
Second Wind!

Luffy and Zoro awaken in two different parts of East Blue, both with the same thing on their mind. Protect the crew. There would be no failures this time around, Captain's orders. As bits and pieces of the unknown past that the two comrades share are gradually revealed, the rest of the crew can only speculate. For all their absolute resolve, they're hiding something.

Mr_Insane_3041 · Fantasía
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69 Chs

Chapter XXI: A Sailing Circus of Monsters

Wapol's face was a mix of terror and fury as he faced the three commoners who refused to let him pass. He still hadn't gotten passed his fear at seeing his best soldiers brutally beaten barehanded as if they were nothing. After seeing that he had made a break for the Drum Rockies, intent on reaching the safety of his castle. If Chess and Kuromarimo had to be sacrifices to ensure his well being, then so be it.

But upon ascending the mountain, he had found his passage to his own castle blocked by the sole surviving doctor of Drum Kingdom, the yeti that had tried to attack him 6 years ago before being stopped by Dalton, and that infuriating pirate who had had the audacity to kick him into the sea and steal his Eternal Pose. In short, he was surrounded by treason. He gritted his teeth in frustration. He now had no choice but to take his country back himself. His subordinates may have been thrashed, but he was the king. He couldn't be beaten by commoners. He had the divine right to rule by blood.

"Get out of my way!" Wapol commanded. "What right do you have to so casually take residence in the king's castle, you witch?"

"King's castle?" Kureha repeated with an innocent expression. "You must be mistaken. When I found this castle it was completely empty. It was clearly abandoned. So I took it."

"Well I'm claiming it back!" Wapol screamed in outrage. "So unless you want to be executed, leave my home!"

"Letting us off so easily?" Kureha said with a smirk. "That seems unlike you. I'd go as far as to say you're out of your comfort zone without those two brats following you around and fighting your battles for you. Where are those idiots anyway?"

"So it looks like you really intend to defy me," Wapol said quietly. "It doesn't matter if Chess and Kuromarimo have been defeated! I'll take back my kingdom on my own!" He seemed irrational at this point. Kureha frowned. Defeated? Those two? Wapol's two head officers were sole reason why the populace had been helpless against Wapol's tyranny. Dalton could stand up to them, but even he couldn't take them both at once. The only one in all of Drum Kingdom that could achieve such a feat...was her own medical apprentice. Kureha's eyes idly wandered over to the kid with the Strawhat that was standing next to them, seemingly without a care in the world. Something clicked in her brain. He had called her current patient his crewmate. That meant he wasn't alone.

She was broken out of her thoughts as Wapol finally made his move. He charged forward, most likely intent on swallowing them whole. He was intercepted by Chopper who met his charge in his reindeer form before shifting into his full zoan form as he tackled Wapol. The king fell back with Chopper hovering over him. His fist was reared back, ready to strike, but he didn't. He hesitated, then spoke. "Doctor was convinced that even you were worth saving," he said quietly before raising his voice. "If you leave now, I won't hurt you!"

Luffy pouted. That wouldn't end well. He wanted to see that punch happen. Kureha called out to him, calling him a fool, and Wapol, though confused, took the opportunity to extend his jaw and attempt to bite Chopper. He bit into thin air though, and looked up to see the reindeer being yanked back by an outstretched arm.

"You! So you've eaten a devil fruit as well?" Wapol shouted. Chopper looked at Luffy in uncertainty.

"Um...thank you," he said. Luffy grinned and flashed him a thumbs up before speaking.

"I can tell you want to beat this guy, but you're hesitating," he said. Chopper's head perked up at this, and Kureha watched intently. "You want to save this country right?" Luffy asked. Chopper nodded eagerly. This was the country that Doctor had been so intent on saving. Even if it had caused him to suffer, he would carry on that last wish of his. "Then you can't do that," Luffy continued. "You can't hesitate. I know you think that everybody has the potential to bring good to the world, but if you want to make a difference, you have to be firm in your resolve." Chopper pondered this statement as he thought back to the conversation he had had with this human earlier that day.

