
Chapter 5:The Training Exercise Begins!

As for just being a normal regular training course.

The chosen location was actually really big and impressive.

So many spectators have also arrived friends. Family. Loved ones.

All where sitting on chairs with some standing up inside one massive dark tent.

A barbecue was also placed for everyone who was watching a all you can eat buffet.

They where on a beach with a clear sea and ocean beyond that.

Built over the clear sea was a large obstacle course everything that needed to push the vary best of soldiers.

There was as many ropes to climb.

Fences to crawl under.

And walls to climb.

All that challenge to be done all to get to the Submarine that was placed just beyond the obstacle course.

What to do inside was still unknown to all the rookies who where in the Training Course.

Including Shinlak Fin and Adam Bands.

The submarine was placed as if it was sinking the royal navy borrowed the Submarine to the Sea Rescue platoons for one night only especially for today.

While most of the Sea Rescue rookies where distracted by the royal navy submarine.

Shinlak Fin was getting equipment ready after putting on his gear.

Fin placed his SharkBite in the strap of his right leg.

He then strapped his water bottle on his chest.

And lastly was the metal plates for the bottom of his teeth so they can grew larger and sharper.

Once ready Fin puts his headphones over his ears and blast on heavy metal music full volume.

Fin walks around the camp felling pumped by the music he was playing.

Not focusing on the path before him.

Fin was only seconds away from tripping over someone who was laying down on the sand.

The person Fin had nearly stepped on was a female who laid down on the sand one arm resting over her long Brown shoulder length hair.

One leg resting on the other.

She looked around Fins age.

And seems to be part of today's obstacle course since she was wearing the same gear as Fin was.

But what division she was in Fin did not know.

Fin stoped and looked at the female he had nearly tripped over.

And noticed she was reading a book.

A horror novel by his favourite novelist of all time Christopher James.

A book about a family of divers trapped deep under the ocean hunted by a alien creature.

The female had noticed Fin looking at her and closed her book with one hand.

She looked back up at Fin with her bright green eyes.

She had mouthed something with her lips that Fin could not hear since he was still listing to his loud heavy metal music on his headphones.

Fin removed his headphones from his ears and placed them around his neck.

And finally heard what the female said to him.

' Is there a problem '.

The female stood up to Fins level.

' Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt your own place. But I just noticed that novel you are reading. Big fan myself '.

The female looks at the book she was reading and just remembered she had it in her hand.

' Christopher James has been my favourite writer for many years now. '.

The female told Fin and she opened the book to the Paige she was reading.

' Yeah. He is the words greatest by far. My mother got me into him. She always use to say that he is a God of horrors '.

' Are you here for the obstacle course '.

The female said after looking up and down at Fin seeing his gear.

She points towards the course and the Submarine with her book.

' Yeah. I am a rookie from the Hotel Division. My captain thinks it will be a good idea to test my skills. There is someone else from the Hotel Division also. I take it you are here for the course as well '.

The female says nothing back to Fin but nods to him saying yes.

' The names Shinlak Fin and i am from the Hotel Division platoon. '.

Fin points to himself with his thumb smiling.

The female walks past Fin.

Without saying anything back or looking back at Shinlak Fin. Fin looks over his shoulder watching the female walk away.

The female suddenly stops and starts to read her book.

' My name is. Tammy Kaicole from the Alpha Division '.

Tammy called over without looking over towards Fin and kept her eyes glued to her book.

Fin watched Tammy leave inside a tent and puts on his headphones once more to listen to his loud heavy metal music. And walks the other direction.

Maz Omel was in her bikini clothing for today.

While everyone was gathering around the tent for the all you can eat buffet.

Omel was alone in the clear sea that reached to her chest.

Because today for the special event.

There was three special guest to watch the event.

And Omel was with them close and personal.

Two dolphins swims around Omel while she pats the head of the dolphins.

The dolphins where both males named Flip and Spin.

Both world famous for live tours for family's.

But that was not all who Omel had joined in the sea.

Just a few meters away from Omel was a three year old Orca a female whale named Belle who was with her personal trainer.

He was a elderly man in a swimmer suit.

Belle was a lot more shy than Flip and Spin the two dolphins.

' Why do we have Flip and Spin and even Belle the whale here '.

Asked a voice.

Omel looks behind her while the two dolphins continues to swim around Omel to see Adam Bands standing by the beach his boots slightly touching the Sea and he was already set for the obstacle course even now holding his Trident over his shoulder.

' Every year when it's the day for the Training Course. We always have mascots to cheer on the rookies. '

Omel told Adam.

