
Sailing: Lightning Dragon Slayer, Build The Fairy Tail Emperor

After taking on the pirates, Su Yu awakened the Fairy Tail system and gained access to the fully leveled Thunder Dragon Slayer Magic, which enabled him to create the Fairy Tail Guild. By completing guild upgrade commissions, members can earn rewards and unlock new characters such as Fairy Queen Erza and Demon Mirajan. As the guild grows in level, powerful figures like Kaido of the Beasts, Hawkeye Mihawk, Marshal Sengoku, and Whitebeard take notice and seek to form alliances. The members of Fairy Tail, including Erza, Mirajane, Nami, Juvia, Robin, Vivi, Wendy, and Irene, are all skilled fighters, but also enjoy a playful side and often ask Su Yu about his romantic interests. https://wap.faloo.com/1301788.html

Alex081904 · Cómic
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37 Chs

Chapter 14 Crocus Commission: Finding The Rumbas Pirates

"Wow, this upside-down mountain is much more exciting than a roller coaster, let's do it again!"

"Come again? Spare me, Miss Erza!"

"Hmm, I think I can do it again~"

"Oh~ even Miss Mira...don't want it!"

The happy and lively laughter of young girls brought joy to Twin Cape. The dark and dreary atmosphere over Twin Cape disappeared. The sun is shining brightly and warmly.

The sky became sunny after the rain. Su Yu remained silent and didn't join in the conversation with the girls. As soon as you arrive at Twin Cape.

He couldn't take his eyes off the girl standing on the shore. He definitely knew who the girl on the shore was. He had been curious for a while about the fourth partner's identity.

Finally, he got the answer he had been seeking. It was a delightful surprise, as usual.

"I apologize for making you wait, Juvia. We have arrived to pick you up," Su Yu said with a small smile.

Juvia made a sound of excitement by saying "Woo~" and then pouted her lips.

"President, you're here at last! Juvia was afraid you didn't want to pick me up," Juvia exclaimed as she leapt from the shore and hugged Su Yu tightly while making a soft whining sound.

Juvia's affection for Su Yu is as strong as Erza and Mirajan's.

Moreover, Juvia embraces her 'sultry' attribute and does not hold back her inner emotions. When she feels affectionate, she expresses it directly and wholeheartedly.

She jumped into Su Yu's arms with a playful ball-like attack, acting like a baby and enjoying the moment to the fullest.

This sudden display of affection startled the onlooker Nami who exclaimed, "Hold on, President! Who is this girl...?"

Before Nami could even ask, Erza and Mirajan recognized Juvia and approached her eagerly. As partners of Fairy Tail, it was only natural for them to know each other.

"Erza, Mira," Juvia greeted them with familiarity, but she was still clinging onto Su Yu tightly.

Nami was completely bewildered by the scene before her. She had always believed that she was the fourth member of Fairy Tail, but now she wasn't so sure.

Suddenly, Juvia appeared out of nowhere, indicating that she had joined the guild before Nami did. This realization made Nami wonder why Su Yu, Erza, and Mirajan had never mentioned Juvia to her before.

Furthermore, Nami was confused as to why Juvia was at Twin Point when Erza and Mirajan didn't seem to have set foot on the Grand Line yet.

Su Yu noticed Nami's confusion Su Yu stepped in and said, "Allow me to introduce Juvia, a fellow member of Fairy Tail. There are also many other friends from our guild out there, and I'll be happy to introduce you to them later when we have the chance."

Nami greeted Juvia with a smile, and the next moment, Juvia leaned in very close to her, creating a gust of fragrant wind. The two were so close that they could feel each other's breath.

Nami was taken aback and asked, "What's wrong?"

Juvia's gaze made Nami feel a bit nervous, and then Juvia asked her a direct question, "What is your relationship with the President, Nami?"

"Do you like the president?"

Juvia continued asking questions.

"Huh? Xixixi...I like him? How is such a thing possible! Absolutely impossible!"

Nami raised her voice an octave, repeatedly denying it.

"Well, then we are not hostile!"

The expression on Juvia's pretty face suddenly shivered.

"Nami, let's get along well from now on!"

Juvia happily grabbed Nami's hands, like a good sister.

Nami: "???"

What is this all about!

A throat-clearing sound broke the happy mood on the ship.

"Sir, I want to express my gratitude for taking care of her these past two days. If you don't object, would you please come and join us on our boat?" Su Yu said with a smile, addressing Crocus as an older gentleman.

Crocus replied nonchalantly, "Well then, I'll come aboard."

As soon as he laid eyes on the Fairy Tail team, Crocus recognized them. They were the group from East Blue that had recently gained fame, led by Captain Su Yu, who had offered a reward of up to 80 million.

Normally, Crocus didn't like to get involved with others, but he was curious about why Juvia had ended up in Twin Point.

Over the next fifteen minutes, he asked around the Fairy Tail guild and learned from Su Yu and Erza that Fairy Tail was not a group of pirates, but a guild of wizards that specialized in helping people with difficult problems, including diseases.

"It looks like the news reports didn't quite match up with reality,"

Su Yu replied confidently, "It doesn't matter how the outside world portrays us, as long as we know we're doing the right thing with a clear conscience."

"By the way, Mr. Crocus, is there anything you would like to entrust to us? If so, please don't hesitate to mention it," Su Yu offered.

As a time traveler, Su Yu knew the most about the past of Laboon, the whale of Cape Twins, and the Rumba Pirates. If possible, Su Yu would like to help Laboon make amends and reunite with Brook.

Additionally, Su Yu had discovered that completing story-related quests was more rewarding in terms of upgrade points than common quests, as he had learned during the Cocoyasi Village incident.

Not only would this help to make up for any regrets, but it would also provide an opportunity for upgrading. Therefore, Su Yu was happy to accept any quest related to the past of Laboon and the Rumbas Pirates.

"Entrust? I'm just an old man who tends to the lighthouse. What could I possibly entrust to you?" Crocus waved his hand dismissively.

But then, in the next moment...

"But... well, forget it. It's been so many years, and I searched for it myself back then. There's no hope," Crocus said, sounding resigned.

"No hope? I can't just ignore that. There are always endless possibilities in the sea, right?" Su Yu replied with a smile.

Crocus was taken aback by Su Yu's response. He had heard those very same words from a great man - his captain. Inspired by Su Yu's words, Crocus decided to give it a try.

"Alright then, I do have something I would like to entrust to you," Crocus said as he walked to the bow of the ship. "Laboon! Come out, Laboon!" he called out to the sea.

Erza and Nami exchanged a glance, unsure of what to expect.

Suddenly, the surface of the sea began to churn violently, and a mountain rose up from the calm waters. A massive whale burst out of the sea with a thunderous roar. "Giao~!" it cried out.