"Wait up, reindeer!" Luffy shouted as he chased Chopper down the hall. The human reindeer kept running, crying hysterically in reaction to being chased by a human.

"Leave me alone, you damn human!" he yelled in fear.

"No way! You're not getting away!" Luffy yelled jovially. Finally Chopper turned around changed into his zoan form.

"I said, get lost, jerk!" he shouted, ramming Luffy's head with both fists. Luffy's head rocked back and his neck seemed to stretch before Chopper's eyes. He looked on in shock. He hadn't hit him that hard! His rising guilt at seemingly having just broken someone's neck was replaced by fear again when the man's head snapped back into place and he looked back at Chopper, grinning.

"Won't work!" he yelled. Chopper fell back.

"What kind of human are you!?" he asked. Luffy responded quickly to the routine question.

"I'm a rubber man," he said simply. Chopper suddenly understood. He had eaten a devil fruit. Did that make this guy a monster, like him?

"What do you want from me?" he asked indignantly now that he'd finally been caught.

"I already told you! Join my pirate crew! We need a doctor," Luffy said. Chopper found the offer to join a pirate crew very interesting but suppressed his interest. Just because he was a pirate, that didn't change anything.

"I won't!" he said. "I know what you humans think of me. You all think I'm a monster!" he shouted. Luffy just kept smiling at him.

"Yea, you're a monster," he confirmed without hesitation. Chopper gritted his teeth. He had come to expect this reaction, but that didn't make it much easier to hear.

"But who cares? So am I," Luffy continued. Chopper looked at him in slight curiosity.

"What kind of idiot calls himself a monster?" he asked.

"Well, I can't really deny it at this point," Luffy said in an amused tone. "Even my crew says it to my face." The casual way that he admitted something like that confused Chopper, who blinked in surprise. He couldn't imagine Doctor or Doctorine ever calling him a monster. They were the only ones who had ever accepted him.

"Your own crew? And you're ok with that?" he asked, his usual shyness overridden by his confusion.

"Of course!" Luffy said with conviction. "Being a monster just means that I can protect them better. If I had to choose between being a monster who could protect what was precious to me and a normal human who couldn't be relied on, I'd choose monster without a second thought. That's why I strive to become stronger!" Chopper froze at these words. He had never thought of it that way. He had things he wanted to protect as well. Was that what he had to choose between? Being accepted and being able to protect what was precious? If so, he couldn't really fault this guy's logic. He would choose to be a monster as well. Every time.

Chopper brought his gaze back to Wapol and his eyes became focused. There's so much I have to learn if I want to protect them, he thought. I didn't know there would be this much to it. He slowly pulled a small yellow ball out of his pocket and stared at it. Being a monster just means I can protect them better. I'd choose monster without a second thought. The words echoed in his mind and his eyes hardened. He tossed the pill into his mouth and chewed.


Kureha watched in fascination as Chopper's entire demeanor changed. When had he become so determined? It was as if his troubles had disappeared. She snuck another glance at Luffy. "Why did you come out here, kid? Just to give pep talks?" she asked. Luffy turned to her and grinned.

"Oh, I'm just here to watch the show," he said as Chopper charged forward in Walk Point. Wapol was taken aback by his sudden increase in speed but was ready this time.

"It won't work! You forget that one of my officers used to be a zoan as well! I already know how your power works!" He knew the reindeer was going to change to his zoan form to throw another punch, and got ready to swallow him whole. He was quite surprised when instead he changed into a new form, one with huge horns. His eyes widened before his mouth got caught on the large antlers and Chopper continued, undeterred. Wapol began sliding through the snow until Chopper finally bucked, sending him sailing through the air. He landed and continued sliding, coming to a stop just short of the cliff, before getting up again.

"So then that's your hybrid form. Well, now I've seen them all," he said as he wiped the blood off his chin. Luffy smiled wryly, his expression a mix of I know something you don't know and you're about to get fucked. This did not escape Kureha's notice.

