
Secret Powers Within

My life is so incredibly boring. I have no friends because everyone thinks I'm weird and they find it fun to push me around, laughing at me. I have no siblings to be friends with either, thanks mom. There's nothing to do for fun in the town I live in and I'm just a nobody that everyone abuses for entertainment, with nothing special about me. Or... at least that's what I thought... Then I moved to California and it all changed on me, flipped completely upside down and thoroughly made my brain explode. Who knew werewolves, shapeshifters and magic powers were real?

LunaFire18 · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Chapter 47: Sad Call


The pack house eventually came into sight. The giant pack of wolves running full force towards it in order to save their prince, with a huge rainbow wolf leading the way, yup totally fuckin normal. Once we were in sight of the house one of the guys didn't recognize me, why would he, and called for everyone there to defend the house to come out. However, once we got close enough, that same guy noticed who was on my back and quickly called out his false alarm. He stood waiting for us to actually reach the house. I trotted up and huffed in his face, his hair blowing all over the place from it.

He seemed to catch my scent and asked completely shocked and surprised, "Kelsey..?!" I held my head up high to answer yes, but then my mate faintly groaned and my head snapped to look at him still laying across my back. I pushed past the pack member and tried to gently squeeze through the door, but sadly I didn't fit.

"You ain't gonna fit you know." I heard the future-beta state behind me.

I turned and glared at him then carefully placed Drake on the ground and shifted into human form to say, "No shit you fucktard. Now shut up and help for once." He raised an eyebrow at the king who had shifted back with everyone else and shrugged back at his future beta as if to say, what can ya do. The annoying dude helped me lift Drake up and carry him to the pack doctor. On our way there I said to Nolan, "We can't let Willow see him like this, she can't know this has even happened okay?" He nodded in understanding. Finally we reached the pack doctor who was waiting expectantly for us. We placed Drake on the bed and backed away to let the doc do his thing, but before I backed off I quickly and gently kissed my mate's forehead and whispered, "wake up soon..." The doctor of course asked us to leave completely, so with one last long, sorrowful glance to my mate laying barely alive on the bed, I turned and left the room closing the door behind me. I trudged to the living room, not knowing what to do while I waited for him to be okay.

"Is big brother back yet?" Willow excitedly asked as she skipped into the room.

Though my heart was heavy I put on a smile again and answered, "No, but he will be soon. And then you can give him your present and a biiiig big hug." She smiled widely at me and nodded her head vigorously in excitement. "Have you made a card to go with your gift that you made him?" I asked, hoping she didn't make a card yet.

Her face lit up brighter than a Christmas tree buried in lights and she exclaimed, "No I didn't!!" She then ran off to her room again, yelling to herself on the way, "How could I forget that!!?!!" I gave a small chuckle, and then my depression sunk back in. The future beta walked in and sat beside me.

"Need something to do or you want to wallow in your pain and have icecream or something?" He asked as if this was a normal decision of something that happens often.

I scoffed and shrugged then answered, "Something to do I guess.." 

"A worker-griever, not many of those around here. I'm glad. Well, there's still many bodies outside that need to know where to go. Wanna make some phone calls?" I perked up a tiny, little bit, remembering I wanted to talk to Emma's parents.

"Sure." I answered, about to stand up.

"Oh hey.. I heard what happened before you got here.." He said in an apologetic tone. I paused and raised an eyebrow to ask exactly what part he was referring to.

"The part where he... you know... tried to make you hate your own mate..." He finally answered.

I made that "ah" face and purposely asked, with a dead straight face, "The part where he told me bout all those girls fucking my mate?" Nolan's face froze, unsure of how to respond to that. I stood up and said, "Well. You're the one that brought it up, but thanks for what I assume was going to be an apology about the situation, so thanks..." It's a little hard to not be a tiny bit pissed about it now that I don't have to defend my mate, because it still hurts a fricken lot knowing that. I'm not entirely sure why I'm so rude to Nolan, he seems like a nice dude. Maybe I'm a dick to people I like to see if they stick around and aren't gonna stab me in the back like most people that came into my life. "Besides, I already knew from last night. Drake purposely let me see and hear that part of what was happening to him at the time. No idea how but he did. Anyways I'm gonna go make some depressing phone calls now. Next time you might wanna lead the conversation with; "Hey, I heard about you being a huge bad ass and all about how you slaughtered the strongest, most evil werewolf we've ever known!" Like geez dude, find a more appealing topic." I added before walking away to finally find that stupid phone I couldn't find the last time I went looking. After a minute or so I found a phone and found the person that had a list of contacts for everyone that had come to help. My first call was to Emma's parents, I feel a little bad for playing favorites like this but.. oh well. The phone rung about three times before anyone answered. 

