
Spices And Fabrics (2)

Where is my mate trying to run away from me?


Suli was enjoying her time, she wasn't interested in looking at any fabric specifically, she just loved this feeling of walking in between the fabrics, dyed in different hues and hung on thick ropes, they looked like huge colourful curtains falling gently on soft green grass. Her heavy heart and mind were tempered slowly basking under the sun, the sun rays penetrated the fabrics creating a colourful canopy over her. Walking under these fabrics, she felt as if she in the kingdom of rainbows.

Aphin followed Suli's scent along the maze of fabrics; the scent of his mate he thought, it was almost like cure to everything that had been plaguing him. He almost bumped into her, while she was lingering her fingers along a long red cloth covered over her like a tent.