
Chapter 3: Students' Assembly (2 of 2)

As soon as Gina entered the Gymnasium, she found a group of familiar faces mixed in with a group of entirely new ones. The first new face that came up to her was a high-spirited girl with waist-length, bright-red hair with bangs pushed to the side, which emphasizes her gray eyes. Her slightly tanned and was topped with a standard school uniform outfit, such as a black, pleated skirt with a white collared-shirt and a black jacket with an emblem. She accessorized herself with a bowtie that matches her hair. Gina noticed that the girl was slim yet well-muscled, for some reason. She was a bit startled when the girl began talking all of a sudden.

"Hey, look at this, guys!" She yelled, which was unnecessary. She turned towards the others and exclaimed, "Another classmate! The more, the merrier, right?" She averted her attentions towards Gina again, hands on hips. "Hi, the name's Akane. Miyamoto, Akane. And you are?" She inquired with an expression of curiosity.

"Uh...Hagarashi, Gina." She answered. She wasn't used being around such a clamorous girl, so she wasn't sure on how to respond at moments.

The girl named Akane smiled. "Nice to meet you, Gina!" Once that was over, she immediately asked, "Your utility belt, does it hold guns or something like that?"

"W-What?" Gina questioned, confused slightly. "Um, I don't really use guns. This is for my ghost-hunting equipment."

"Ghost-hunting?!" She shouted, causing some nearby students to look at them.

Gina mentally shook her head, regretting talking to Akane immediately. Of course she would find it weird and unusual. It's not often you meet a ghost-hunter with zero-percent social contact. It has always been like that in her previous schools. ("Terrible mistake, Gina.") She told herself.

Akane just stared at Gina with a surprised expression. The ghost-hunter was about to walk away when the girl exclaimed, "Awesome!"


"You use those plasma container things to capture ghosts, right?! It's like using a gun or something!" Akane went on. With a grin, she said, "Hehe, sorry for the outburst. I'm just really fond of gun mechanics and stuff."

Gina just looked at the girl and, somewhat not expecting the reaction. "...Is that so?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty much of a gun-maniac. I also like movies, but not those romantic kinds. Also-"

"Hey, Akane!" Suddenly, a tall and slender, messy, strawberry-blonde hair boy snaked his arm around the girl's neck. His sharp, blue eyes, covered slightly by his messy fringes complimented his fair skin and physique. He wore a rather formal outfit, which consists of a gray dress-shirt topped with a black, unbuttoned tux with a pair of black pants and black dress-shoes. He also wore a loose tie around his neck. "I see you got yourself a new friend!~"

"Excuse me? We're not frie-"

"Yeah!" Akane answered as she flashed a grin at Gina. "Gina and I are buddies now."

"I never said-" She didn't notice that the blonde had quickly wrapped his arm around her waist.

"You have such a unique taste for clothing..." He cooed as he eyed her, giving a seductive look. Gina pushed the man away as she took a step back. He merely let out a soft giggle. "Hehe, sorry to startle you, Gina. I'm Kuroai, Himitsu. Nice to meet you!"

"H-Hi..." She was quite flustered, either that or surprised that Himitsu casually got close to her. She immediately walked away before they can do anything else. Just as she thought she was out in the clear, another new face approached her. He was tall in height and pale and lean in physique. He has a long, black hair that reaches his neckline, and has a matching goatee that is about an index-finger long with a pair of deep-green eyes. The man's outfit, to Gina, was out of the ordinary. He wore an outfit that is similar to what would Shakespeare would wear, only topped with an apron.

The boy greeted her with a smile and a somewhat-bubbly tone. "Bonjour, Mademoiselle!"

("Is he speaking French?") Gina wondered, though she did heard Paylor talk in the language a while ago.

"Hehe, my name is Liam Trouillefou. My full name is quite a mouthful, so I thought that I spare you the trouble." He exclaimed with a grin. Gina immediately introduced herself so she can take her leave. "Don't you want to see some of my artworks, Madame?!" He shouted out to her, who pretended that she didn't hear him.

("I didn't know there'd be this many extroverted students...") Gina thought to herself as bumped into a familiar face. She looked up to see a smile on his face, and a quite embarrassed expression. "Heishi?"

"H-Hey! Great to see you again, Gina. How's socializing coming along?" He asked, hands in his pants' pockets.

