

The story begins with a city of kindness. The Queen Astrid believes in humanity and happiness. If there is a kindness there is a devil, a witch, Queen Elsa who wants the queen necklace constructing of seven stones which have all powers to protect the fairyland and one who will got it he/she will become immortal.

The queen lives for a long with all great powers but she became bored without her family & her lost child and decides to consider her death. Before her death she called the old priest and asks him to place the stones in safe place to protect her beloved people.

After some years the story about the power of stones spread everywhere. Everyone starts digging the ground to find the stone and the greenery of fairy land was destroying day by day. The priest became unhappy and decides to find someone to whom he shall give the stones.





Hay this is the 1st chapter I know it's short but please support me 💜