
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasía
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101 Chs

Can’t fool a blind man? | Part 8

"And the reason why I'm doing this is that I want to get rid of the roots of Ignis's headaches and long time shifts in the Student Council Office" Callista added so Anastasia looked at her with wide eyes

"Callista... A-Are you serious?" she stuttered in too much shock "Who says I'm joking? Morning 'till afternoon you and Ignis had always been in the Office and when he has time for me he is always in a bad mood! Do you know how lonely that was!?" she exclaimed and pulled on her hair as if she was making herself sane.

"Callista, we know you're obsessed with Ignis for unknown reasons but we didn't expect it to be this much" Denovan said in concern as Anastasia suddenly began to get dizzy from too much shock.

"It was a good idea to kill that shadow" she said with a triumph smile "Shadow? You saw it?" Jackson asked, shocked "What does he mean?" Anastasia confusedly asked that Callista ignored

"It seems like I was the next target to go missing" she explained with a shrug "The case where students had been going missing? That incident is also involved?" Denovan asked making Jackson nod

"Do you know what happened to that shadow now?" Jake asked so Callista tilted her head "Wendy most likely already digested it by now" she replied.

"Wendy? Who the hell is that person?" Ivan asked as Callista smiled when Wendy landed on her fingertip "My familiar" she answered.

"T-That... Just who are you, Callista?" Jackson stuttered and looked at the smiling Callista "What is it? I can't see but its shape looks like of a butterfly and holds a strong power" Jake said.

"It's a red butterfly, Jake!" Jackson said with excitement "It's a creature that is so rare that you can only find two of them in the world and is born after 10 or 20 years" Denovan explained making Jackson nod.

"Because of how rare it is. Magic researchers have been doing everything to catch at least one of them. It holds so much power that it's hard to summon and if you do succeed you'll most likely die as it absorbs your power to stay alive" Jackson said

"That's correct! I didn't expect you to know something like that" Callista said with a clap "But that's not what's important right now, isn't it?" she said so the twins looked at each other 

 "But I suggest you stop borrowing Jackson's eyesight, Jake" she said with a sigh "And why would I listen to you?" Jake asked so Callista rolled her eyes.

"To use your power properly you should also know the advantage and disadvantages of your ability" she said and crossed her arms.

"What do you mean?" Jackson confusedly asked "There's a reason why one is blind but can walk and one can see but not able to walk. The longer you borrow Jackson's ability to see is how much you are slowly stealing his ability to see. For short, you are a leech leeching off Jackson's eyesight, Jake" she said and Jake's mouth opened and closed like a fish out of power.

"And you know this, Jackson, yet you continue to let him borrow your eyesight." Ignis said while staring blankly at Jackson who sadly smiled.

"Is that true?" Jake asked in surpise "I'm sorry" Jackson apologetically smiled as Jake suddenly felt weak "Why... Why would you do that?" he asked in a whisper as Jackson looked at them.

"As you know, I don't possess a great amount of magic. You can even say that I don't have magical powers at all and the only thing I can do to protect both of us is letting Jake borrow my eyesight because he's the only one who can defeat our enemies. This is the only way to protect both of us." he explained.

"Maybe there's another way?" Anastasia asked and looked at Ivan "Do you have any solutions? Or maybe you can ask your Father for help?" Ivan shook his head.

"Jake's ability to borrow anyone's senses is already a rare ability as it is" he said before he looked at the scope "By the way, what does this do and why do they need this?" he asked while getting near the object.

"Oh, that? That's a holy artifact passed down in the Mel Family that's why they can obtain such a holy and powerful object" Callista said "What are they even trying to find?" Ivan asked.

"See for yourself." Callista said so Ivan looked through the lenses and gasped with what he saw "Holy shit. What the hell is that?" he gasped "Why? What do you see?" Anastasia asked.

"It's like a big orb underneath the ground in the middle of the maze garden. A black fog is surrounding it. What is that?" Ivan's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and moved away for Denovan to see.

When Anastasia heard that she looked at Callista when a thought crossed her mind as the missing students and that black orb has a connection.

"Callista, what happened to the students who went missing when you encountered that shadow?" she asked not completely ready to hear the answer as Callista turned to her.

"From what I saw, that shadow stinks of black magic and has been devouring students at night to absorb their magic core" she explained and that information made Anastasia's breathing hitched.

"Devour, you mean..?" she waited and looked at Callista with begging eyes as if saying that what she was thinking wasn't true. Callista blankly looked at her in return before nodding, confirming her thoughts.

"They're dead.." she said as Anastasia's legs finally gave out "Lady Ana.." Denovan worriedly called out as Anastasia was still in the middle of shock.

"We feel bad that we can't save those students who went missing that's why we are doing this so please let us continue our plan" Jackson said with pleading eyes as everyone looked at them

"That scope will send out a beam of light to your specific target when you give it magic and break their magic core. Seeing how Jake is the only one who can feed it magic, I suppose his the one who's going to do it?" Callista explained the situation before clicking her tongue.

"That is basically suicide" she sneered that made the twin's eyebrows furrow "What do you mean?" Jake asked.

"To break a magic core of someone else you need to sacrifice your own. That's why magicians protect their magic cores on a whole new level because that is what keeps them alive" Ignis explained and sighed at the twin's shocked expression.

"Even if you succeed in breaking it without breaking yours. It will cause an explosion that will most likely kill everyone in school if you calculate how big that magic core is" he added as the others stay quiet.

"Now you understand why I suggested you not to use it?" Callista said with a cold look on her face.