
Scared love

Chris has a traumatic experience that brings her to her new family. A new school. Overall a new life. With a new life it means she has to keep her old secrets. But when she meets Nicholas will she be able to keep her life to herself or will she share it? Will he share his? Chris’s new life may have brought her new love but will it cure the old? Figure out by reading Scared love!

kelseybaby12 · Adolescente
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: Fence hopper

I managed to avoid my mom this morning, when she was up and getting ready for work I was in the shower till I heard her car leave.

Once I heard she was gone, I tried to figure out what I wanted to do with my Sunday. I finished my homework, Jenny will probably be with Marty, and the car was in the shop so I couldn't drive anywhere.

I decided to take a walk around the apartment complex, looking at all the unfamiliar faces besides a few which I saw wandering around sometimes.

I walked over to the parking lot, next to the dumpster and a fence away from the school. My eyes skimmed over each car till they landed on the sleek black car. It was a nice car. A very nice car.

How did he get this car, he lives in a apartment complex. I mindlessly run my finger along the car.

"You got the hot's for my car, or something?" I jump realizing I was to deep in thought to hear Nicholas approach.

"N-no, I-It's just a nice uh... car." I get red at my mumbling answer.

"I agree, with what you said about it being a nice car. Which is exactly why I don't want your finger prints all over it." He says taking my hand off the car and into his.

I get butterflies, as he looks into my eyes with his. Almost like he's searching for something. His forehead creases with confusion before he drops my hand and gets into his car. I would think it never happened, but the feeling in my stomach made it so I knew it did.

I walk back to my apartment, and decide to read for a little while. I grab Tom Sawyer off of the shelf and walk back to the living room.

I read till my eyes get heavy and just when I'm about to drift off I hear the front door open, crap! I jump off the couch and try to find a place to get away, but I can't so I stand and wait.

"Hi honey, I have been waiting to see you. We need to talk." She says as she enters the living room from the hall, taking a seat across from me on the couch.

"Your therapist says you rushed out of your meeting yesterday. Would you like to tell me why?" She taps her finger on her knee, waiting.

"I had homework, and it's not my ideal way to spend a Saturday." I shrug.

"We both know that's a lie, sweetie this will help." She says putting a hand on my shoulder.

"You don't know that, it won't bring them back. I need to move on and I can't with everyone making me talk about it." I blink back the tears in my eyes and run to me room.

I stare at the ceiling thinking, when I hear shouts and a loud noise. I open my door quietly and tip toe to the back door.

Making sure my mom is asleep I close the door behind me. The yelling sounds closer, as I creep across the yard to fence on my right. I find a small hole in the fence and look through. It's Todd and Nicholas.

Nicholas is standing against the back fence as Todd is throwing beer bottles. One of them breaks next to Nicholas's arm, he doesn't even flinch.

"Your a no good child!" He slurs throwing another bottle that lands right next to Nicholas's face when it breaks a piece of glass cuts his chin.

"Says the no good father!" He yells back, Todd gets mad and smashes a bottle against the fence I am looking from.

I am frozen in shock as the glass bottle breaks against the whole I was looking from. A glass shard stabs into the skin on my upper cheek. I yelp, but cover my mouth before anyone can hear.

Before I head back into the apartment, I see Nicholas hop over the back fence leading to the parking lot. With that I go inside, to the bathroom and access the glass shard sticking out of my cheek.

I pinch each side of the glass before slowly pulling it out, blood starts to go down my cheek onto my chin. I grab a warm wet rag and place it where the glass was.

I put anti infection gel on the wound before applying a thick white bandage on it keeping it there with some tape. It could have used a few stitches. Oh well. With that done I head to bed.

I wake up to my blaring alarm and a sore cheek. I go to the bathroom mirror seeing the bandage was soaked with blood, my cheek was slightly swollen. I re applied my bandage and got dressed in a plain gray oversized T-shirt and black shorts. I tie up my white Jordan's and brush my shoulder length blonde curly hair. Tying it into a low ponytail.

I grab a breakfast bar, and my house key. I make my way along the apartment to the fence which I hop over. I make my way towards the main entrance of the school. I see Miley with her posse and once she sees me she glares, she starts walking towards me but I'm faster and I run off, avoiding her.

I get to lunch unscathed, but people around me whisper. Either they know Miley is out for me or they are wondering about my cheek. Both are not ones I want to talk about.

I'm sitting at the table completely zoned out when Jenny speaks pulling me out of my thoughts.

"So Miley is giving you major glares, and you got a busted cheek. Which one do you want to talk about." She says leaning over the table like we were in a private meeting.

"I don't know about the Miley thing, but I do know that my cheek is not busted. I just cut it when picking up a broken mug." I shrug, I really didn't want to lie. I couldn't talk about Nicholas's private business though.
