

It has been one week since the incident, life has come back to normal. Dee resumed her work with renewed energy and also signed up for some mentoring classes and Jake volunteered for them to see a therapist who is helping them in their relationship. 

As much as they are still together, Dee finds it hard to immerse herself into the relationship, she felt like anytime she might be on the table again being offered as a sacrifice, anytime her boyfriends will leave her and use her as a nait to gain something else. She has fears that she finds it hard to confront Jake about it.

Every time she is asked about something, she will just agree with it even though that's not the best decision.

Today, Jake decided to take her out for dinner. She was not in the mood to get out and socialise. She just wanted to inside the house because it was safer for her inside there. Just like in old times, she would walk back into their house and sit down, watch a show or just read her book.

She had accepted that life has to change, she needed to socialise, focus on other things and meet new people for business, that was her life now. She couldn't say no to Jake, because she had to be on her toes. 

Jake had picked her up from the penthouse after she changed into a suitable dinner dress and taken her to their private dinner place. 

Though she hated going out for dinner, one thing she appreciated was that Jake considered their privacy, he would always get them a private intimate place where no one will see them and they will just be the two of them.

Today Jake booked the top of the hotel for their station. The sky was clear and the stars were aligned nearly into the sky with the moon's rebirth displaying her little but fullness in the sky.

This is what can't Dee's eyes and every time she got a chance, she could look up and smile. 

"It's beautiful," she said and Jake looked at the sky too.

"I love the way the stars are aligned and how the full moon is shining today," he said silently as she watched Dee's eyes, "you look beautiful too, just like the constellations."

Jake has been meaning to ask for forgiveness from Dee and every time he tells her how sorry he is he felt like it's not enough.

He didn't know how he was going to tell her that he is truly sorry for the stupid mistake that he chose. He knew it will take time for Dee to forgive him but he was willing to wait. 

He has completed his forgiveness payment with Dominic and he ended up with a broken nose and a twisted arm, to do it's going to take more than a twisted arm and broken nose to fix it.

Dee smiled at his statement, she understood Jake was trying all he could to make sure that she feels comfortable around him but, she was also trying to make her mind at ease and love him whole again.

"Are you ready to order?" Asked Jake.

"Mmh," she nodded and Jake can't the waiter. 

"Some salad please and water will be okay," she told the lady who came to take her order.

Jame raised his eyebrow when he heard her order. There is no day she had failed to order protein in her meal. It was either steak, fish or other protein but ordering just a plate of salad, something he can make for her at home she couldn't attest to that.

"Could you please give us a minute?" Jakes asked the lady serving them. 

She nodded and left the place, once the room was all clear, Jake looked at Dee, who was, in turn, surprised if she had done anything bad. 

"Is everything okay?" She asked with a surprised face.

"I should be asking you that hun, you've just ordered a salad, a mere salad, is everything okay?" He asked in a concerned tone.

Dee looked at him and chuckled, lightly. She didn't want any meat on her plate, so she opted for salad alone. She knew she was not okay but didn't know how to the Jake that every incident inside that house was killing her. She didn't want a therapist, all she wanted was to heal from the trauma caused during her stay inside the place.

She still remembers when raw blood was poured into a bowl for her to drink by force and she couldn't hesitate but drink it, them lastly before she was wheeled into the table, she was fed on uncooked meat and Told that it was important to give someone the last supper before she is killed.

The taste of all those was still in her mouth, and every time she drank something, she would spit it out forcefully especially if it was cold. To some extent, she felt like the blood was person blood and it was disgusting.

"I saw you in the morning brushing your teeth with super hot water, you don't drink your water today and even the smoothie that j bought you for lunch, I heard you gave it out," added Jake.

Dee watched as he explained his worries to her, she knew it was bad manners to do that and hide something from him. She just felt like she could deal with that is sea alone but turns out she couldn't, she needed to explain to this man everything.