"What does it matter to you?" She inquired bluntly, though she was quite relieved that he's someone that doesn't just go shouting things or something like that.

Heishi laughed slightly. "Just curious, that's all. You seemed like a pretty silent type of person."

Gina just looked at Heishi then sighed. "Is that so?" From behind her, she could hear Liam calling her as he ran towards her.

"I didn't startle you, did I, madame? You left in such a hurry." He asked with a sad expression.

From what she'd seen so far, Liam was probably the type of person to be in high-spirits most of the time, and will get sad when he thinks that he did something wrong. With a sigh, she looked at him then replied, "No you didn't. Well, not as much."

Liam then became his usual self as he heaved a sigh of relief. "A-Alright then! Just making sure."

Gina yawned discreetly as she took a look around, only to be interrupted by Heishi poking her. "Hey, you seemed to have zone out slightly. Is something the matter?"

"I'm bored." She replied bluntly. So far, there were no ghosts or spirits or anything of the like, just loud and ill-mannered students. She began to wonder when will the Headmaster begin the Orientation. She wasn't sure how long it has been since she arrived, and she doesn't want to spend another minute in the gym full of people.

Heishi, who was surprised that the conversation didn't really continue, began talking to Liam, who proudly showed his artworks to him. Gina returned to her thoughts of her mind, just to block out the noises of the room as chatter began to fill the room. Just then, two new faces approached the group. On first glance, Gina knew that both of them weren't from Japan. The male of the two has a firm and tall stature and tanned skin, with white hair pulled back until the neckline. His sharp, platinum eyes complimented his tan, and so did his outfit, which was a white with grayish-color knit sweater with pulled-up sleeves and collar, paired with gray jeans and white running shoes. He also had a chain necklace adorning his neck. "Hello there. How are you today?"

"Fine." Gina answered, arms folded across her chest.

The man simply nodded as he bowed slightly. "Forgive me for not introducing myself first. Isaiah Jyiendarius, pleased to make your acquaintance, Lady Gina."

"Wait, what? How..."

Isaiah smiled softly. "I've been paying close attention to my surroundings and the people." He assured her as he straightened up. He then turned his eyes over to the woman that was silently watching them. "That maiden over there is Josephine Pagan. She isn't much of a talker, it seems." Gina looked over at the girl with platinum hair and porcelain skin. Her hair, tied into twin-tails, were around waist-length, her eyes, round and crimson. She was around Gina's height, though slightly shorter. She wore a simple white, puffed-sleeve blouse with ruffled hems and a black pencil skirt with monochrome-striped thigh socks and black doll shoes. Surprisingly, she carries around an umbrella, for some reason.

"I see..." Gina muttered as she looked at Josephine. They had eye contact, and both looked away from each other hastily. She then heard Jossy, short for Josephine, muttering something as she looked over at the far side of the room. Gina followed and saw a boy who was all by himself, watching the others. He had short, slightly-messy, black hair that brings out his somewhat nonchalant, crimson eyes. He wore a brown sweater topped with a loose dress-shirt with black pants and sneakers. He made no contact with other students, and he seemed lonely as well. ("Another introvert, it seems...)

Like on cue, Isaiah walked over to Gina and told her some information regarding the distant boy. "His name is Emire, Junko. Just like Josephine, he's not much of a conversation-person, nor seem to be the whispering-type."

Whispering type? "Excuse me." She then walked away. It's not like that she wanted to go away from him, it's just that how he was able to get information quickly and easily was somehow strange and creepy. Well, it's not like she's strange and creepy herself. Just as she was getting deep in thoughts, she just happened to bump into another student, which was the second time that day.

As she was falling back, someone had wrapped his hands around her waist as though to catch her. As Gina balanced herself, she pushed away from whoever caught her. "Eh? That's no way to say 'thank you', Gina-chan." Weeped Himitsu, who she now calls 'playboy'.

"T-Thanks, Himitsu..." She stuttered, just hoping to shut him up.

"O-Oh my! I'm so sorry." Cried a voice from her side. The boy she bumped into rushed to her side and bowed his head. "I'm terribly sorry! I-I didn't see you, or something." Gina merely shook her head, reassuring the boy that he'd done no harm and that it was not his fault.