"Behold! The true power of the baku baku no mi!" Wapol yelled, as he transformed into what appeared to be a house with cannons for arms. This surprised Chopper, but he pressed on. He couldn't afford to waste precious rumble time. As Wapol aimed both cannons at him, he quickly switched to Guard Point. The small cannons hit him dead on, only to have no effect. He switched to Jump Point and leapt right at Wapol, who was stunned at having seen 5 different forms now, before switching to Arm Point after the jump.

"Kokutei, Roseo!" Chopper's hooves embedded themselves into Wapol's stomach, leaving a visible imprint. Wapol coughed up blood and stumbled back, but regained his balance. He glared at Chopper in outrage and aimed his cannons at him again. This time Chopper dodged the aim using Jump Point, soaring high above Wapol's head. Wapol looked up in surprise as he increased his weight using Heavy Point and fell upon him like a boulder. Wapol raised his cannons too late and Chopper landed another hit.

"Kokutei, Diamond!" Wapol grit his teeth as he was plunged deep into the snow. 6 forms now? When would it end? He didn't have time to think about it though, as Chopper was preparing for another attack. As he charged, Wapol raised his cannons and shot from his awkward position. Chopper switched once again to Guard Point and winced at the impact, knowing he couldn't take too many hits like that. He landed and finally switched to Brain Point, which only seemed to infuriate Wapol more as he pulled himself out of the snow. 7 forms.

"Scope," Chopper whispered as he scanned for Wapol's weak point. He soon found it and chastised himself for not realizing it sooner. "It's over," he said confidently. "You won't get up after this next attack."

"Keep dreaming reindeer," Wapol growled. "Your pathetic attacks won't bring me down." Chopper wasted no more time. He had 30 seconds left. He switched back and forth between Walk Point and Jump Point as he dodged the aim of the cannon fire. Finally he jumped right into Wapol's face and switched to Arm Point one last time. Wapol grinned.

Fool. Going for my face is suicide! He opened his mouth wide and attempted to crush Chopper between his jaws, but Chopper was undeterred, having expected it. Before he could chomp down, Chopper sank his hooves into the back of Wapol's throat. "Kokutei, Cross!" Wapol choked upon impact, and his eyes rolled back into his head before he fell backwards onto the snow, unmoving. Chopper sighed. 3 minutes, he thought with satisfaction as he changed back to his hybrid form, panting lightly.

"Nice one, Chopper!" Luffy called out. Chopper looked at him in surprise, before a sheepish, happy expression came onto his face.

"Shut up! Complimenting me won't make me happy, you bastard!" he said in a very happy tone. As he swayed back and forth comically, Kureha contemplated what had just happened. This man was most likely the cause of Chopper's sudden boost of confidence. That was the only explanation. Not only that, but he seemed to have a large amount of confidence in the reindeer, as if he knew he'd win. Where had that come from? She had overheard one of his attempts to recruit Chopper into his crew of pirates. She idly wondered if he'd be successful. The wound in Chopper's heart couldn't be easily healed, but considering the progress he already seemed to be making, it didn't seem so farfetched. Chopper seemed...more comfortable in his own skin.

"Dalton-san, that's Wapol!" Kureha turned to the voice and saw Dalton and a group of villagers arriving at the top of the mountain in the cable lift. Most of them were staring at Wapol's unconscious form in shock. Zoro, Nami, Usopp, and Sanji, who had also arrived, were all coming to similar conclusions, except for Zoro who had a contemplative look on his face as he noted the hoof imprints on Wapol's torso.

"Doctor Kureha!" Dalton called, turning to the amused woman. "What happened here? Who subdued Wapol?"

"That would be my apprentice," Kureha said, pointing to the human reindeer who was currently hiding behind a tree with his entire body exposed. The Strawhats were a bit confused, having assumed it was Luffy. Dalton's eyes widened as he recognized Chopper.

