
The Unexpected

Chapter 9 : Back to Earth

Scarlet : What is this place? I can't feel anything!, I can't even move a bit and all I can see is pure darkness. Please someone ot something help me!

A dim light from afar has been seen.

Scarlet: I need to go there may I can go back through there.

Scarlet slowly go over there and the light is starting to be expanding and the light suddenly Flashed a strong glow so Scarlet quickly closes her eyes.

Scarlet : Ahhh!

Scarlet woke up and finds herself on a familiar room.

Scarlet : Is this my house?

As she looked around and saw the green liquid, She runs quickly outside.

Scarlet: i'm Free!!!


Lumios : This is not good. She is vanishing!

Elenor : Tholis is a rare occurrence and we need to stay alert for what's gonna happened next.

Phoenix : I'll do it, I will watch her day and night so you two can find some equipments that we can use.

Lumios and Elenor : Ok, Stay alert.

Back to Scarlet

Scarlet : But I need to help them so I need to go back, But how can I help before I go back??

Scarlet is thinking a way to help her friends before returning to Alodite. and suddenly she had a plan.

Scarlet : I need to find the scientists who started it as soon as possible.

Scarlet saw the biggest factory near Canterbury and rushes to the entrance.

Scarlet : Hello! anybody here?

The door move slightly.

A random Scientist : This is a private property so please just go.

Scarlet : I can help you for solving the selenium Outbreak.

A random Scientist : How? what do you know that I don't know?

Scarlet : Everything.

A random Scientist : How can you be...

Scarlet : Just let me f*cking in!

Scarlet insisted to go through and knocked the scientist.

??? : Who's this little girl?

Scarlet : So your the famous Scienctist Ester that want's to experiment the selenium and that's why that f*cking morph goo is created!

??? : Um yeah that's me?..

Scarlet : We need to talk sincerely.

After a long of story time.

Ester : Wow. So how did you get back here? Did you finally destroyed the soul thingy?

Scarlet : Not yet. But I think I found a messed up glitch.

Ester : From where or what?

Scarlet : From a stupid undead wizard because I used the nature's heart to cast a spell called the Spell of Stealing from the infamous Madira and accidently the curse affected me and then I woked up and I'm here.

Ester : So can you activate the curse at your own will?

Scarlet : I think so. I can feel it inside me lurking.

Ester I think your plan it's worth a shot.

After explaining the plan to the other scientists Ester maked a voting system of whether their going to do it or not.

Ester : Okay no objections, Let's start the Plan.

Ester : Scarlet enter that Large test tube pver there.

Scarlet : Okay.

Ester : Okay Let's begin.

They exposed her again with morph selenium for to be able to return on Alodite.

Scarlet : My friends just wait a little more I will come back and together we will destroy that stupid soul.

Next chapter