"The memories from the house still haunt me, every day, I can't eat something cold because I feel like it's the same blood I was fed and eating meat feels like it's the raw meat I was given before the ceremony. I am sorry but I just can't wrap my head around the fact that I did that."

Jake watched her try to come up with words to explain herself but it was hard. She couldn't watch her torture herself like this, he had to look for another way to make sure she neats the trauma. 

He walked and held Dee, who was now sobbing uncontrollably.  He couldn't imagine all the pictures that were forming in her head when she tried to do something small and it triggers the memories. 

"I am sorry, I hadn't noticed that hun, I am so sorry," said Jake as he rocked her. 

"I—its okay, you didn't know about it. I was afraid of telling you everything, I didn't know how you will react," said Dee while sobbing. 

Jake wiped her tears using his handkerchief. He swore to himself to do everything and make Dee feel okay again. Even if it's not him, he was going to ask Jake to let his girlfriend talk with Dee because he rarely sees her with any female friends apart from Dan and Davies who are her 'female,' friends.

"Do you want is to go home? You don't need to order anything, we can carry tale away, maybe the Chinese nodules or vegetable burritos," asked Jake.

"I won't mind us waiting out you know, lets not make it hard for the polite lady who wanted to serve us," said Dee and Jake nodded calling the lady again.

This time around it was a gentleman in his twenties, tall and had this cheeky look while talking.

"Evening, lady and gentleman, my name is Andre and I will be your waiter for tonight," he said with a soft voice.

Jake watched Andreas who was now ogling at his girl and cleared his throat to catch his attention.

"Excuse me, how old are you?" Asked Jake as he read his name tag, "Andreas?"

The young man became frightened and looked at Dee before looking at Jake.

"Hun, come on he is just trying so possessive you have nothing nothing to fear okay," Dee told Andreas while giving Jake the look to leave him alone.

"Please get me a burrito, with vegetables and some white wine to accompany it." 

"Wow, that is my best food, trust me, I can cook it the whole day," said Andreas. 

Jake was not enjoying the little conversation that was going on here, he felt like Andreas was trying to charm Dee to fall for him. 

"What if we make a deal, at what time are you supposed to be in for work?" Asked Dee making Jake raise his eyebrows at that question.

"Mostly the night shifts because during the day I try to get some culinary classes," replied Andreas.

"What if you prepare for me food every morning so that I can eat it at lunchtime? you bring it in the morning then I will be paying you at the end of the month. Just quite your prove okay?" 

Andreas's eyes shone when he heard of the offer, but first, he looked at Jake whose eyes were now dark, "if it's okay with your boyfrien—"

"Husband, not some silly boyfriend you know about!" Shouted Jake.

"Don't mind him okay, just quote your price, then this is my card, email all the details in there," Dee handed him the card but Jake picked snatched it and gave Andreas his card.

"Email it there, and it better be good food, now get us the ordered food!" Roared Jame and Andreas walked out quickly.

"Seriously Jake was that necessary?" Asked Dee.

"You didn't see he was flirting with you? I don't like him," he said.

"You might want to check your tone because I won't be sleeping with you in that tone!" Told Dee.

"Hun, I was just giving my point, then I will say sorry to him if it makes you happy," said Jake.

"You better mean it," said Dee.

Andreas walked in with a tray with two plates and a bucket of ice and a bottle of white wine in it.

"Here you go, Mrs—"

"Mrs Jake!" Said Jake and Dee looked at him.

The good was served and Andreas did a good job at arranging everything for them, making Dee very pleased.

"Before you go, he will love to say something," said Dee as he pointed at Jake.

Dee looked at him and kicked his foot under the table.

"I am so sorry for being rude to you," said Jake and quickly took a sip of alcohol that choked him making both Dee and Andreas laugh at him.

"Hey, do that okay, tonight, because I can't wait to taste them tomorrow," said Dee as she lifted her thumb at him.

Andrea nodded and left them to their meal, Dee helped Jake out of his choking, giving him a glass of water to ease things up.

"You've seen what happens when you are rude to someone who serves your food?"