He's the one who tried to attack Wapol after the death of Dr. Hiluluk. Is he really the one who defeated him? When the realization hit him, he fell to both knees. Chess and Kuromarimo had been defeated as well. This meant that finally, their country could be reborn. He bowed his head to the ground and faced Chopper. "You have my thanks! Now we can start anew!" The reindeer looked startled and unsure of what to do in the face of his gratitude...until the villagers started freaking out over the sight of him. Once the word monster was let loose despite Dalton's discouragement, Chopper stepped out with a pained but resolved look on his face.

"So what if I'm a monster!?" he shouted. "Even if I am, if I can protect everybody, I'm satisfied! Even if I can't be with everyone or make friends, if I can keep Doctor Hilukuk's dream alive, I have no regrets!" The villagers were stunned at this, not only at the fact that the alleged monster was talking to them, but also at what it was conveying. Dalton wore a pained expression at the thought of Hiluluk death. The man had given his life to keep hope alive in Drum Kingdom, but here was his successor right in front of them, having vanquished the tyrant that threatened the man's dream, claiming that he would gladly live the life that had been forced on him if it meant protecting those that had forced it on him. The people who claimed that Dalton was this country's savior knew so little.

"What are you talking about, idiot?" a voice came, breaking him out of his thoughts. "Of course you can make friends! Take a good look," he said as he walked up and stood beside his crewmates. "We're your friends from now on, and there's one more of us too, so get used to it! Now get over here and join our crew already!" The Strawhats all perked up and took a good look at Chopper.

"So that little guy is joining our crew?" Nami asked. "Is he a doctor? We really need one."

"Bit of an oddity isn't he?" Sanji commented. "Well, not that I care."

"What's with the weird nose?" Usopp asked hypocritically.

Zoro stayed silent, simply taking a long look at Chopper as the reindeer stared at Luffy in shock before finally shaking his head stubbornly.

"I can't!" Chopper yelled back. "I want to, but it's impossible! I'm not like you!" Regret filled his voice as the words left his mouth.

"Who cares!" Luffy shouted back with stubbornness in equal measure. "You think any of us are normal? We're all a sailing circus!" Before anyone could attempt to refute this statement, Luffy pointed at Zoro. "I mean look at this guy! My first mate drinks all night, sleeps all day, and then claims he doesn't get hangovers!" Zoro let this comment slide as he continued to observe Chopper. Luffy pointed to Nami next. "You ever heard the phrase put your money where your mouth is? Well our navigator puts her money where her eyes are! I have no idea how she does it to this day!" Nami had half a mind to interrupt his rant with a solid punch, but sighed, knowing full well that he was right. Luffy moved on to Usopp. "Our sniper could lie a thousand times during a lie detector test, and if his lies weren't so ridiculous, you'd never even know he was lying!" Usopp swelled with pride and stood straighter, taking this as a compliment. Luffy then pointed at Sanji. "And our chef will kick you through a wall for chewing with your mouth open while simultaneously flirting with the first woman he lays eyes on!" Sanji shrugged indifferently, not bothering to deny it. Luffy pointed to himself. "And me, I'm the most monstrous guy you'll ever meet in your life, so don't act like that doesn't make you a contender!" Finally, Luffy pointed at Chopper. "So give me one good reason why you shouldn't join our crew and come on adventures with us!"

Chopper's eyes had been filling with tears throughout this speech as his shell of stubbornness started to crack. "But I'm a reindeer! I have hooves and antlers! And a blue nose! Don't you care?" he asked doubtfully.

"Reindeers are cool, your hooves and antlers have proven useful, and your blue nose is funny!" Luffy said with a straight face. Chopper's jaw dropped as his remaining reasons for not joining were shot down one by one. "So no, I don't care," Luffy concluded. "Now shut up and let's go!"

A dam seemed to break at these words, and Chopper was reduced to a fit of hysterical crying. The villagers and Dalton, who had stayed silent throughout the confrontation, looked on in wonder. From behind the castle wall, Vivi smiled faintly, having heard the entire thing.

