
Wedding Shenanigans

"I am your Death.I am here to send you to hell you monster."


It was the headman's daughter's engagement ceremony, it would have been a big event at the protectorate village, but Lord Delve had insisted on making it a minimal affair, he didn't want too many people around.

"We can arrange the ceremony, at the Lunar Shrine. Suli is my granddaughter too." Priest Kershe had insisted.

"Yes, I think that would be better." The headman agreed. The betrothal was scheduled at an early hour next day, which according to Kershe was an auspicious time.

Elara, found Lord Delve's secretive ways extremely peculiar. But, she decided not to object, as she didn't want to hurt Suli anymore. I should appreciate what makes her happy.

Suli on the other hand looked extremely confused, morosed and lost ever since she came back from the market. She hasn't spoken a word and her silence bugged Elara even more.
