
Chapter Five: The Heir

Miko's PoV

Weeks have passed since my attempt happened. Gradually, everything goes back to normal. regarding with dad. He promised that he would not hurt us again. I can see mom smiling like never before. Good. Dad is still winning my heart. I don't know but I'm still awkward of him even though he treats me well and Mom now. He also told me that he would no longer force me to do the things he wanted. They will support me in anything I want to do. Dad also stopped arranging for me with the Company. He said that I just focus on my studies since it's our last year at university. I can see dad changing he became sweet to me and to mom. At first, I found it really creepy. Imagine before, he almost killed us, but now, it's different. I confessed to Dad that I can't forgive him now, but I know I am getting there. because I know he is sincere in what he says. He said he is more than willing to wait.Later I heard an annoying woman.

"Yow! Miko dude! Let's go to the canteen! my rich Best Buddy Autumn will treat us ". Angel.

After that incident we became quite close. We hang-out sometimes. Autumn is with us. Remember her? She is the quiet girl who is Angel's best buddy. As usual, she was quiet again. Just looking at the book. She is really mysterious to me. Because maybe she's quiet?

"Angel you're embarrassin me! ". Autumn."The hell I care they are not the owner of the School Ninong owns it so they don't care! And why should you worry? I will throw them to Mars. " Angel.

"It's embarrassing. Angel Stop it Please! ". Autumn said softly to Angel.

How come these two became friends. they have different personalities.

I was just surprised when Angel suddenly stood up at the table and spoke."May I have your attention everyone". Angel caught everyone's attention. While Autumn restless. I was just watching Autumn and I found her cute Because he can't stop Angel. that woman.

I didn't know I was smiling at the two I am happy that I became friends with them. Even though Autumn and I are still a bit awkward from each other."None of you can compete with my Best Buddies. Especially my Best Buddy forever Autumn Rain Buenavista. He is the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Buenavista which happens to be the Owner of this school. And the richest family in the business world. So if you don't want me to report you and blacklist you. You mess up with the wrong girl. I know she looks weak but she's dangerous. Autumn looks so pale at Angel's revelation. How come it's not a shocking. Mr. Buenavista, He is the richest not only in this country but internationally. But they were known not only because they were rich but also because the family was very humble and generous. They do not brag that they are rich. But they are just living simply. They also have a lot of Charities. So maybe they are even more blessed.A whisper filled the area. I saw Autumn bow even more.

"Stop that woman. Let's just eat. You said you were hungry ".

With that I made her sit down. I pulled them both. Angel is casually eating while Autumn was shocked when I pulled her friend.

Her face was priceless."Hey man, my name is ANGEL HOPE CORTEZ. Until now, do you still call me a woman. Youre hurting my feelings ". I just rolled my eyes.

"Your name doesn't fit you because youre noisy"."Excuse me! I look like an Angel so my name suits me. Besides, my parents gave it to me. You're just jealous! Wait are you gay? ". I was surprised by what she said. What in the world? I was called gay. This woman makes me angry With that cue. I approached her about 2 inches away from her face. He was surprised at what I did. Me too. I just feel something. My heart beats faster than normal. it is the First time I did this to a woman. It's also the first time I've been so close to a woman. Of course, I didn't mind it for now. I have to save my ego."Call me Gay again and I will assure sure I will get you pregnant right now". I use the huskiest voice I have. I saw her turn pale at what I did."Not in front of the food! ".

We were shocked when Autumn shouted. I saw her cover her eyes at what I did. And because of that, I laughed at her reaction. She's cute. Hahaha. I can't stop laughing because Autumn doesn't seem to know. I just stopped laughing when I saw that she just stunned me and that annoying woman spoke again."OH GOSH! YOU LAUGH! IT'S A MIRACLE! ". I wondered looked at Angel. What is your Problem?