After the apologies, the boy had a weak smile and said, "I-I'm glad...oh, I forgot," He then bowed his head again then said, "Kokushibyou, Asura. T-That's my name."

"Hagarashi, Gina." She replied back, standing up and taking a better look at Asura. Just look most of the boys, he had messy, brown hair that reaches his neckline and his fringes sometimes cover his golden-brown eyes. He's shorter than most guys, and he had a slender build. He wore a typical school uniform, consisting of a white dress-shirt topped with a loose, black robe, paired with black pants and dress-shoes. He accessorized himself with a loose, red tie. "Um, nice to met you then." She then thought, ("I've met a lot of strange classmates...")

"Hey," Himitsu interrupted, looking towards the gym's stage platform. There was a podium and an empty table beside it. "When do you think the orientation will start?" Just then, a loud siren started blowing, catching everyone's attention as they averted their attention towards the stage. When the alarm ended, something just shot right out of the podium. It did a triple flip before landing onto the table beside it.

"Upupupupu!" Sounded the weird, monochrome-sided bear-like creature. He danced on the table, spun around, then pointed towards the students in the gym. ""Hey there, howdy, hello! Is everyone here? Good! Then let's get things rolling!"


"What the heck? It's a teddy bear!" Shouted Maron, obviously frustrated from waiting.

"Oh my, there are no strings attached, yet it's moving on its own." Isaiah invoiced, looking at the bear curiously.

"I don't get it." Kana pouted as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Can I just kick the thing off the stage?"

The bear started giving its 'cute face' as it hopped off the stage. "Fufu, you want to kick me? The Headmaster of Seizon High?"


"Headmaster?! You?!" Questioned Rika, startled and aghast.

"But...you look like some sort of kid's toy..." Muttered Heishi, looking at the bear.

"Hey! Just because I'm a bear doesn't mean that I'm a children's toy!" Ranted the bear who quickly sighed and recovered. "Anywho, the name's Monokuma, Headmaster of Seizon High. Gooooooooood morning!"

"Good morning, Headmaster!" Replied a student, who now received the attention of the others. She had a petite figure, despite the fact that on her side was a sheathed katana. Her hair was pale pink, shoulder-length, and fluffy and a bit curly. She had large-cerulean eyes, with compliments her fair complexion. She wore a blouse with white, mid-length sleeves with a black sweetheart neckline. She also wore a brown pleated skirt that flows with her movement, paired with white stockings and brown doll shoes.

Gina looked at girl with curiosity, either that or she was surprised. "Serene Cristalli." Said a voice behind, which Gina found out that it belonged to Isaiah. She took steps away then nodded quickly. "From what I heard," the man began. "She's the, what you may say, 'Alpha' of the Disciplinary Committee in her last school."

"I-I see..."

"Hahahaha! Good morning again!" Shouted Monokuma as he had his hands on his black-and-white belly. He recovered quickly then looked at each of the students. "Now, I shall now deliberate the rules and regulations of the school."

Gina, who only noticed the no-string creature just now, walked up to him with a somewhat crook smile on her face. She looked at him closely and asked, "Are you a spirit in a kid's toy?"

Heishi and the other student just looked at her, surprised. "Um..." Muttered Heishi, not really seeing this side of her.

"How about a ghost that took over a bear-hybrid as to haunt this school?" Questioned an enthusiastic Gina. Monokuma just trembled, as though he was confronted by a demon of some sort.

"Kid's toy? Bear hybrid? Why do my student's think of me as some kind of weird creature, upupupu?!" Monokuma began to weep as he skipped away from the students and climbed back onto the stage, struggling at it also. On stage, he sighed as he shook his head in disappointment, looking over at the students. "I'll let you off the hook for now. But next time, choose your words carefully!~" He exclaimed with a smirk. Gina just stepped back, though her crooked smile was still present on her features.

"So, what are the rules you're talking about, Headmaster?" Asked Liam, already making a masterful sketch of Monokuma on his drawing pad.

Monokuma had his back towards the students. He turned his head to look at them, but a devilish smile was present. "Rules you say?" He said with a sullen tone. All of a sudden, the atmosphere felt heavy. The grin that was on the bear's face depicted evil and murderous intent. Most of the students were aware of his expressions, though they weren't expecting the next thing Monokuma said. "Upupupupu...the rules? Simple, you must kill each other to survive."

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