One of the dolphins goes up on Omel as if the dolphin wanted a hug from Omel that's she gave the dolphin also even gave Omel a kiss.

' It seems this year we are going all out '

Omel said with joyful laughter watching the two dolphins swim around her.

Sensing it can completely trust Omel.

Belle had the courage to swim across towards Omel.

Omel seen the Orca whale and starts to lightly stroke the head of the whale.

' It seems the three have got a liking of you '.

The personal trainer said when he approached Omel.

' Ever since I was so little. I fell in love with the Sea and ocean with everything that's lives there. It's the whole reason why I joined the sea rescue. So I can save the Sea creatures and everyone else from harm.'

Maz Omel told both the personal trainer and Adam Bands who have now joined her in the clear sea standing right beside the Orca whale.

Adam was seconds away to stroke the whale until a new voice calls out.

' Hey is that Flip and Spin. even Belle the whale '.

Adam turns to see who it was knowing full well who it was just by hearing the person.

Omel continue to smooth the heads of one of the dolphins.

It was easily noticeable as Flip for it's white birth mark just over between it's eyes.

The caller was Fin who had just joined up with Omel and Adam to see the three Sea animals up close and personal.

' I thought you ran away after seeing the obstacle course today '.

Adam told Fin. While playing around with the Orca whale.

' Come on Adam. You don't know me vary well. I will never run away from any type of challenge. Besides it looks like another day in the academy. Just added that submarine that's all '.

Fin replied back.

' That's not all Fin '.

Omel said when Flip leaves Omel side to instead join with Fin.

Fin smiles when the dolphin had approached him and starts to lightly smooth the head of the dolphin.

Adam was with the Orca whale leaving Omel now with only Spin.

' What you mean '.

Adam had asked

' Both of you now. Have a long hard look at the gathered crowed who are all going to keep a good eye on you both. '

Omel told the both Fin and Adam.

Fin and also Adam did as Omel told them and had a hard look at the large crowd all standing inside the tent enjoying the great bbq.

After having a strong look around the crowed.

The two finally spotted what Omel was talking about.

Right there sitting in front of the crowed on the right side of the many chairs with two vary large bodyguards was the World President himself.

A fancy looking man wearing a dark suit he was a middle age man his hair was dark with only a hint of grey and it was brushed back.

And sitting next to the world leader.

Was a much more older man a elderly man more wrinkles than skin.

His eyes seemed to be always closed he had a walking stick.

And unlike the World President.

He did not have any bodyguards.

He wore a dark blue suit with a blue shirt with a black tie.

On the arms and shoulder even on the chest of his suit was so many medals and ranks it was too many to even count.

The elderly person was none other than the Chief of the Sea Rescue all divisions.

' So as you can see. You need to be both at your best today okay '.

Omel told the two.

But after spotting the World Leader and the Chief of the Sea Rescue platoons.

Fin had just spotted someone else.

Sitting right there behind the two.

He had messy hair he wore glasses and was wearing a long dark trench coat.

And seemed to be written something on a note book with his pen after everything he seemed to see.

' Who's that '.

Fin had whispered.

There was also someone else standing there with the crowd.

This person was avoiding the all out buffet and left the tent to walk towards the obstacle course.

Fins eye had shoot up once he recognised who the person was.

It was the vary same man you had rescued Fin from drying all those years ago when his family was butchered alive by a Aqua Terror on a family boat trip.

It was the Alpha Division captain.

' Sorry guys I gotta go '

Fin rushes out of the clear sea.

Faster than he can run.

Once out of the Sea and back on the sandy beach Fin ran towards the Alpha Division captain.

Unable to hear what Omel was calling after him.

The division captain looked on the obstacle course and the Submarine after it.

And placed his hand on the well carved wood that can hold almost anything.

The captain was far past his prime now hitting late forties.

His face was mostly covered with deep scars from past encounters of many Aqua Terrors.

His hair was short to nearly bald what was once a dark hair is now mostly grey.

His right eye was missing from a bad near death experience what is now replaced with a glass eye to look like the one he had lost.

The feel of the strong wood in his hands do put a long smile to his lips.

That brings back to the good old days back to his youth in the academy.

' It seems they are going all out this year. I feel sorry for our little rookies '.

The alpha division captain told himself.

The captain once again looks at the obstacle course seeing it was going to be so many challenges for the rookies.

And even got the Submarine from the royal navy for the last challenge.

' Captain sir '.

Came a voice behind the Alpha Division captain.

The captain turns around to see a young male from one of the Sea Rescue platoons.

