
Chapter 4:The Deadly Plan

A male was sitting alone.

On a long wooden bench right next to a very busy park with many children running and laughing with joy.

Everyone who walked past completely ignored the lonely man sitting on the bench who kept his features well hidden.

He wore a dark cap that was down low so it hides his eyes.

He wore a long dark winter coat where he kept the coats collar high so he could hide most of his face.

He checked his wrist watch to check the time.

And seconds later footsteps was heard besides him walking on the stone grounds of the busy park.

The man sitting down slightly turns his head to the right to see a second male who too hides his features.

He wore a long dark coat a cap and dark glasses.

He was also holding a dark leather briefcase.

' You're late '.

The man sitting down said after checking his wrist watch.

' Sorry got hold up '.

The man with the briefcase replied.

Moment's later the second male hands the case to the male that was sitting down on the wooden bench.

The male that was sitting down kept the briefcase on his lap when he had flips the two locks open and opens the case upwards to see what was inside.

From inside his cap and long coat there was a wide smile on the males face.

' So the plan is indeed a go ahead '.

The man sitting on the bench said not moving his eyes away from the briefcase.

' It is and it's in full motion as we speak '.

With one great force.

The boot delivered by Oben breaks down the door that would lead to the inside of the father and daughters boat.

Oben was the first to enter with Fin and Adam not to far behind covering both sides of their large captain.

With Adam holding his Trident and Fin with his SharkBite.

The day was supposed to be special for a daughter and her father for diving.

But it turned into a nightmare.

Once the team was inside they saw that this Aqua Terror was not playing around and was one of the most violent Oben had ever seen as a Sea Rescuer.

The inside of the father and daughters boat was now a ruin claw marks surround the boats walls and with a mixture human blood most likely coming from Meggami's father where the water creature had played with its victim.

Oben leads his team in slow careful steps.

But even as careful Oben was he did not see or feel his heavy boot tripping a small thin trip wire.

That broke as soon Oben's boot has touched the wire.

Fin and Adam where about to take the lead to continue their search.

When Oben had suddenly came to a stop.

Oben blocks Fin and Adam from moving any further with his large arms.

' Don't move lads. Our search ends here '.

Oben told his two newest recruits.

From the corner of a destroyed room that acted as a living room that had chairs flipped completely over the tv now on the floor.

Wet footsteps where heard.

And walking out from its hiding place was a Aqua Terror with its hissing sounds and with a human man inside it's water prison body.

It was Meggami's father the body was all mangled inside the body of the Aqua Terror.

The water creature looks around the room as if it was lost and confused.

' Captain '.

The one who spoke was Adam Bands who had stepped forward with his Trident over his shoulder.

' Allow me to be the one to destroy this creature. Before it could kill anymore lives '.

Shinlak Fin just watched the Aqua Terror look around the room it just destroyed moment's ago having not yet discovered the team standing before it.

It's golden heart beats ever so fast while it just looks around as if it was lost.

Fin gets his water bottle and starts to drink the water from it.

' Adam you can't just go rushing inside. It's far to dangerous '.

Fin told Adam after drinking most from his water bottle and already felling his abilities grew.

His teeth becomes to sharpen as does his shark fins on his lower arms.

' Trust me I know what I am doing '.

Adam replied.

' Okay Adam you can go. But please be careful you are a rookie after all Blood of Atlantis or not. And see if you can get Meggami 's father out from that monster. '.

Oben steps aside so he can allow Adam to step forward with his Trident over his shoulder.

Adam swings his mighty weapon in great circles motion to warm up his Trident.

Did only then the water alien creature have noticed the three Sea Rescuers.

It's makes a threatening tune that sounded like a snake hissing under water.

With its both liquid arms it turned them too large deadly claws that could cut a house in two.

Adam smiles when he dashed quickly towards the creature with his Trident up front.

The Aqua Terror waits for its latest prey to come closer before attacking.

The Aqua Terror struck thinking it was the perfect timing with its massive claw.

But Adam was able to easily dodged the attack.

By ducking low the liquid claw finds nothing but air.

Before the water creature could strike again Adam moves fast by digging his Trident to the ground.

And used it like a pole to balance his entire body when he lifted himself up and kicks the Aqua Terror with both of his heavy booted feet.

But Adam did not aim for the creature directly.

