? Are you hungry?"

"Well I don't know how to take care of a human child but if you are hungry I can feed you my milk".

And then Lice put the baby boy on her belly and feed him her milk.

"Come you two I know you guys are also hungry..." lice called her two cubs.


"I think I make a good decision giving the little guy in Lice care".Sword TRYFING was watching Lice and the little boy from the shadow and muttered.

"Go to the lice den and protect them from any harm".TRYFING ordered the silhouette figures.

After receiving their order all silhouette figures disappeared.


(2 years later)

When the black panther lice went on hunting. The baby and lice's son and daughter were alone in the den.

At that time a group of hyenas entered the den...When they saw the baby and cubs are alone without a second thought they jump at them.....but the two silhouette figures appeared out of nowhere and engaged with the hyenas ....while the silhouette figures tried to protect them and fought with the hyenas ... there are still lots of hyenas ....and the silhouette finger can't fight them at once so...when they see their chance few hyenas jump at the human baby.


* Thud*


"This bunch of dogs trying to hurt our little brother."

"I'm gonna eat you alive dogs"


"Don't worry brother we gonna save you from this dog".


Even though the cubs said that....they can't do anything because those hyenas outnumbered them...so the two cubs didn't last long

*Thud* the two cubs were tossed into the wall.

"Don't you dare touch our brother"?Ignoring the cub's warning ...hyenas attacked the baby and bite his neck "

*Wah*wah* the baby cried out loud.

"No Brother"

"Ma..ma, ....ma..ma it hurts...MAMAAAA". At that time the baby wasn't able to speak properly because of the pain and that was the day the baby obtained his first ability.

"How dare you hurt my son you fucker".

Out of nowhere, the black panther Lice appeared...and tackled the hyena that was biting the baby...

"You damn dogs".

After the black panther lice arrived she killed every single one of the hyenas.

"Are you alright my baby?"After seeing Lice Fort of him the baby stopped crying and the baby hugged her dearly.

After seeing the wound on the baby's neck black panther lice panicked...and went straight to the forest leaving them alone again...but after a brief minute, she came back with a glowing plant ....and put that plant on the babies neck...surprisingly plant healed the babies wound very fast...After that, she feeds her milk to the baby."

"Did he was the one who created that portal?" lice looked at the baby with a confused look.

"Hmm, my baby, you're full of surprises huh!"


(8 years later)

"Now let's go, brother and sister".A young boy with black hair and deep blue eyes..wearing a robe of shadow yelled in the middle of the jungle.


A two-black panther hisses. And started to run.

"Just you wait I'm gonna break all those damn chains today." the boy who's sitting on the black panther's back mumbles.

After a short minute, the boy and the black Panthers arrived at the cave.

When the boy and the black panther entered the cave they saw a long pitch-black sword at the end of the cave...and around the sword, there were lots of silhouette figures standing.

"What up guys I hope you guys are doing well".The boy asks and in return silhouette figures nodded their head.

"Oh, you look full of energy today".TRYFING ask.

"Yeah, I gonna make you mine today TRYFING".

"Don't be full of yourself, JEN as you know you have to defeat my shadow first."

"Yeah...yeah, I know so...without wasting time let's resume our match.".The boy named JEN jump off from the black panther's back and dashed towards the silhouette figures.

Jen, I never thought you will get this strong. You are just 10 years old...but you have already achieved this strength in just a few years. I don't know whwhoour family is ....but I know this.... that your family is not a simple people...i.think your family has a great bloodline.

I told him that if he breaks my chains and releases me from these damn chains...I will serve him for a lifetime....and I didn't hide the fact that in return he has to do something, for me shortly



*Thud* Silhouette figure tosses around all over the cave.

I "JEN NIGHTWALKER" will get out of this forest... and I will find who I am and where I came from...I only want to know who my real parent was and what kind of people they were...Well, that doesn't mean I don't have any attachment to this forest...how can I don't have any attachment to it ... I spent ten years, of my life here... I spent a very nice life in this forest with my Mama Lice my brother, my ister, and TRYFING and his shadow soldiers. I had a good life here...but still, I want to go out of this forest and see how the World looks with my two eyes.

"Oh my, you already dealt with my shadow soldiers...huh!! Now pick up that wooden sword and try to break these chains ....you already broke two chains before...now only ten left if you can break them...then your and my dream will come true."

"So this is it, huh!?.. only in one swing my dream will come true.

Without wasting time I gather up all my mana into a wooden sword...And all the silhouettes figure that around the cave went inside the wooden sword... After all the years of practice, I can control the shadows now.....Tryfing was the one who. taught me how to control shadows...and surprisingly, he was a good teacher... Because of him, I learn it quite fast.

When the all shadows went inside the wooden sword...I swung it at Tryfing.


A loud outburst echoed inside the cave. And when the dust that was created by the outburst settled down. I opened my eyes.

"He...he..hAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ". I laughed out loud when I see the scene in front of me.

"Finally, my dream will come true...did you see that brother and sister I did it...after all these years I finally did"

"Huh!? What happened to. you two..are you guys not happy that I accomplished this after all this year."

"No brother we are happy that you finally, achieved what you want ...but".


"She trying to say.....now you break those chains you ...gonna leave this forest and us...so that's why she is sad brother."

"Huh!? That is the reason you are sad sister and who told you guys that I'm leaving you two....you guys are coming with me on my journey and not only you everyone from the forest is coming with me."


"What do you mean by that brother?"

"Did you forget what happened to us when we were kids?"

"Do you mean that incident?".

They are talking about the hyenas incident.


"How can I forget that incident brother...if we were stronger then you won't get hurt like that."

"That is not your fault sister so don't blame yourself".

"And anyway let's talk about that later first let me make that TRYFING sword mine."

"Hmm, your little guy doesn't treat me like some kind of ordinary sword...but I'm still grateful that you released me from those chains "

"So...without wasting time let us sign the contract. as I promise."

"Okay, so what I needed do to sign a contract?"

"You don't have to do something grand...you just have to make me bathe with your blood.I mean just cut your fingertip and let the blood flow on my body."

"Ohh okay, that seems easy to do".after say that I followed what Tryfing said.

When I let my blood flow through the sword a dark shadow covered up the whole cave and a small magic circle covered all around the TRYFING sword body. After everything settled down Tryfingspeaks again.

"Now the contract is done....from today onwards I Tryfing will follow every master command...and In return master has to do only one thing for me in the future."

When the Tryfing said those words all the silhouette figures kneeled and bowed towards Jen.