
Secret Powers Within

My life is so incredibly boring. I have no friends because everyone thinks I'm weird and they find it fun to push me around, laughing at me. I have no siblings to be friends with either, thanks mom. There's nothing to do for fun in the town I live in and I'm just a nobody that everyone abuses for entertainment, with nothing special about me. Or... at least that's what I thought... Then I moved to California and it all changed on me, flipped completely upside down and thoroughly made my brain explode. Who knew werewolves, shapeshifters and magic powers were real?

LunaFire18 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 46: Finally!


My main, true fight started once Zelroth charged at me. Neither of us shifted yet, we just did quite a lot of highly exhausting hand to hand combat. We started with the punches and kicks, he tried over powering me and pinning me to the ground but I always managed to slip away from him due to my smaller size. We soon brought weapons into the mix, he got some good cuts in which obviously hurt, but I got a few in myself, I cut his weapon arm pretty bad and left some slices in his chest.

'That's what you get for not wearing a shirt to cover your ugly shit there you bitch.' I mentally said. Drake probably heard it but is too weak to answer anything, he probably laughed. I hope he did... Z took my ever so slightly distracted moment to attack and stabbed his knife into my arm, the opposite side Drake had gotten yesterday.

"OW!!!!!!!! YOU STUPID GOD DAMN PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!!! YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT YOU DICK!!!!" I screamed, startling everyone, including Zelroth, from how loud it was. Still not my loudest. I don't even know how loud my loudest is, I just know that I can go louder. I ripped his knife out and shifted into a jaguar, I attacked immediately after so he wouldn't have a chance to focus enough to shift himself. I made sure to keep an eye out for any sign of him being about to shift because I didn't want to be this close when it happened. I clawed his torso up really bad, he started bleeding all over the place. I then also clawed his legs and arms pretty bad as well, I then bit down as hard as possible on his shoulder. 'SEE HOW MUCH IT FUCKING HURTS YOU IDIOTIC BITCH!!' I screamed at him in my head. He howled in agony as my sharp teeth pierced deeper and deeper into his shoulder, I could feel them scraping bone. Hahahaha good. Unfortunately he pried me off and threw me into the ground. Hard. I felt my body slam into the slightly cold forest floor, my muscles and everything ached like crazy after that while my lungs struggled to function again after the wind got knocked out of them. I snarled and got back up, faltering a little due to the ground slamming. He pulled out another knife, I don't want to know where from, and as I leaped at him again he stabbed it into my shoulder again, barely missing anything extremely important. I hissed in pain and fell back to the ground, slowly shifting back to human form. God damn it!!! Now he knows he's weakened me enough that I had to shift back, UGH!! He snickered evilly, grinning ear to ear showing his gross blood covered teeth. I had punched him square in the mouth and nose earlier so yeah.. His eyes watered back when I punched him in the face and it was amusing to see. He spat off to the side like the villain sometimes does in those action movies, his spit was obviously bloody. Disgusting.

He continued creepily grinning and asked, "Too weak to go on huh brat? Well too bad for you, I was just warming up. Now it's time for the real fighting." He made a weird evil laugh sound that reminded me of Ursula from The Little Mermaid when she's turning giant near the end of the movie. (Yes I realize i like only reference Disney movies, im a child that loves to swear. Leave me be!) Zelroth then dramatically backed up and slowly shifted into his wolf form, now I see what people were saying about his wolf being freaking huge.... If I were to stand up, him in human form was already a good foot or two taller than me, but his wolf stood almost just as tall. I then remembered what my mom said about him being around seven feet tall, I'm roughly five foot seven so.... yeah almost two feet taller than me, what fun...

'Who wouldn't want to fight the world's most ginormous flea carrier that's the size of a fucking pick-up truck? OHH ha that's right... FUCKING EVERYONE IN FUCKING EXISTENCE WITH FUCKIN EYEBALLS THAT'S FUCKING WHO!' I had a small mental conversation with myself, now not prepared for this at fricken all. 'Welp.... world it was nice knowin ya and bein in your presence for a bit here but uh.. gotta meet this thing called fate. Yeah... He wants me to die so... I mean can try and fight it but.. pfff he's quite the powerful hothead.' I continued my self conversation, standing up finally. Don't know why I bothered, can't shift into my own wolf to fight him and I was just forced to shift back to human form anyways cause of being too badly hurt. While we where fighting before I had tried electrocuting him, but all he did was laugh and fight harder. I didn't want to use fire due to risking the start of a forest fire. So. Bottom line here is; I'm fucked. Then I remembered my probably favorite power. I smiled, tried shifting into a small hawk and thank god it worked despite the pain. Z howled in amusement and gave a look that can even show up on a giant wolf's face; what the actual fuck kid? You think you can effectively fight like that? Fat chance. I then made myself fly to his eye level and disappeared right in front of his stupid face. His howling quickly turned to growls of anger and frustration as he couldn't find me anywhere. I made sure to be downwind from him so he wouldn't be able to smell me out and kill me.

