

There are two existed worlds, the first one is human world and the second is the magic world. Four years ago the tragedy of kyrie occured where the girl named Zen and the whole village swallowed by the abbyss but somehow she was rescued by the master of the red country, noa with blood tepes. After six years she awakened, some of masters in different country are disagreed to let a human like her to stay in magic world . Her memories were collected and remmember her first love, hydro and her twin sister, Zein but she was nowhere to found. Zen felt that she could find her in magic world because of what happen to them all. But needed some help from them, noa, assigned tepes to take care of her until she find her sister and her companions who experience the same tragedy. But it wasn't easy task to begin with. She have to learn what kind of world that is so much different from theirs. A unexpected happen to them both.

luciel_707 · Fantasía
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5 Chs




The human girl is sitting on the hospital bed while I and the old man is standing on the right side, Doctor smith smiled as he looking at her.

" You can be discharged right now if you want it, lady."- Dr. smith

She looked at the old man, noa smiled at her and put his hand on the top of my head.

"I'm noa, and this kid is blood tepes. But you can call him kiddo tho."- noa

He laughed mockingly as my vein popped on my right temple, I looked at him angrily smack his hand away from my head.

"Don't treat me like that, you geezer! How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not a kid!"-tepes

"But you look like a child tho it's not a lie~"- noa

"Whose fault that I'm in this form and can't change back to my ordinary body?!"-tepes

He innocently looked at me like a child who was confused.

"I wonder who that is?"- noa

I facepalm as I heard what he said.

"Stop acting like that geezer, your not now in that age to play innocently like a kid. It gives me a creep feeling…"-tepes

While I talking non-stop, I saw the old man's attention is in the human girl who staring at us earlier, listen to what we say.

"How about you girl? What's your name?"-noa

"And I--hey! are you listening old man?!"-tepes

The human lean her right palm into her head as her eyebrows met in confusion.

"My name?"

As she tried to remember, the old man secretly cast magic on her. A bluish thin screen appeared to the top of her head. I bump him slightly by my elbow and whisper into his ear while he's looking at me on the corner of his eyes. He answered in low voice.

"What did you do?"- tepes

"I just want to see her memories, for more information about how she came into this world even she's a human."- noa

We waited to watched the girl's memories as she closing her eyes, trying to remember. It's a black screen for a while but little by little, one of the shards of her memories returned. It's the scene where the tragedy occurred in her village.

I saw her and a brown hair child boy, just around in her age and he's dying closely while blood flows in the corner of his mouth. She held his right cheek as her tears fall into his forehead. The screen corrupted and we heard the human girl screamed.

"Tepes! The doctor! Call him!" - noa

I immediately push the button on the wall near the headboard of her bed, the button glows red. A sign that the doctor has been called in his office. The old man trying to calm her down but its no use. The screen goes back into normal where her memories continued, we watched as the girl's head was on the old man's shoulder and slowly breath to relaxed herself. The boy smiled while he slowly touched her hand where it's been placed into his cheek, he speaks as closely to whisper.

" I'm happy that your safe, This is a chance for you to escape this place. I apologize that I can't be with you anymore, Someday we will meet again."

"No! I won't leave you! Saying things like that! We can be together as always, eating, crying, laughing and sleeping together with everyone! Don't give on me yet! It's like there's no world at all if you die, your the only one left. Hydro, don't you dare to close your eyes! Stay with me!"

She leans his body to her giving him a piggyback ride and walked slowly to the flame surroundings and destroyed buildings. The boy bit his lower lip in frustration and he squirmed, the girl let go of him in surprise, She opened her mouth to say a word but it was cut off by hugging her.

"You need to go, I'm only a burden if I go with you, run far as you can while they are not here yet."

She says no and stomps her foot in anger while hugging him back as she buried her face into his shoulder.

"I'm gonna die with you than living without you hydro!"

He ruffled her hair and he held her chin to make her looked up to him, meting her gaze and smiles at the girl.

"Not gonna happen you, idiot. Just remember, I'll be waiting in heaven or hell, Zen."

He kissed her forehead and a blue magic circle was glowing into their feet and it was changed into a blue sphere where they separated. Zen is inside of the sphere and hydro was on the ground casting magic. She tried to escape but it was no used, hydro coughed more blood that it splashes down. His body shivered in his short time in the human world, he points his two palms in the sphere's direction despite whats happening to him.

"Don't worry zen, they will take care of you in my place. And you can find another man who will be with you until your time's up. I love you always my beloved zen."- hydro

Zen was screaming his name even her voice was hoarse while her tears are flowing non-stop since earlier hydro close his eyes and say a magic spell using his remaining strength.


The whole screen lights up and the face of hydro appearance became blurry until it faded. The old man cast his magic away and the girl opened her eyes and look at us while her eyes are reddy and puffy because of crying.

"My name is zen."-zen

We hear fast footsteps and the door was opened harshly, the doctor runs immediately to zen and worriedly looking at her body state. After that he and the old man was talking outside of the room, the doctor tells me to not let her stand or do anything just lie her down on the bed. But...

"What the heck is your problem human girl that you want to stand up?! No matter what happens you absolutely have to lie down until the doctor permits you not to do so!"- tepes

"My body is gonna be stiff if I don't move! I'm not like a corpse to stay in one position! I'm gonna do whatever I want!"-zen

She tried to get out of the bed but I pinning her down to make sure she's not gonna stand up or do anything.

"Geez! Why so stubborn?! just lie down you human pest!"-tepes

The old man came back with a small black box and look at us and begin to smile teasingly.

"Hohoho~ it looks like you two are getting along to each other."- noa

We both looked to each other while facing the old man while shouted angrily and answer in chorus.

" Did you really think this is the 'getting along' you speaking of ?!"