

At last he observes six friends (Lisa, Glosty, Bruzy, Adam, Mailly, Jasmin) who were sitting under a tree and talking about the cruelty of the people how they were destroying the greenery of fairy land. The priest cut the tree under which they were sitting and took out the green stone. The six shouted angrily, "Why you cut this tree?" The priest smiled and took out a green color stone. And he said, "I'm glad to see you six caring about the land and its beauty, so I decide to give this magical stone to one of you". He handover the stone to one of them, to test whether they are giddy of the magical stone or not. But they handover it back by saying that, "we all are good friends and no one of us want to be more powerful". The priest smiled and said, "Don't worry there are another five stones, all of you will get the powers". Atlast Lisa accepts the stone, the priest sing some magical lines and Lisa turn into more powerful as well as beautiful fairy.

At the time Queen Elsa has eye on the stones as she can't enter the fairy land without the help of stones. Suddenly she saw a crow is flying in her area, she that one of the eyes of the crow is orange. She sends her bats to kill the crow and bring it to him. The bats did the same; she took out the orange stone from the eye of crow and wears it in her neck. The queen learns about the six friends and ordered the bats to keep an eye on the six friends. It was easy for the bats to enter the kingdom as one of the stone was stolen by Queen Elsa. The bats entered the kingdom and try to kill some fairies but they can't, the rest of the stones protect all.

The priest took all of the six near the ocean and said, "A blue stone is there in the ocean, it was in a shell and a shark took care of it. You should remember one thing the shark only sleep for two minutes, within these two minutes anyone of you have to take out the stone from ocean. And the time is going to happen now." Bruzy agree to took out the blue stone and cut his wings to swim better in ocean. He waits till the shark sleeps. Then he goes down to take out the stone but he surprised, there are many shells. He was confused in which shell is the stone present. He looks from the top and see that all the stones are faced to one direction but one shell faced in opposite direction. He took the shell and swims to the bank but the shark awaked and comes to kill him; he throws the shell back, the shark doesn't follow him. As he come out Lisa asked, "Where's the shell?" Bruzy opened his hand and it was the blue stone. The priests sing the magical lines and Bruzy regain his wings and became more powerful. The priest said, "We should take out the brown stone. It was inside the trunk of a tree. But the most intelligent can do it."


I hope you like it 💜💜💜