"Will you stop your infernal crying and make up your mind?" Kureha said with a scoff. "Are you going or not?" Chopper attempted to compose himself and turned to her.

"I'm sorry Doctorine. I...I want to go with them," he said as he sniffed. "I appreciate everything you've done for me over the years, and I'll never forget it, but…" he trailed off as the goodbye became too much for him.

Kureha waved her hand. "Fine. Good riddance then," she said nonchalantly. Inwardly, her heart clenched as she turned away from him and walked back to the castle. On the way, she crossed paths with Vivi, who was trying to cover up her attempts to sneak away. They locked eyes and Kureha looked at her with a blank expression as Vivi started to sweat.

The Strawhats heard a crash coming from the castle accompanied by what sounded like Vivi screaming frantically. Luffy let out a loud laugh as Nami, Usopp, and Sanji stiffened in worry.

"Oh yea, there's still that. Be right back." He walked toward the castle. "Get everyone onto the ship while I get extract Vivi," he said. The Strawhats looked hesitant, but complied and headed down the mountain via the cable lift.

Luffy headed into the castle to find Vivi struggling to escape the grasp of Kureha, who had her pinned to the floor.

"As much as I'd like to see how this plays out, we really need to get going soon," he informed the doctor. Kureha turned to him in annoyance.

"Going? Don't be ridiculous. I meant it when I said that my patients don't leave until they're healthy or dead. And don't forget about my payment either. Once she's completely cured, I'll expect full compensation," Kureha said.

"About that," Luffy began. This next move would make him feel really guilty, and he wouldn't pull it if he didn't know that they had to get to Alabasta fast. "Since it was actually Chopper who treated her, and he's our crewmate now, doesn't that mean we should just discuss the matter of the fee with him?" Kureha's eyes narrowed, as she had an idea where this was going. "And since she's technically his patient and not yours, that means she can leave as long as Chopper monitors her condition on the ship, doesn't it?" Kureha gritted her teeth, but got off of Vivi.

"I guess I can't argue with logic, now can I?" she said before scoffing. Luffy tossed her a small metallic object, which she caught on reflex. "This is…"

"They key to the armoury," Luffy confirmed. "I got if off of Wapol's unconscious body. Figured you might want it."

"Well, isn't that great? You take my assistant and smart talk your way out of payment, but at least I've got this, right?" Her voice was dripping with sarcasm. "Get out of here kid," she said as she turned around. "Never come back if you know what's good for you." As she walked away, Luffy called after her, his voice serious now.

"Thank you for everything," he said sincerely. "I promise I'll do what's best for him and help him fulfill his dream." Kureha froze in place, and Luffy noticed that she had started to tremble. Suddenly she spun around.

"I told you to get the hell out of here, you fucking brat! Now leave before I change my mind!" she shouted with bloodshot eyes. Luffy signaled to Vivi and the two quickly made their way out of the castle. When they got to the edge of the mountain, the lift was already gone. Luffy hoisted Vivi onto his back, and Vivi paled as she realized how they were going to get down. She resisted the urge to scream as Luffy took them across the mountain side and down to ground level using geppou.

When they finally got back to the Going Merry, she was panting furiously. As they made their way onto the ship, Luffy noticed Chopper's troubled expression. He didn't know what the reindeer was thinking about, but he had a hunch that whatever loose ends he was dealing with would be tied up soon.

"I'd keep an eye on that mountain if I were you, Chopper," he said with a grin. Chopper looked up at him curiously, and then turned back to the Drum rockies. It wasn't long before the all of the snow in a large circular vicinity of the center mountain turned pink from whatever chemical was adhering to it. From this distance, the entire mountain bore a striking resemblance to a massive sakura tree in full bloom.

"Damn," Usopp whistled.

"Wow," Vivi breathed in awe.

"It's amazing," Nami said.

"You said it," Sanji said as he looked up at the sight.

Chopper, unable to contain himself, burst out crying again, and continued to do so even as their ship pulled away from Drum island.