
Sealed fate

Daoist04Qvf4 · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Chapter 11

Malcom looked at me in my wolf form like I was the most beautiful sunset he had ever seen. This was the first time he had ever seen me in my wolf form besides when I tried to escape him, so he was really taking it all in. To be honest I have never seen what my wolf looks like. Looking down at my paws I notice I have spots of orange, brown, black, and Grey speckled all over my body but my fur is mostly white. I've never seen another wolf with markings like this. Malcom is still staring at me in aw so I huff at him to get his attention.

"Right, my turn" Malcom then shifts into his large black wolf in what seems like seconds. Quick and painless but when you have years of practice that makes sense.

Immediately his wolf comes right over to me and begins sniffing me and rubbing his furr on mine marking his territory. I snort and think in my mind "possessive males"

A low growl echos through my mind that is not my own. "That's because you are Mine little one" Malcom voice is full of lust.

"Sorry I didn't know we could mind link" I squeak out

"It's a part of the mate bond, even though we aren't fully mated we still have a strong connection " Malcom sounded very pleased.

"Now we should continue training before I decide to take you right here on this field and show everyone just how much you are Mine." Malcom growled

Just then is when I realized we weren't alone and several pack members were staring at me in disbelief and gossiping amongst themselves watching to see when happens next. After all I am a stranger here and nobody knows besides the beta and Julia that I am Malcoms mate.

"You still want to train with everyone watching" I was neverous and my voice was shaking.

"Yes you need to be confident in your skills it doesn't matter who is around. Plus this will give you the chance to prove you are my strong Luna" Malcom wolf practically purred at the word Luna.

Malcom got into a defensive stance and charged at me without any notice but my smaller wold is still much faster than him. So I jumped out of the way and got behind him and pounced. I landed on his back and knocked us both to the ground. Both of us fighting for dominance. It was a hard struggle he is so strong but I am not giving up without a fight. I could tell Malcom was holding back on me and I also knew that in a fair fight I wouldn't win if he doubted my strength. I pushed him hard on the ground and held him there. Malcom's wolf was getting angry that he was being held in a submissive position especially by his mate who he has not staked his claim on.

I jumped off of him and began to strut around happy with the fact that I just pinned the big bad alpha. I knew this would make Malcom angry enough that when we train again he won't hold back on me so much.

Just then I noticed a lot of male pack members were staring at me and chatting back and forth. I could hear their whispers "that wolf is beautiful", "I wonder who she is ", "maybe I will make her my play thing".

Before I knew it Malcom had already shifted and had his clothes on and began walking over to me.

"Shift back now!" He yelled.

I was confused why he was so angry. Was it because I pinned him. I thought he would be proud of me.

" I said SHIFT!" He was not happy and used his alpha tone. My wolf immediately obeyed his order and I shifted back into my human form. Covering my intimate parts of my body. Malcom walked over to me and put his t-shirt on me and lifted me over his shoulder. I began to squirm.

"Malcom my ass is hanging out what are you doing" I yelped

Just then Malcom smacked my ass hard and I yelped when he did it. Right in front of everyone watching. He then growled deep and low in his chest.

"She is MINE" he gritted through his teeth.

Looking directly at all the males staring. They bowed their heads and walked away.

"Malcom!" I yelled

"This is not how you should make the announcement that you found your mate" I squeak at him embarrassed.

"What did you want me to do they were all staring at you. And we haven't done the mating ritual so technically you are unmated and free game I have to stake my claim." Malcom was still angry

"I smell like you your scent is all over me we had sex last night" I scoffed

"Yes but you aren't marked and for all they know you are just a piece of ass to me thats why I wanted to make it clear." He rolled his eyes as if it was so naive of me to assume that because we had sex that the pack members would assume we were mates.

I was hurt at that statement. I was a Virgin. Is Malcom not a Virgin. Who am I kidding of course he isn't he is gorgeous and a alpha and his sex drive is much higher than a normal wolf. I felt a pang in my heart that means he has had many she wolves in his bed and they have all felt what I feel. They have all had his attention at one point.

Malcom noticed the change in my mood and immediately tried to make it better.

"Hey lily sweetheart I didn't mean it in a negative way. I'm sorry I just didn't want them to try to take what's mine." His tone was soft and apologetic

" why would they just assume I'm a piece of ass, have there been many? Huh ? Is that why you're such a player and every she wolf in a twenty mile radius is just your play toy. I wonder are their any girlfriends I need to worry about or are you not the relationship type." I hissed out I was hurt and angry. I'm not some pup who doesn't know how this works. I was jealous I had no right to be but I was. To think that any woman had touched him and felt things that were only meant for me I felt betrayed.

"Lily please" Malcom pleaded to talk to me but I didn't want to listen.

"Fuck you" I yelled and I took off in my wolf form I didn't want to talk I was far too angry.