"Hello, is this the White Eclipse Pack..?" A female voice asked sounding a little concerned, as a probably mother should.

"U-uh.. Yes, it is. Um... Hi, I'm Kelsey." I answered.

"Hi Kelsey, I'm Sarah. My daughter Emma joined you guys with fighting he I won't name... Is she alright....?" her voice had that hint of fear in it, can't say I blame her cause same.

"He's dead now, cause of me, so his name could be said but who would want to remember a monster like that." I rambled then added sorrowfully, "Uh sorry... I'm a little nervous, I don't normally talk over the phone but to answer your question... Um... That's actually why I called..... Unfortunately..." I heard a pained gasp come from the other end of the line then quiet sobbing. I fought to hold my own tears as I could do nothing but listen and try to comfort the stranger on the phone, "If it's any sort of consolation for you..... I fought beside her at the start of the battle, she fought very, very bravely. Even when she was a little stuck and could use a team mate, she fought as if she didn't need it. She died a strong, brave girl. Right to the end. I wish I got to know her better... I'm sure she's an amazing girl." I tried to avoid the past tense as best I could to try and make it not as painful for the now grieving mother. I know that if some person phoned to tell me my kid died and started using past tense before I've fully processed the fact, I'd get pissed and offended.

Sarah sniffed and responded, clearly crying, "Thank you Kelsey.... She sure is the most amazing girl there was.... When she was about six or seven she didn't know how to climb a tree but still somehow got up there to save a kitten, though she had to get her fathers help to get them both down because she got stuck." She chuckled a little at the end, obviously reminiscing about her daughter.

"Oh right, before I forget. Um... Sorry about this question..." I started, ending up feeling insensitive.

"What is it dear?" Sarah asked patiently.

"Uhm... We need to know where you'd like her to be... laid to rest..." I finished, trailing off and feeling bad.

"We'd like her here, so we can say good bye..." Sarah answered but then added, "Actually... Maybe she should go there, she was always talking about how beautiful your guys' territory was. Besides, we were going to say we'll come down to pick her up."

I smiled slightly and replied, "Whatever you'd like is one hundred percent okay by us, she is your daughter after all. It's completely up to you. It'd be really nice to meet you Sarah."

She chuckled a little at my comment and responded, "You sound like a very nice girl Kelsey, I'd very much like to meet you as well. We'll be there probably tomorrow, we have to pack and drive down."

"Understandable. I look forward to meeting you guys tomorrow, I just wish it weren't under these circumstances..." I said, meaning the last sentence.

"Me too.. Anyways I should let you go, Emma's probably not the only one who lost her life there..."

"Yeah... I have a few more unfortunate calls to make, keeping busy while my mate is on the brink of death himself... but at least he'll have the chance to still be alive so I'm lucky... I can't even begin to imagine your pain..... Oh god, I'm sorry... I'm probably not helping much at all right now am I...." I rambled on stupidly.

"It's alright Kelsey, I know your heart's in the right place. Anyhow, see you tomorrow." She reassured.

"Okay... See you tomorrow, I'll be the purple haired one that has cool eyes." I replied, trying to make the ending light.

She chuckled slightly and said, "Alright. See you."

"See you." With that the call was ended, great, only like... thirty plus more to go.... ugh... These poor families...

After calling many of the people, I was starting to run around to make sure the people I was telling them about were placed in the correct places of where they want them to be buried, the side for here and the side to go home. I had already moved Emma over to the here side, obviously in my sub category of people that weren't in the pack that need to be said good bye to before burial.

The entire time of organizing dead people Nolan was just watching on, continuously tryna interrupt me but I'd always cut him off so he started just standing and waiting for me to be done.

"Okay what do you want, I'm still very busy you know." I stated, crossing my arms and huffing.

"Well, like I've been trying to tell you for the past like twenty minutes, the Doc is done working and said you can come see Drake now since he's awake." My arms fell to my sides as my face fell as well while I stared in shock at this butthead. If I actually hated the guy I'd use a lot stronger language and name calling when yelling at him, but since I think I like him I stuck to humorous shouting.

"YOU FRICKEN ASS! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME! You butt-tard my mate is awake and you only bothered to tell me twenty freakin minutes later!? WHAT THE HECK KIND OF BETA ARE YOU!!! Asshole!!" I yelled fairly loud, everyone in and around the house probably heard me, then strode past him, booking my ass inside to the doctor's place.