
Ñer - Zūel's Twisted Rage

Chapter 8 : Land of the dead

Ñer-zūel : Ashushira mei fi nie zxa rueh.

Ascruxifics, Rise of the dead.

Ñer-zūel : My minions rise and scout the land, kill all the living!!

Thousand's of skeleton's rising from the land.

Scarlet : No! Don't touch me!!

Phoenix : Let go of me!!

Ñer-zūel : take his shield.

Lumios : No! Sh*t!

Ñer-zūel : Hahahahhaha three souls in front of its predator locked and scared.

A voice have heard from behind of Ñer-zūel.

O my rapier luxrine, Princess of the stars bring forth your judgement to this undead mice. Pierce, Stardust!!

The girl dashed in a speed of light living a big hole on Ñer-zūel's chest.

??? : Are you three alright?

Scarlet, Phoenix and Lumios : Yes! thank you so much! uhhm..

??? : Elenor.

Elonor : Step back I'm gonna finish this Undead wizard. In the name of luxrene, princess of the stars bring forth your punishment you've decided. Fall, Elexus Starfall!!

A destructive magic - shaped stars continues to fall from the skies.

Elonor : Please work.

Ñer-zūel : Hahaha!! I can't die I have the curse of ankselam.

Scarlet suddenly shows a spell on a book that she wants to try.

Scarlet : I think this spell is gonna work.

Lumios : How are you so sure? Is that the spell of the thief Madira.

Scarlet : Yes.

Phoenix : So your gonna use the nature's heart as a power source?

Scarlet : Yeah.

Scarlet starts to whisper the incantations from the book holding the nature's heart.

Scarlet : O the great thief, Madira bring destruction and Steal what he keeps for eternity!

The Nature's heart goes straight where the hole is located at Ñer-zūel's chest and suddenly the orb absorbed the dark mist coming from Ñer-zūel's Spectral body.

Scarlet : Haha! I think that's the curse.

The other three : Good job!!

After just that the mist immediately head to Scarlet and strangling her being not able to move.

Scarlet : hmmm!!!!

And the mist is going fast through her soul and Scarlet left unconscious.

Phoenix : No!!

Lumios : No!!

Elenor : Oh no!

They rushed to her unconscious soul.

Phoenix : Wake up!

Lumios : This is not how you will die I said we will go through this together! So please wake up!

Elenor : Tskk! I so weak I can't even protect a single person.

The three are so emotional on Scarlet being unconscious.