
Amy's Thoughts II

"Charlotte, can you hand me the sauce?" 

Charlotte immediately handed the said thing to the female, who's busy slicing the meat. They were about to cook pork cutlet and curry. Amy was very excited to cook because the actress offered her help. 

Meanwhile, Aiden was on duty to cook rice. He was at the edge of the countertop, sitting while reading a book.

Charlotte seemed amazed by Amy's skills that she couldn't help but to compliment her. "You are so good at cooking." 

"Eh? Really? Cooking is easy." Amy mumbled, replacing the bowl next to the stove. She took a pot and heated it on. "I can teach you if you want."

Charlotte finds it difficult imagining her cooking. She even thought of burning the whole kitchen. However, there's this one thing she wanted to boast about, at least. "But I can bake"

Amy halted and turned to her. "Really?!" she exclaimed.