
You Know Where To Meet For Forgiveness!

Sorry! Not Edited💔💔💔💔


Cain lifted her body and tried to thrust inside Dee as he pushed his head forwards. 

Mr Daniel lowered the knife and it pierced Cain's neck!

"Police! Put your head up!" Shouted detective Diaz as they stormed inside the room.

Me Daniel was not satisfied, he was pushing the knife through Cain's neck so that it can go also through Dee's neck but he couldn't, he was held backwards by the police who threw the knife aside.

"You are under arrest Mr Daniel for murder and attempt murder, you have the right—"

"Shut it, I know the drill!" Shouted Mr Daniel as he pulled his hands out to he cuffed.

Other congregants wanted to escape but they were late, all the exits were secured by the police and some of Jake's security guards.

Dorcas saw the knife that was used to pierce Cain and ran for it, she grabbed it and run towards the table, she pushed Cain off the table and lifted it to pierced Dee but her hand was lif5ed in the air before it came rushing down.

"Not today!" Shouted one of the police who then pushed her aside and she fell to the floor.

Dorcas wanted to put up a fight with the knife that was tied with black clothing on her wrist but the female officer was too fast. She pushed her hands aside and stepped on it removing the knife from her hand, and slicing a piece of her hands.

"Whoopsy, sorry about that!" Said the officer.

Dorcas felt like this was personal to the police officer who was wearing an element and a mask, she didn't know her but she felt she knew her.

They were all captured and thrown into a police van, the ambulance arrived in time to save can who was on the floor groaning in pain and the blood was oozing out of his neck. 

The medics knew that it was too late to save him because he had already lost a lot of blood but they did their best because inspector Diaz wan5ed to make sure that he stays alive.

Dominic and Pete were also arrested just for the show, the police didn't want anyone knowing that insiders were helping with the job. 

Martin had long escaped from the area and Jake had promised to make sure that he doesn't get arrested because he had been resourceful in the operation.

Jake was forced to go back into the vehicle to avoid raising suspicion, though he was resisting, he knew for everyone's safety that was the only way things are going to get better. If he stays here then, he might get other threats because this community is big and people will keep on joining with the hope of false promises.

Dee was lifted from the vehicle by the paramedics and took her to another vehicle, Jake had requested that she be brought to her, once the operation was over. He had called for his doctors to meet him in the penthouse.

He wanted to make sure that Dee was okay and if it meant converting the whole penthouse to a clinic or hospital to give her the care she needed that is what he was going to do.

"Dude, one last thing, make sure she is safe, don't lose her this time around, she is special okay? Or if you do, Dominic and I won't mind having a new flesh for a poly game," grinned Dominic's girlfriend.

"Fuck off, I am never leaving her out of my sight," said Jake before turning off the earpiece.

Some of his trusted body guests helped him transport Dee back into the penthouse because she needed urgent medical attention. She had a gas mask out over her nose to help her with her breathing. 

Jake watched as the breath in and out slowly. Using the expertise skills he gathered from the army, he made sure that she was comfortable. He tore the white garments from her body because he hated to see her with them. He smiled when he saw that she still had the necklace he bought her around her neck. 

He quickly removed his shirt and help her wear it. Dee couldn't feel anything, she just felt her body being mixed up and down several times.

Arriving at the penthouse, the doctor was already there, he and Jake wheeled Dee into the bedroom where they transferred her to the bed.

"Seriously Jake, is it always her and why are you always hurting her?" Asked the doctor. 

"Sorry Doc, it was just something bad, but trust me, next time it won't be here, or maybe it will be her but in a different situation," promised Jake.

"Hope that situation is going to in live a kin you inside if her not her bruised body," said the doctors before focusing on Dee.

Jake watched as the doctor looked keenly at Dee, he knew maybe Dee was not undergoing major problems now because there is no aboard of her body that was injured. 

"Is there any problems?" Asked Jake after he saw the doctor focused on the body so much.

"No, nothing to be afraid of, just taking extra precautions to make sure that our patient is not suffering from any internal harm or external and so far she is okay. With proper care she will be okay in three days," said the doctor before standing up to leave.

Jake nodded at him and was left in the to with Dee. She changed Dee into a clean nightdress and covered her body very well. He didn't want to leave her alone but he had to because he needed to speak with Dominic who was in the house. 

Pete and Dominic were dropped on their way before they arrived at the police station and they headed back into the penthouse.

Dominic was pacing up and down in the living room while Pete left to hit the shower.

When Jale opened the bedroom door, he knew he will expect a punch anymore but instead, he found Dominic calmly sitting on the kitchen counter with a cup of hot tea in front of him.

Jake had never thought of this, being humble and walking to Dominic with a pleading face. 

"I am sorry bro," he started.

"Save it, Jake, save it!" Shouted Dominic as he sipped his coffee and looked ahead as if there was something he wanted to see from a far place.

"Imagine if Cain was not on top of her, imagine, Dee would now be a past tense, all gone, dead Jake imagiNe that!" Shouted Dominic hitting the cup of coffee on the wall and it broke down with coffee spattering around them.

Jake knew he was in the wrong, and offering Dee as a sacrifice was a stupid idea. He regrets it, to some extent after talking about her sister to Dominic's girlfriend he felt like some weight had been lifted from his shoulder 

"Feel stupid Dominic, I know I am stupid, please just don't leave me, don't leave me, please. I swear I won't do something stupid and God it from you. You can punish me all you want but please, do t let it be leaving me, I can't take that," cried Jake.

Dominic was supposed when he saw him fry, he thought he was joking but he looked serious and tears were even streaming from his face making Dominic wonder what happened to make him shade this many tears in front of him.

He was just his her if security, the only common thing they have was Claire. He understood that there had a very strong relationship but he never thought Jake was this serious.

He wanted to laugh but he was caught between his emotion and didn't know what to do. Hug him and tell him everything is okay but he was not moving. 

He was angered by Jake's behaviour. He knew he had built his wealth from nothing but that was not reason enough for him to trade an innocent girl over his business. 

That's what him angrier, he placed himself in Dee's place and he felt her pain, the pain of trusting someone and he ends up selling her up because of money. He didn't want to imagine he would be traded that way.

"I was trying to imagine being Dee, being sold like that to some people and then they offer me as a sacrifice to some people who don't even care but want fast money, I would have hated you and wanted you to die from your wealth, instead the last prayer Dee prayed was for everything to go well for you and all your endeavours," told Dominic while looking at Jake.

Jake looked at him with surprise, "how could she do that, I did something bad to her she was supposed to be mad at me?"

"Though she was not, she was happy for the little things you gave her, I hope when she wales up you will leave everything and love her the way she deserves to be loved," told Dominic.

"Will that make you forgive me?" Asked Jake in a low tone.

"You know where to meet for forgiveness, maybe after breaking your nose!"