And definitely not one of his.

Since he is vary great in remembering all of his recruits faces from rookies to his lieutenant.

' Sir just double checking are you Leon White. The Captain of the Alpha Division '.

The young man had asked.

' I am. And you are '.

' Sir the names Shinlak Fin and I am from the Hotel Division '.

Fin told Leon.

' Shinlak huh. And you said you are from the Hotel Division is that correct '.

Leon had asked.

' Yes sir '.

Fin replied.

' What is it Shinlak. As you can see the show is about to begin '.

' Sir I just have a few questions '.

' Sorry Shinlak. But I don't or you for that matter have the time to play twenty one questions. Speak to me after the course maybe '.

Leon simply walks past Fin heading towards the tent where everyone else was hanging about.

Leon had waved his goodbye to fin without even turning to face Shinlak.

But Fin was not just going to let the captain walk away that easy.

And went to approach him again.

But someone stood in his way to block his path.

That someone who Fin thought was not going to see anymore.

It was Tammy Kaicole from the Alpha Division and she was not letting Fin past her to get to her captain.

' Forgot it Fin. You are not disturbing my captain anymore '.

Tammy told Fin.

' I am sorry truly. But I do need to speak to your captain. Before the Training begins. '.

Fin said.

' I am sorry also Fin. But I can see that my captain does not want to speak with you at the moment. So you have to wait '.

' Sorry but is my teammate here bothering you '.

Adam Bands approached Fin by walking behind to get to the middle of Tammy Kaicole and Shinlak Fin.

' He is in fact. He is annoying my captain who does not want to speak at the moment. '.

Tammy told Adam.

' Fin buddy. Why are you making fights with the Alpha Division. Did Omel tell us to be at our best for today. '.

Adam told Fin.

Adam puts his whole arm around Fins shoulder as if the two where the greatest of friends and starts to mess around with Fins hair like how a older brother would do to his younger brother.

' Alright okay I'm sorry. '

Fin said trying to get out of Adam's hold.

But Adam was to strong for Fin. So Adam continues to mess up Fins hair.

While Tammy just stood there and watched the the two.

' Boys '.

Tammy whispered she turns around and walks away leaving Adam mess with Fins hair even more.

Moment's later.

A vary loud announcement from a large speakers scattered all around the beach.

Had finally announced for all rookies to make their way towards the obstacle course.

And everyone who is watching to take a seat from inside the placed tent.

All the rookies all stood in line by their division order all standing in a straight line all facing forward of the obstacle course.

The line was from right to left. Alpha to Hotel.

Tammy Kaicole started the line. With Shinlak Fin and Adam Bands at the end.

Fin turns over to look over his shoulder to see where Leon White the Alpha Division captain was sitting.

It seemed that Leon did not even notice that Fin was looking directly at him.

' I need to speak with him. As soon as possible '.

Fin said.

' Fin. Get your head in the game. You need to focus what's ahead '.

Adam told Fin.

Shinlak knew Adam was right he can't afford to get distracted from anything.

So he turns right around and completely focused on the obstacle course ahead of him.

A man of mid thirties.

Walked towards the rookies from the obstacle course and stood before them with his hands behind his back in a military fashion.

He was a dark skinned man who was from the royal navy he was here today to give instructions for today obstacle course and he too will be scoring every rookie today.

He was dressed smartly in his royal navy uniform.

The rules he called out where simple enough.

Go through the obstacle course as fast as possible without fail.

Once at the end of the course must enter the Submarine where the fun will begin.

Once inside the Submarine there will be many volunteers inside acting as injured royal navy crew all being attacked by the Aqua Terrors.

The mission is to save the injured and get them outside to safety before the time runs out and the Submarine sinks coursing a mission fail.

The person from the royal navy calls the orders out aloud so all can here who stood before him.

He also said.

The Sea Rescue captains will all grade the rookies from zero too ten.

With a extra five points to whoever complete the obstacle course the fastest.

While the person from the royal navy calls out more of the simple rules.

Fin looks across the line he was standing in full of rookies from the Sea Rescue.

He knew Adam Bands who stood next to him holding his Trident over his one shoulder listening to every order he can hear.

Most of the other rookies Fin did not know who they are also in line hearing the rules of the course.

The only other rookie Fin knew was Tammy Kaicole who stood far left.

' Okay rookies '.

The royal navy captain calls out.

Fin quickly goes back to full attention.

' Get ready '.

Everyone including Tammy,

Fin and Adam all gets ready to sprint towards the challenge up ahead.

The person in front of them brings out a small gun.

