
Second Chance: Reincarnated Into a New World!

A lost young man, without dreams, goals, or anything to aspire to, found himself completely lost. But that all changed when he decided to transform his life and start planning his future. What he didn't expect was that that same day, he would die... However, to his surprise, he was reincarnated in another world! Eldor, a world of magic and fantasy. Full of monsters, spells, mysteries and lots of stories to be told! Surprised by this miraculous event, the former young man who saw himself without a future now has a new name: Light. And after that happened, Light could only think about exploring the world and living the right way. This time, he would do everything differently than in his other life. No more excuses, no more laziness! He was given a second chance, and he would make the most of it, aiming to become the Supreme Mage of that world! --- Instagram: @scrinw_webnovel Chapters every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday! (5:00 GMT +8)

VoidBoy · Fantasy
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The Necessary Determination

(William Rods POV)1

I couldn't even defeat a random guy...

I had to be protected by my younger brother, the opposite was supposed to happen, right?

All this training I've been doing was for nothing!

Light would have done much better if I hadn't gotten in his way...

"Snif..." I can't cry, I could be dead if my brother didn't protect me. The only one who can cry is Light, for everything he's been through and done, I just watched as he sorted everything out.

In fact, it has always been like this. Light has always been one step ahead of me in all aspects, it doesn't even look like I'm older than him.

He was the one who introduced me to magic; he was the one who helped me read and write; he was the one who taught me how to use magic; and he was the one who saved Ryza's dog.

My brother was always ahead, I just hadn't realized it yet...

All I was doing was being a burden, a shadow.

When he said he wanted to be the Supreme Mage, I immediately thought about being the Supreme Swordsman, but do I have the determination to do it?

Am I so determined and hardworking to achieve this goal?

I have no doubts about my brother, I am sure that he will one day become the Supreme Mage. If he can't become one, he'll at least be an emerald badge mage.

But what about me?

What have I done to achieve my goal?

Training with Light is not enough. Somehow, Light is more talented and intelligent than me, as well as having three spells. For me to be at my brother's level, I need to go further.

After leaving the room, I walk down a corridor with a large brown carpet that goes to the beginning of the stairs that lead to the landing, which is just ahead. Further ahead, I see other doors with rooms.

I have a dagger with me, and I don't even know how to use it. Light is going to be a wizard, and when it comes to magic, he dominates it like it's nothing. I intend to be a swordsman, but I don't even use a sword due to a lack of strength and technique.

If I want to be the Supreme Swordsman, knowing how to use magic won't be enough, I need to know swordsmanship and have a body strong enough to use a sword...

The windows in the hallway are large and have an arch shape. The light passes between the panes, making even the dust visible in the air.

Looking through them, I see a training ground of sorts, with white tents and some knights talking.

Some knights are training by beating scarecrows with wooden swords.

Their blows are quick and assertive, practically every attack would be fatal.

Some archers shoot arrows at scarecrow targets.

However, what catches my attention the most is a woman with violet hair. His hair is long and a little wavy at the ends.

I can't see his face, but his armor seems to shine brighter than any of the knights.

(Light Rods POV)

After spending some time in the room, venturing into that luxury, one of the maids opens the door.

"The banquet is ready, Mr. Light." She says and closes the door.

Quite quick to make food...

I think I already know what could have happened. The queen warned them to get ahead of their work so as not to be too late for lunch. Anyway, it's just one of the possibilities.

It's now 12:30 p.m. I usually have a later lunch, but I don't think I'm in a position to complain.

Opening the door, I step through the hallway and down the stairs. There's just one problem: I have no idea where the kitchen is.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.

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