But his drop kick had contacted with the mangled body of Meggami's father that was now out of the water prison that was the inside body of the Aqua Terror.

The body fell heavily on the floor with a crash landing.

The Aqua Terror got too distracted when the mangled corpse had escaped it's prison.

And did not notice till it was already to late that Adam with one fast motion had got his Trident out from the floor.

And pierced the creatures bright golden beating heart with his mighty Trident.

The Aqua Terror hissed in pain before it inflated and exploded making a small rain inside the family's divers boat.

Adam swings his Trident over his shoulder allowing the small rain to touch his skin.

' You see Fin '.

Oben told Fin.

Shinlak Fin turns and looks up at his large captain.

To see that Oben was smiling at him.

' All you need is faith and trust in your comrades. And even in the most darkest times. We will always find a way to win. Because we must it's part who we are .'.

From the other side of the room from where the Aqua Terror was once was.

A door breaks down by someone kicking it from its hinges.

And running in the room with some hurry was Henway and Omel.

Henway aimed his harpoon gun while Omel leaps over him frog like and lands just in front of him staying low in knee level.

Once seeing everything was in the clear and saw there teammates Henway relaxed and lowers his harpoon gun while Omel stands straight.

' We came as soon we heard the sounds of the Aqua Terror. And sounds of struggle. '.

Omel said looking sadly at the mangled corpse of the body of Meggami's father with the small rain finally coming to a end.

' Captain you alright '.

Henway asked.

' We are all fine here buddy. The Aqua Terror has been dealt with. Let's get her father and Meggami out of here. '.

Oben told Henway and the rest of his Hotel Division with a thumbs up.

Henway smiles back lowering his harpoon gun completely.

A small but noticeable red beeping light had just caught Henway's eye of vision by the corner of his eye.

Henway looks around the destroyed bloody room to see at each corner of the room he saw three more of the same red beeping lights.

His face dropped as if he had seen a ghost after he came to realise what they where.


Henway shouted getting everyone's attention.

' Its a time bomb '.

Henway pushed Omel away with some force pushing her to safety.

And seconds later dives towards Adam.

The two crashed to the floor.

Oben saw what his lieutenant was doing so he did the same.

He quickly gets hold of Fin with one large arm.

And pushed him to the floor and used his large body with thick turtle armour to protect the two.

Seconds later the red lights stops and all at once goes off.

A loud bang echoes through the room when the roof of the entire boat explodes in flames.

The roof crashed down on the Hotel Division.

Oben easily moves the rubble and thick wood from the roof of the boat off from him.

When he stood up and helped Fin up back to his feet.

Shinlak had a look of shock on his face at what just happened.

Oben taps both of Fin's shoulders to signal he was okay.

Oben turns to see that both Henway and Omel where too okay when they both stood up with Henway helping Adam back on his feet.

' Everyone get out now before more bombs set off '.

Oben shouts the order and waves his team towards the exit.

Fin was the first to exit followed by Henway, Omel and then Adam.

Before escaping through a door Fin stops to look to see that his captain was not leaving with the team.

And saw that Oben was moving in the other direction moving away the roofs remains with just one arm.

' Captain what are you doing. '.

Fin called out.

' Shinlak do as i say and retreat at once. That's a order '.

Oben called back not even looking back to face fin.

But continued to move away from the exit kicking away parts of the roof and throwing some away at the other end with great strength with just one arm.

The captain stops when moving away a large piece of the wood and found what he was looking for.

He goes down to knee level and gently picks up the body of Meggami's father in his arms.

Shinlak Fin was about to step back inside the boat to help is captain.

But a firm hold gets a hold of Fin's back of the neck and was pushed out of the door and pushed him to a wall to see it was his lieutenant.

Henway looked at him with angry cold green eyes.

' Get back to the boat rookie. That's the captains order. Don't you ever disobey a order. NOW GO! '.

Henway pushed Fin towards freedom and the two runs to safety.

Oben was back to his feet with the corpse in his arms.

The captain takes slow and careful steps over the remains of the boats roof.

He keeps his eyes on the exit only with each step it was coming closer.

Another bomb was placed just under the boat from where Oben was walking.

And as if it was on cue it too goes off when Oben thought he got to safety.

The expulsion takes out the lower half of the boat.

And the floor Oben was standing gives in and collapsed taking Oben and the corpse under the boat and to the ocean.

