

This is the tale of a young child who was fostered by a magical creature while growing up unaware of his true identity. It is the boy's adventure to discover who he was and where he came from.

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chapter 3( First Journey)

When I and TRYFING successfully form a contract. We went straight to Mama Lice.

"Hmm, so you finally, Broke those chains huh?."Mama lice who was sitting in her den asked me.

"Yes, Mama".and in return I replied smilingly.

"After all these years you are finally free now TRYFING how are you feeling being released by those chains?"

"Huh!? Oh, it feels quite good, although I'm not at my full potential right now but I will recover shortly...so it's quite good."TRYFING who was in my hand grip answered.

"Then good for you."

"So Jen are you sure about what you wish for?".

"yeah, Mama and it's not like I can't meet you guys...Whenever I missed you I will come to visit you from time to time..."

"Hmm yeah, that's right you can use your ability to come here."

"Hehe...yeah so don't worry ".

"It's Not like I can stop you from going...and it's your right to know about your real parents...so I won't stop you."

"but you...must take care of yourself...and whenever you feel lost... you know that you have a home to return to...so we will always welcome you wholeheartedly."

"hehe~ Thank you, Mama."

"Good then, Before you go...go visit your mother's grave."

"Yeah, I'm going there now Mama."

"Jasper and Nina you two come with me for a second."

"Okay, Mother." When Mama lice called my brother(jasper) and sister(Nina)...they followed her deep into the forest.


After coming out of the den I and TRYFING shortly arrived at my mother's grave. TRYFING already told me what happened that day when he found me in the dark forest.

So my main reason to go out of this forest is to find out who is my mother's killer and what happened to them when I was just a baby...I want to find everything that happened to my mother.

Even though I don't know the people who are behind my mother's murder...but when I find them I gonna make them pay for what they have done.... because of those bastards I was separated from my family...I'm gonna kill everyone who's behind my mother's murder.

But first, to do that, I have to find where my mother used to live when she was alive...I don't know anything about my family but I only know one thing and that is my family last name is "NIGHTWALKER"... I only know this because of this necklace that my mother left... on the back side of this necklace there was written something on it and I guess that was my mother's name.

"Sophia Nightwalker".I guess that is my mother's name.

"Hii...mother how have you been?? I hope you are doing fine on another side." while saying that I sat down on the ground next to my mother's grave.

I spend 2 to 3 hours with my mother And told her everything that happened today without leaving a single word.

'Brother Jen"

"Hmm, oh brother and sister you are back..took you long enough"

"Yeah sorry about that."

"Nah it's fine don't worry...so are you guys ready to head out."

"Yeah we are ready"

"But brother and sister where is Mama lice?"

"Oh, she not coming she said she had something to do."

"Hmm, something to do?"

"Yeah, brother so let's go...you are waiting for this day to come for many years...so don't waste your time... let's get moving."

"Huh!? Oh okay, sister".

I know why Mama lice didn't come to see me off ... it's cause she doesn't want me to go out of this forest...Even though I'm not her real son...she still loves me and cares for me like I'm her own son. I don't hate that...actually, I love how she cares for me... And how could I hate her she was the one who raised me....she was the one who feeds me....and she was the one who always protects me from any harm...she never let me feel lonely...so I know she was sad right now...and that why she did not come to see me off...

"Don't worry, Mama I will return to your embrace".

"You better return my foolish son".

"Yeah, I will Mama." Jen just uses telepathy to send his message to his Mama.

"Let's go, brother and sister ...and mother Sophia see you later don't worry I'm gonna find out everything that happened to you". when I say those words I suddenly feel like someone is hugging me from behind... But I just smiled and I hop on my brother's back. And begin our first journey...


After traveling for hours we finally made it out of the dark forest.

"Brother and sister let's find a nice place and take a rest...I know you guys are tired after running all the way here."

"Hmm, okay"

We made it out of the dark forest but we were still in the woods...TRYFING told me that we still have a long way to reach the Human kingdoms...In our "LATINEYA WORLD" there are many races that exist such as Humans, Demons, Elvis, Beastman and Dwarfs. And they have their own domain.

Well, I don't if it's true or not cause I never saw them with my eyes. TRYFING was the one who told me all this...TRYFING is not an ordinary sword that can find everywhere in our "LATINEYA" world...TRYFING was made when the gods still roam around our world. At that time there are no humans, Elvis, Demons, Beastman, and Dwarfs existed.

He also told me that the one who wield him was God Himself..." The God of Shadow"....he was a God who controls the shadow...but one day he broke the rule of gods and was killed by other gods....and TRYFING was sealed away by Gods in the dark forest because God believes that TRYFING was a cursed sword...and because of that The God of shadow losses his mind and went to rampage.

So that is why tryfing was chained by chains....and after all these years passed .... those chains that sealed tryfing were weakened and I was able to break down those chains and free tryfing from that cave.

"Brother look there is a lake ".Sister Nina snap me from my thoughts.

"Hmm, yeah let's take a rest here for a few minutes."


After that, we take a rest and sat down underneath the tree.

"Tryfing would you tell me why you know so much about our world ....you have never been out of the cave after you sealed away....so I'm a little confused."

"Little guy even though I was sealed by those damn gods I know everything that happened after I was sealed."

"cause I was watching over this world from the shadow...even though I can't use my full strength I can still control shadow...so by watching through the shadow I know everything".

"But I'm sorry to disappoint you I don't know about your family and where they live...I never peeked at other people's lives through the shadow..so I can't help you with that."

"Hmmm, it's fine."

"But tryfing you never told me what you want me to do in future..."

"Oh about that I will tell you later when the time com...!?"



"What the!?" suddenly out of nowhere an arrow came toward me...but somehow I manage to dodge it.

"Where does this arrow come from??"

"Brother sister come here quickly".I called my brother and sisters who were at the lake.

"What happened Jen"

"Look at the tree branches".

"What the!? who are they".

"I also don't know sister"

"Jen be careful they are high elves"


-To be continued