
Second Chance: Reincarnated Into a New World!

A lost young man, without dreams, goals, or anything to aspire to, found himself completely lost. But that all changed when he decided to transform his life and start planning his future. What he didn't expect was that that same day, he would die... However, to his surprise, he was reincarnated in another world! Eldor, a world of magic and fantasy. Full of monsters, spells, mysteries and lots of stories to be told! Surprised by this miraculous event, the former young man who saw himself without a future now has a new name: Light. And after that happened, Light could only think about exploring the world and living the right way. This time, he would do everything differently than in his other life. No more excuses, no more laziness! He was given a second chance, and he would make the most of it, aiming to become the Supreme Mage of that world! --- Instagram: @scrinw_webnovel Chapters every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday! (5:00 GMT +8)

VoidBoy · Fantasía
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74 Chs

The Banquet is Served!

In front of me is a large hall with corridors on the sides. The hall ends at a double wooden door. The entire interior is made of stones, not very surprising for a castle.

After passing through the door, I see a small open area surrounded by the immense building.

The sun can barely come in.

I see a guard passing by the castle in his steel armor.

"Excuse me, could you tell me where the lunchroom is?" I really have no idea what the name of the room where people eat is.

"Lunchroom?" His voice came through the cracks in his helmet. "You want to go to the banquet, don't you?" He adds.

After that, he gave me a brief description of the path where I needed to go

My stomach growls with hunger, I must not have eaten anything since yesterday.

Arriving where I should, I open the door and see a large table that has different foods. Roast chicken, potatoes, the most varied types of meat, salads and everything a banquet has to offer.

On the chairs, everyone is sitting. William, Richard, Hera, Ryza, Tirey and Sinphie.

"Excuse me." I say as I sit down on a chair next to Hera.

"You're a little late." Richard comments.

"I was exploring the guest room." I say as I pick up my plate and place every type of food I see in front of me. I just want to eat!

I devour food like a dog!

I'm sorry, mom, but I'm starving.

"Have manners, Light!" She scolds me.


Tirey laughs lightly along with Ryza.

"You are famous in the kingdom, did you know that?" The queen says. "The news spread quickly among the residents, I bet the people in your village already know." She adds.

"Really? I thought no one had figured it out yet..." I say.

Well, it wasn't my intention to become a celebrity in this world, but that's life, right...

During the meal, William seems strangely quiet. Like, he's normally quiet, but he seems a little down. Maybe the fight left him traumatized.

I don't blame him, I'm also processing what happened yesterday.

"By the way, what happened to those two?" I ask about Yuri and his partner.

"Yuri was killed by one of our soldiers, you must have seen it happen." Tirey talks while eating. "The partner, Kaleb, seems to have survived luckily, but he is already in prison. We will interrogate him as soon as he is ready." He concludes.

I don't know why, but I was slightly relieved to know that I didn't kill a man.

I still don't have the nerve to kill someone.

In this world, adventurers and even authorities, such as guards, are allowed to kill criminals without suffering any punishment.

Of course, for this to happen, there must be a clear reason that is not doubtful, such as catching the criminal at the time of the crime.

The death penalty also exists in this world, but they don't happen in public; it happens in the prison itself.

Killing someone is still too much for me, I can't see myself doing that. But if, for some reason, I do it, I will probably have two reasons: I will no longer see the value of life, or I will have to be forced to do it.

But you never know what the future will be like, only the god of Time knows.

"In fact, you can stay until tomorrow, if you want." Sinphie says, and Richard is shocked at the same moment.

" I-It would be an honor." He says.

After lunch, I went to that open area again, this time just to rest a little.

Arriving there, I see Ryza and Foguinho.

As soon as he sees me, the dog runs towards me and jumps on me, making me lose my balance a little since he's practically my size when he's standing up.

"I thought you were going outside." I say to Ryza as I sit down on the grass.

"It's not much fun without you guys around."

"And how is Foguinho?"

"Better than ever; it feels like you haven't even been kidnapped for a day, haha."

"Haha." Being a dog really must be a blessing... "I wish I had asked you before, but since when have you had him?" I ask.

"Foguinho isn't really mine. It was a gift given to my father. Do you know the former Supreme Mage, Karmes?" She questions me.

" Yeah. I didn't meet him, but I know his name."

"Foguinho was given to my father as a gift for my birth." She says looking at the floor.

What kind of person gives a dog as a gift?

Mainly because of a birth??

"So you grew up with him." I say.

"Yes. My father doesn't really like animals, but he respected Karmes, they were very close. After he was gone, the only thing Karmes had left behind was Foguinho, so he started to worry more."

"It makes sense." Perhaps this is somehow related to their strictness about not letting the princess leave the castle.

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