A same gun they use for sport sprints.

' Start!'.

The gun fires.

And everyone sprints towards the obstacle course with everyone who is watching started to clap.

Fin sprinted with everyone else.

But something came up to his mind and suddenly comes to a full stop just before the first obstacle course a large wall with a dozen long rope so everyone can climb the high wall.

Everyone ran past Fin and started the climb while Shinlak just stood there thinking to himself.

' What the hell I'm I doing '.

Fin called to himself.

Before diving head first to the clear sea.

' If there was a real emergency. I hardly think there will be a stupid course blocking my path '.

Fin opens his water bottle while now in the clear sea and starts to drink the full bottle to the vary last drop.

fins started to grow on his arms thanks to his equipment he has where now bladed fins.

Next where his teeth that grew shark like and as sharp and thanks to his metal plates on the lower of his teeth made them even sharper.

His abilities also made him walk on the Sea.

And Fin starts to skid on the Sea towards the Submarine like a pro ice hockey player.

Tammy who was falling behind the obstacle course.

Had finally reached the top of the climbing wall.

And just needed to climb back down to the other side.

She saw from above that Fin has skipped the course completely seeing skate on the Sea as if it was ice heading towards the Submarine in some speed.

' That one is cheating '.

Deciding to do the same.

Tammy stands from the high wall and dives to the clear sea.

Adam who was in front of the race just watches on while the two cheats to victory.

Once in the clear sea Tammy smiles while her body sinks to the bottom.

From her back grows eight vary long octopus tentacles that helped Tammy swim with ease and vary fast.

Tammy was also able to breath under water.

With great speed Tammy swims octopus like towards the Submarine.

Once close enough towards the Submarine. Fin jumps from the clear sea and with his weapon SharkBite Fin cuts a large hole to make a clear entrance to the Submarine.

Once inside Fin lands with a roll before getting up to his feet.

Putting back his SharkBite back to the strap on his right leg.

Fin looks around his surroundings.

For a large submarine the inside was cramped and small looking it was also dark with many entrance to pick from.

Fin did not have to choose much longer because right in front of him was a person.

A volunteer acting as if he was out cold.

So Fin rushes towards him.

' Hey sir. It's okay. Everything is all fine. You are safe now '.

No response.

The volunteer is playing the hard game for Shinlak Fin.

Fin goes down to knee level to check if the volunteer had any other injuries.

Fin starts from the legs to the upper body finding nothing.

While trying to talk to the volunteer but still had no response.

Finding no other fake injuries.

Fin was about to get ready to pick the volunteer up to a fireman carry position.

But Fin still needed to check for one more injury.

And that was the head.

Fin moves his hand at the back of the volunteers head.

To feel something warm and liquidity.

From the dim light coming from the inside the Submarine Fin found dark red on his hands that acted as blood.

Now Fin knows what he is dealing with a volunteer acting as he is out cold with a head injury.

' The blood looks too real '.

Fin smiles to himself when he turns the volunteer around to check the fake head injury.

Once seeing it Fins smile had quickly vanished.

What he was seeing was not acting at all.

The head injury he was seeing was real the gash in the volunteer back head was vary deep and bad.

And needed to be checked on fast.

' Sir sir '.

Fin calls out.

And gets ready to pick the injured man up to his shoulder.

But footsteps where heard behind Fin.

Followed up by a small laughter.

Something metal was also heard scratching on the walls of the Submarine.

Fin looks over his shoulder to see a man standing behind him wearing a thick rain coat and hat.

He had a thick beard his face had many scares.

He also had a dark eye patch on his right eye.

Where his right hand use to be was now a hook what he was using to scrap the metal of the walls from the Submarine.

The sound was unbearable to Fin.

' I am so happy. It was you. Who had found him '.

The man smiled at Fin showing a lot of missing teeth.

He swings his hook.

And digs it in the wall of the submarine as easy as if it was hot knife through butter.

' It was you. Who did this '.

Fin said.

' Indeed it was Shinlak Fin. '

The man removes his hook from the wall with ease and examines his hook closely while he said Fins full name vary slowly.

The shock on Fins face was vary noticeable as if he had seen ghost. So the man standing before him laughed at Fin.

' What's the matter '.

He told Fin after he had finished his laughing.

Fin. Was too shocked to answer the man standing before him.

' It's a lot I know of you. Shinlak Fin. Including your entire family massacre on a family boat trip by a single Aqua Terror '.

Fin was gobsmacked.

How does this complete stranger know so much about him and what happened on that day. Fin starts to question. who is this man.