The rest of the Hotel Division watched from a safe distance from the Hotel Division platoon boat.

When the father and daughters boat goes up entire in flames and starts to sink to the bottom of the ocean.

With no sign of their captain.

Fin leans over the rails of the platoon boat to hopefully find his captain swimming towards them.

Adam and Omel where too searching.

Ision kept Meggami inside checking if she was okay having a blanket over her.

Henway did start the engine of the platoon boat but did not dare to move until the team finds their captain safely.

With a great relive Fin finds a large gloved hand get hold of the ladder steps that leads to the Hotel Division platoon boat.

Oben lifts himself up with one arm holding into the steel ladders and one arm holding onto the father of Meggami.

Oben was badly cut but was okay.

' No matter what. On how bad the body has become. We will save the souls from there tortured prison of a Aqua Terror. And give them a proper burial. And not kept inside a prison. '.

Oben said turning his bloody face towards the last remains of the family's diving boat before it completely goes and sinks under the ocean.

Henway starts the Hotel Division boat back to Homebase.

With the team taking their seats while Oben keeps himself balanced on the steel ladders with a firm hold.

Once the show was over.

And his fun have begun to end the figure with many large scars wearing a rain coat and hat.

Decided to stand up from his water created seat made completely out of the same ocean he was standing on.

' It seems our fellow hotel division are ready for a full out war. But sad to tell them that the true terror is just playing around '.

The figure picks his teeth with his metal hook while he watched the Hotel Division platoon boat leave the scenery.

The figure turns on his heel and begins to walk away.

Through his thick black beard there was a smile while he sank to the ocean like if he was walking down a set of stairs.

The Hotel Division finally arrives to where they now call home.

With Ision being the first to step out of the boat and step a foot of the wooden walkway guiding Meggami doing so.

Meggami was now a lot calmer now but still very much upset.

She still kept the blanket over her.

For a day what was supposed to be a special day for diving turned to one of her worst days in her life.

Ision was leading Meggami to the nearest hospital.

Maz Omel was the next to exit the platoon boat by making a massive toad like leap.

And catches up with Ision and Meggami joining the two to the hospital.

Oben, Henway, Fin and Adam has exit from the open hatch together with the four of them carrying each end of the body of Meggami's father who was now covered up with a white blanket.

Meggami stops for a second to turn around and watch the rest of the Hotel Division carry her father.

Fin was holding the legs.

Adam and Henway each held the arms.

While Oben the Hotel Division large captain who was now heavily bandaged up from head to his chest.

Was holding the head carefully while the four steps on the wooden walkway.

Meggami watched the four carry her father.

With sadness starting to show in her eyes.

Her eyes begun to tear up when she started to cry.

' Don't you worry we will bury him. Where there is nothing but silent. '

Oben said softly when he and the rest of the team walks past Meggami.

Meggami cries out loud when she watched Oben and his team walk away with her father.

Ision and Omel gently leads Meggami away so she can get checked out in a hospital.

Oben decided to bury the father in a lush green field where he knew the grave won't be disturbed.

Oben now in his regular clothing blue jeans and a black shirt.

Looks down at the grave that he personally placed himself.

It read here lies a great father that has sadly lost his life to soon.

' Captain '.

Came a soft sad voice.

Oben turns around still being heavily bandaged from head to chest.

Saw Fin standing on his own being too in his regular clothing.

Fin kept his head low and hands in his trousers pockets.

' Are you okay buddy. I know it was a rough one today. '

Oben asked noticing that Fin has not been himself for a while now since they buried the father.

' I didn't trust Adam enough to go alone. And I was seconds away in disobeying your orders. How can I be a part of a great and wonderful team. If I don't have enough trust and faith in my own Division. '.

Shinlak Fin continued on.

And was moments away from breaking down right there in front of his captain.

Seeing enough people crying for one day.

Oben approached Fin.

By putting his hand on the messy jet black hair of Shinlak Fin.

' Now you listen to me. Shinlak Fin. Out there you did great. Better than you think. Fin you where worried about your teammate in getting hurt. And was worried for my life. That just shows that you care for me and Adam. And that alone means a lot to me. And I am sure Adam feels the same way. '.

Shinlak Fin looks up to see his captain smiling at him.

' To the Hotel Division. And for many other people who are scared for their lives across the world. You are already more than a hero that you want to be '.

After that Fin slowly and slightly smiles again.