
Sealed fate

Daoist04Qvf4 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 10

The next morning I woke up feeling very well rested. I stretched and notice the other side of the bed was empty except for a small note that said " eat breakfast and meet me on the training fields - malcom"

So I got out of bed and put on a pair of black leggings and a purple sweater, perfect for working out in the cool weather. Next was breakfast I grabbed a bagel and orange juice and ate on the go. Once on the field I found Malcom already into his training routine and I couldn't help but stare at him. Since we have had sex I feel so much closer to him even though the mating ritual isn't complete the bond is so much stronger. Sweat beaded on his chest and shined in the sunlight. This man was a Greek God and I wouldn't mind being on my knees to worship him. Suddenly I was ripped from my sensual thoughts by Malcom clearing his throat.

" do you like what you see princess?" Malcom smirked and left out a low chuckle

"Psh, no I was just uh thinking " I tried to cover my tracks with a smile.

"Well we have a long training day ahead of us so no time to be naughty" Malcom's face became more serious.

"Oh alright" I pouted

Malcom had me warm up by jogging a few laps around the field which was easy for me I trained hard in my human form at my old pack. What was going to be hard for me was training in my wolf form. That will be completely new to me. Although I have shifted before it is still very painful for me. I am going to have to push myself hard so shifting will become quick and painless for me. I need to be deadly not only in my human form but my wolf form as well. I gave Malcom a quick nod to confirm that I am ready to start training one on one.

We stood in front of each other a few feet apart.

"Okay I'm going to attack you and you are going to defend yourself, don't go easy on me because I'm not going to go easy on you. The enemy certainly won't so you need to fight like your life depends in it because it does" Malcom spoke in a serious tone but I could still see the soft worry in his eyes.

"I'm ready when you are" I was confident in this form, I was one of the best warriors in our pack as long as we were fighting in human form.

Out of nowhere Malcom lunged at me trying to take me down while my guard wasn't up. I quickly moved out of the way and got into a defensive position and watched him closely to determine his next move.

"You're quick little one" Malcom smirked at me.

Just like that he came for me again and I knew he was going to try to get me on the ground thats the only way he could win. Because I'm fast, too fast for him to try to run me down but if he got me on the ground he could hold me there. I was going to have to get him tired and pin him before he can get to me.

"What's the matter ?" I grinned at Malcom and winked.

"I told you little one no times for games" Malcom was trying very hard not to smile and remain serious.

" but it is a game and believe me I'm going to win" I smiled.

With that I launched and took off running towards him before he could move. I jumped at him and wrapped my arm around his neck and swung my body up and around Malcom landing on his back and wrapping my legs around his waist. Malcom fell to the ground on his stomach with my arm still hooked around his throat as I began to squeeze harder. I was determined i wasn't going to let him up or let go until he tapped out. After a few minutes of him squirming trying to get me off of him he finally hit my arm and signaled me to let go. I stood up and left him catch his breath. He looked at me and smiled while rubbing his throat that was now properly red there will more than likely be marks left behind I was squeezing pretty hard.

"I didn't hurt you did i?" I asked worried

"Not at all but I was not expecting a attack like that " Malcom chuckled still rubbing his neck.

"That was good though you need to have the element of surprise on your side" he smiled and stood up.

"I think you are pretty deadly in human form, what we really need to work on is shifting and fighting in your wolf form." Malcoms expression was soft. I think he knew already this was going to be hard on me and part of him felt guilty for even asking me to do this. But I had to there is no going back from here its do or die and I don't want to die.

"I know " is all I said before letting out a deep sigh .

Malcom walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I know this is going to be hard. I promise I will be here every step of the way if you want me to be. Me being close to you will help take some of the pain away because of the mate bond " Malcom rubbed my arm and kissed my forehead.

I felt alittle better knowing he would be here with me and would help me through it but the pain is still going to be very severe.

"Okay let's do this, now or never right?" I sighed and shook my head to rid myself of any doubts.

"Right you can do this " Malcom said in a encouraging tone.

I got on all fours and tried to focus on pushing my wolf forward. I could feel my skin tingling so I pushed harder "shift"

I felt my wolf stirring in my mind and my claws began to extend through my fingertips and I winced in pain.

"Shift!" I half screamed.

My bones began to break and the pain flooded my brain. I screamed and fell to the ground as everything rearranged and poped into place. My furr pushed through my skin and my kanines pushed through my gums. My entire body was on fire with pain but I had to keep going. After what felt like hours I was fully shifted and the pain went away.

"You're beautiful " is all I heard Malcom say before I even looked at him