
Seimeigakure: The Hidden Village of Life

With no other choice, I founded the Hidden Village of Life and became the first Seimeikage. The other Great Ninja Villages: Envy! Tsunade: I thought I was a pioneer in medicine, now I know I still have a lot to learn. Orochimaru: My experiments make me look like a novice playing with a vinegar volcano compared to him. Jiraya: Why didn't I know a place like this existed?! -------------------------------------------------- I do not own Naruto or any other universe that will appear except the MC. The cover has been generated by an AI after many attempts based on my drawing. If you like Naruto fanfics, check out my previous work: "A ninja who is always hungry".

Cadenadeaventuras · Cómic
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124 Chs

Business begins

Last night when I returned to my bedroom, Ameyuri must have had something on her mind because she was particularly aggressive, energetic, and determined. Not that I'm complaining, even when she ends up passing out within a few hours, I have the patience to take her to the shower and wash her carefully before tucking her into bed.

By the time I'm done getting her completely clean, the cloud bed has become spotless, and the look of peace she shows when I cover her with a blanket and she unconsciously hugs my arm makes it all worth it.

It's interesting to see how quickly we've connected with each other, perhaps because we both have fairly direct personalities, and if we want something, we go for it. I mean, I really am doing whatever I want in this world without thinking too much about the butterfly effect.

Naruto won't have a revelation anymore because he won't meet Haku on his mission with Tazuna.

Orochimaru won't meet Kimimaro or fight against Gaara or Lee if Sasuke leaves the village.

Karin won't suffer in her old village; her mother isn't dead, and she won't fall in love with Sasuke for saving her from the bear.

Although Tsunade can still return to Konoha to heal Lee if she wishes, as our relationship is more of friends than subordination, the chances of her becoming the Fifth Hokage are nil, according to her own words.

Did I mention that her hematophobia has been cured?

It turns out that, thanks to the knowledge of some of the characters I requested, I'm an excellent psychologist when I consciously take on the role. Tsunade herself started a session very, very skeptical and with a tough attitude.

Eight sessions later, she wiped away her tears after letting go and putting things into perspective, and she thanked me from the bottom of her heart. I almost suspect that if I weren't so tall, she would have given me a kiss on the forehead. Anyway, since then, she seems to treat me with much more familiarity.

Interestingly, after helping her let it all out and gain perspective, she became more cheerful and didn't gamble as much. Of course, there are still times when I catch her playing cards or dice with Mariko, Pakura, or Shizune to pass the time, but at least she has the decency not to involve the children or play in front of them.

I guess Tsunade wouldn't be Tsunade if she didn't gamble sometimes; it's in her blood, after all.

So, to prevent her from ruining herself (again), I even made some cloud coins that act as betting chips. They have no real value but can be redeemed for some favors like "spending a whole day with Enel" or "getting a basket of apples."

Yes, they basically act as tickets for small favors, nothing really serious.

Furthermore, after seeing how I made Nemu, Tsunade spent much more time seriously studying the medical books I placed in the library alongside Shizune, the same books that Karin had to learn from and be examined on.

The sight of Tsunade wearing glasses and Shizune receiving guidance from a small Karin was curious at least, but I also decided to join the fun and give a medical lecture that ended with Tsunade taking enough notes to put together a book. It was funny to see her rub her hair as if she were a novice medical student.

"Enel?" I heard someone call my name, and when I turned my head, I saw Pakura approaching me. "I heard from Mariko that you're looking for a place to buy a lot of gold at a cheap price."

"That's right. Do you happen to know of such a place?" I asked.

I've been having some trouble obtaining the materials to make Pure Gold for the wedding rings. Among other things, I need several tons of gold, and I can't buy them on the market if I don't want to crash the prices, nor on the black market if I don't want to be swindled. Not to mention, I don't actually have that much ryo with me.

But it turns out that places selling such a high volume of gold at a low price are not common, and I almost thought I would have to locate an untapped mine to fulfill my gold needs.

"Actually, my old village might be an option," Pakura commented with a complicated expression.

Sunagakure could help me? But...

Oh, wait, I understand what she means. If I remember correctly, Rasa is covering a significant portion of the village's expenses by mining and selling gold at a low price. After all, he has a strained relationship with the Wind Daimyo, resulting in a deviation of the missions his village should receive and a serious budget cut.

Given the poverty and lack of resources, I unconsciously thought I couldn't get anything from there. Pakura made a good point by pointing out my own mistake.

Of course, I can understand why she's making this expression. The amount of gold I'll need will provide a substantial injection of capital to her old village and alleviate its current dire situation. However, at the same time, Rasa could misuse the new funds to create conflicts instead of genuinely investing the money in the village.

Simultaneously, she might be concerned that it questions her loyalty, but I've seen enough during her time here to know that while she still has some feelings for Sunagakure, it's more nostalgia and a need to repay than a sense of duty.

Moreover, if I really make this deal, she might even feel more grateful.

"At what price do they sell gold there?"

"A kilo of gold is sold for a million ryo in other places as a stable value," Pakura informed me to give me an idea of the market value. "But in Sunagakure, you can buy gold eight percent cheaper."

"Only eight percent?" I frowned.

"That's already a significant concession," Pakura nodded. "Less than that, and it could seriously affect the value of gold, causing headaches for too many influential people. And Rasa doesn't have the means or the guts to handle those people," she snorted.

"I understand."

Since I need forty tons of gold to make enough Pure Gold, that means the transaction would amount to a total of... thirty-six billion eight hundred million ryo!

Damn, I would need more than a thousand heads of Asuma to pay that amount.

And I'm pretty sure that with Rasa's greed, he'll try to squeeze every last penny he can and find ways to increase the price in various ways with the scale of the business.

"But I would recommend talking to someone more... sensible, rather than the Kazekage," Pakura added, seeing my expression. "Maybe it would be better to discuss this matter with Elder Chiyo or her brother to prevent Rasa from trying to swindle you."

Or claim credit for the business.

She didn't say it, but her gaze made it clear that she didn't want to give Rasa any brownie points for this matter. From her perspective, it was better for people to think that the elders were more capable than their Kage in taking care of the village. Ironical, because it's probably the truth.

"It seems like I need to go out and make some money," I sighed. In the end, Seimeigakure needs to start doing business with the outside world because it also needs the money used outside. Fortunately, I have some products that could interest many.

"Do you mind if I accompany you?" Pakura asked. "It's been a while since I've been down to the land, and I think you'd appreciate some company."

I raised an eyebrow and looked at her before nodding. Since I made the Kinton cloud, everyone can come and go as they please without restrictions, so the way she framed it seemed a bit unusual to me.

"Sure, we'll leave in twenty minutes," I declared.

"What will be our first destination?"

I thought for a moment before responding.


How did you spend the holidays?

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