
Scared love

Chris has a traumatic experience that brings her to her new family. A new school. Overall a new life. With a new life it means she has to keep her old secrets. But when she meets Nicholas will she be able to keep her life to herself or will she share it? Will he share his? Chris’s new life may have brought her new love but will it cure the old? Figure out by reading Scared love!

kelseybaby12 · Teen
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5 Chs

Chapter 5: Trouble.

  I could not talk about Nicholas's private life with anyone. I finally decided on that, it wasn't my secret to share. Maybe it wasn't even a secret.

Looking up I saw Nicholas staring at me from across the cafeteria. His friends were huddled around him all messing around, but Nicholas was paying no attention.

Why was he looking at me? What did I do? Is he mad at me? No, he can't be right?

Thoughts kept running through my head, I felt the bandage on my cheek start to fall, the tape was loosing it's stick. I decided to just ditch the bandaid.

I made my way to the middle of the cafeteria where the trash can sat. Once I reached it I threw the bandaid into the trash a hand came into view, grabbing my wrist.

I looked up to see Nicholas, he was wearing a white T-shirt that showed his muscles, his hair was ruffled but that just added to his charm.

Before I could say anything he pulled me by my wrist to a deserted hallway, I tried looking around to find someone to help me escape.

He let go of my wrist once we were deep in the empty hallway. He took a step towards me and I took a step back, it went like that till my back hit the wall. His arms on each side of my head caging me in.

"What do you want?" I hissed squirming under his stare.

"What happened?" It was more of a demand than a question as his eyes fell on my cheek.

"I-I dropped a mug, and it broke..." I trailed off somehow unable to lie to him. Why can't I lie to him?!

"We both know that's a lie, you saw didn't you?" He said lowering his head so we could make eye contact.

"I s-saw nothing." I mentally slap myself for cowering before him.

"Now I highly doubt that." He smirks finding my inability to talk amusing.

"Is this all you wanted to talk to me about?" I question straightening up and crossing my arms.

"Well I was worried when I saw little Christopher-" I slapped my hand over his mouth once he said my name.

"How do you know my full name?" I said slowly taking my hand off his mouth.

"I have my ways." He smirks, again.

"You cannot tell a soul." I scowl.

"Same goes for you." He says removing his hands from the wall, to his pockets.

"Ugh fine." With that I walk out of the hallway.

Then the bell rings, time for class I guess. I'm going the wrong way. With that I turn and the rest of the day happens like any other.


I was sitting on the couch watching Parks and Recreation. When I heard my mom come in.

"I wonder what those neighbors are yelling about all the time." She says when she walks into the kitchen setting her bag down.

When she says neighbors she means Nicholas and Tom.

"Huh, I don't know." I shrug, even though I kinda do.

"I'm sorry about yesterday, I know you don't like to talk-" She waves her hand around, sitting on the couch.

"It's fine, let's just drop it." I say cutting her off in a sorta snappy tone.

She opens her mouth like she is going to say something, but then I start fake laughing at the tv and she stops.

She gets up and walks to the fridge and groans once she peaks inside.

"We have nothing for dinner, do you mind going to the grocery store?" She asks giving a pleading look.

"I guess." I sigh.

She writes me a list and I grab the keys off the counter. I walk over to our beat up car, select a radio station and blast it.

Finally after three long red lights, I approach Seaside Market. I leave the car putting the keys in my hoodie I threw on.

I walk in the store and I am greeted with a worker who hands my a shopping cart. I slowly check things off the list trying to memorize the isles for the next time I have to go grocery shopping.

I stop when I see Tom in the alcohol isle. He picks out a few boxes of beers and strolls out of the isle.

Does he have a drinking problem or something, is that why Nicholas and him are always arguing?

I finish up shopping and head home after loading up the grocery's. I pull into the apartment complex relaxing against the seat before lugging all the grocery's to the apartment.

Once I get close to the door I see her giving a tall lanky man with grey hair in a blue suit a kiss on the cheek. It doesn't look friendly it looks flirty.

I approach them and my mom gives me a frantic look that shows she obviously wasn't expecting me to be back so soon.

Odd I took like eight times longer for a normal person with a small list. Did she add items just so I would take longer? Did we really need orange tea? What of coarse we did, silly me!

"H-hello dear, this is a friend of mine Carl." She gestures at Carl.

"Nice to meet you, you must be Christopher." He says offering his hand.

"Chris." I say through clenched teeth, shaking his hand.

"Well I have to be going but it was nice meeting you Chris." He says squeezing my moms shoulder and giving me a nod before heading to the parking lot."

"Mom who was that?" I say scowling.

"He is just a guy I met at work he is very nice Chris."

"Are you sure your ready to start dating." I ask giving her a sympathetic look.

"I think I should, it's time." She gives me a last look before going into the apartment with the grocery's.

Maybe I don't want her to move on because of she moves on I have to. I don't even think I am ready yet.