I heard Kat laughing all the way down on the ground then her voice in my head saying 'oh my fuckin god Kelsey, nice one!' I silently laughed to myself seeing Z get more pissed off by the second.

He temporarily shifted back to roar angrily, "WHERE ARE YOU STUPID GIRL!!!!!!" He then shifted to a wolf again and barged around biting the air in attempt to get me, the bird flying not even fifteen feet away from him, dying of laughter inside. I did this till he started to seemingly wear himself out, and watched as he slowly shifted back. However...

What he yelled out next made my heart stop, "Bring out the mutt! I have some things she needs to know about him. Then we'll see if she deems him worth saving, or just kill him!" My flying faltered and I slowly flew down to the ground, waiting to see my mate before landing and showing in the mostly dead grass where I am. I kept my eyes on the door, waiting for Drake to be brought out. Soon enough two guys dragged him out, his head hanging and his body covered in cuts and bruises. I fell the maybe one foot to the ground, shifted back and dropped my invisibility, holding a hand to my mouth to stop my scream of horror and pain of seeing my mate like that. Sure I felt it all, but seeing it is something else entirely.

"Ah, there she is... Now, there are many things you don't know about your own mate dear Kelsey."

I glared at him and demanded, "Pf. Like what shithead?"

"Like.... The fact that he's been with almost every girl in a five city radius of here, and not been with as in the take her out on dates kind of way. Been with, as in been in bed with. He would be with one girl one day then get rid of her to make room for the next, in fact the day you showed up he had been about to choose his next girl to use. Isn't that true?" after he asked the question, he locked eyes with Kat. I looked to my best friend, mentally asking her, 'is it true?' Her face fell and her skin paled a little as she clearly fought with herself about how to answer. She finally gave in and slowly nodded in defeat, giving me an apologetic look. Did this info hurt me? Yes, yes it did. A lot. But I didn't let it make me mad at Drake, he was still my mate and he couldn't tell his side right now.

"So what. He wasn't expecting me to show up so who cares? If he wanted to do a million girls, fine. If I wanted I could've done a million guys. Doesn't matter. I love him and he loves me, so fuck you for being the stupid, absolute dumbass you are." I defended, shocking everyone. Z didn't look too happy about it and growled.

"Well now, and listen carefully girl, give in and I'll let him go. Continue to fight and I'll end the sliver of life he's clinging to." Zelroth said, smiling widely. I regained my calm composure and stood up, glaring him down. "How bout. We make a deal." I proposed.

He seemed to get intrigued and replied, "Go on..." I smirked ever so slightly.

"We continue to fight, to the death. I win, obviously Drake goes free and you all die. You win, you can choose whether you actually want me to die or not. Kill me or have me as your slave, your choice. Deal?" I continued, praying to every god in existence that he accepts and I win this, not him.

He thought for a minute then agreed, "Deal." He waved to his minions to take Drake back to I'm assuming the dungeon from the looks of it last night, for him to wait for one of us to go get him. But right before they went back through the door I saw one of them stab a knife into my mates stomach and leave it in as they carried him back down. I screamed in pain and rage at the feel and sight of what just happened, Z on the other hand looked even more sadistically happy about it. I felt my body go ablaze and saw the same shock and fear I had seen from the demon, only this time his fear was about to grow.

