
said to be the weakest until he adapt and learn that change him

nero_kun · Fantasía
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on earth were people who have abilities are called "hyper plex" where people have magical powers or supernatural strengths amd speed or both.

hyper plex are people who have gain mana which grants them ability and strength.

there are others who want to counquer and gain control over everything, are called "corrupt league" were they want power and control over everything.

the corrupt league create something called the corrupt v/corrupt virus were when the cirus is inside a host it will corrupt there brain and make them lose there mind.

once the virus have control its host it will make the host body mutate and turn into a monster depending on how the virus mutate the host body.

as they have successfully created the virus and turn people into monster they have successfully conquer over city point e and are now conquering city point d.

each city point have there own location tbat are city point a,b,c,d,and e.

the military try to fend off the monsters but there weapons are un affected and considered useless to use against the monsters even if its a explosive.

as hope seems lost there is a organization that is both a agency and a academy with people who are called hyper plex.

the organization is called organization points.each city point a,b, and c only have there own organization while d and e have not due to the corrupt league.

the organization created soilder who are hyper plex to fend off against the mosnters created by the corrupt v.but most of the hyper plex are not much stronger againts the monsters with corrupt v...but there are a few hyper plex who are stonger than normal hyper plex and known as special soldier.

special soilders are said to be more stronger or more stactic or more intelligent or both with there capabilities and power.

most normal hyper plex one gain strength,and speed,and some have magic.

the special soilder are far more superior than normal hyper plex and have more experience,better abilities, better strength and speed, or others that made them special soldiers.

but organization point a, b, and c only have little special soilder being point a have 8 special soldiers, point b have 16 special soilders, and point c having 10 special soilders.

the organization mission is to help the people in need and fight againts the corrupt league and the monsters that the corrupt league created.