"HOW DARE YOU!!!" I screamed almost as loud as I can, making the ground shake in my rage. Instead of staying as a human on fire I ended up shifting into; a wolf. As I dramatically shifted, my flames eventually changed from the usual colors of a fire to those of a rainbow to match my eyes. I saw my hands/arms morph into those of a white furred wolf, multi-colored swirls going up them. When I looked back at my.. well.. back, tail and legs they had the same swirl design on them. The under part of my tail though (The fluffier part) had rainbow tips, so it looked like rainbow frost on the ends of my fur. Once me, and everyone else, finished staring in awe at my new form I looked to Zelroth who now looked to be the same height as me. He also seemed to have shifted sometime after I started to. I blinked for a few seconds as I realized something... Does this mean.... I'm like seven feet tall right now..... I questioned myself, completely shocked. 'COOL!!!!' I exclaimed excitedly, then glared to Zelroth, smirking bigger than he was a few minutes ago. I intensified my fire and added some electricity to it and ran at my enemy in full confidence. I saw pure fear flash through his eyes before he charged at me, teeth bared. I bared my teeth too and once he was almost to me I dodged to one side and bit one of his legs. He howled in pain and snapped back at me, he missed though because I swiftly jumped out of the way and he accidentally bit himself. I mentally snickered as he made a whimper noise. He turned to me and growled then ran at me again, this time anticipating my dodge move but instead of dodging to a side I jumped and nipped his ear, tearing almost half of it off. He screamed in pain again, holding a paw to his now gushing ear. I spat the chunk out of my mouth and glared challengingly at him, he hated it. I could see the pure, cold hatred pour from him with his burning anger and wrath at me getting him, instead of the other way around. He ran at me one more time but I stood dead still, waiting for my moment. No dodging, no jumping. After him full blown running at me he was now almost right in front of me, now is my moment. I snapped out of my purposely frozen state and leaped at him, taking him completely off guard, and latched my strong jaws around his throat. I shook my head viciously, only tightening my grip when he started desperately trying to get free. I made my fire spread to his fur and made him burn alive while I pretty much ripped his throat out. Actually I did rip his throat out, my jaws grip got so tight apparently that I pulled his entire throat off his body. Zelroth fell to the ground violently twitching all over the place, spraying blood everywhere as he tried to scream from being burned alive. I spat as much as a wolf could to try and get his nasty flesh/trachea out of my mouth, then watched him slowly stop twitching or moving at all.

I shook out my fur then bolted for the cabin to rescue my dying mate at last. I burst through the double wooden doors, breaking them off their hinges and taking some of the wall with them. I then glanced around and found the stairs that lead to I guess the basement. Why a small cabin in the middle of creepy woods has a basement? I have absolutely no fricken clue, but right now I didn't give one crap about it. After squishing myself down the stairwell, I saw Drake hanging back on the wall where I saw him last night—only now he looked a hell of a lot closer to death... I gently bit the cuffs around his ankles and wrists off and quickly caught him when he fell after. I extremely carefully somewhat picked him up, he's like six foot two so he's not that much shorter than I am right now, and placed him across my back to carry him back outside. Once I was outside again, the last of the burning corpses men tried attacking me but I growled threateningly making them back up.

I then shifted back to human, Drake ended up laying behind me, to yell as loud as I possibly ever could, "LEAVE ME. MY MATE. AND MY PACK. THE FUCK ALONE. YOU STUPID, GOOD FOR NOTHING SHITBAGS! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU ANYWHERE NEAR US EVER AGAIN! I DON'T EVEN WANT TO SEE YOU IN THE SAME FUCKING STATE!!!!!! GOT IT!!!!?!!!!!" The ground violently shook, feeling like it'd crack open at any point of my yelling, I think I even heard a tree or two fall over from it. Everyone present to this fight immediately covered their ears and hit the deck, the guys I yelled at started crying out of fear and pain due to their ear drums probably almost exploding. As they ran away, one of them suddenly fell and didn't move again, did his brain explode or something? I shifted to a wolf again then trotted over and sniffed cautiously poking him with my paw. He didn't move or make a sound so I rolled him over to see blood coming out of his ears. Huh... Guess someone's ear drums did explode... Meh. I clawed his throat just to be sure he died and trotted back over to where my pack was gathered and watching in pure shock.

"Wow Kelsey..... You look so fricken badass, cool and pretty right now..." Kat said, wide-eyed.

'Take a picture it'll last longer.' I mentally told her. She rolled her eyes and sighed, mockingly taking out an invisible camera to take pretend pictures, then said, "Okaaayyyy, hardy har har. Great joke, should be crowned queen of sarcastic replies. Now we need to get him home.." I had rolled my eyes at her pretend taking pictures of me and nodded in agreement, got Drake back onto my back and padded to the front of the group. Thankfully somehow no one died today but the guys on the other team. Everyone else shifted and ran alongside me back to the pack house.