

Leading one of the top teams at Beacon Academy, third year Joseph Cameron is considered one of Beacon's greatest leaders. Persephone Comis, a Demon Faunas, Rachel Ariti, the rebellious 2nd IC, and Samuel Hunter, the bachelor Sniper, make up team JSPR and this story is a retelling of their heroism.

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14 Chs

Chapter 3: CFVY X JSPR PT 2

Yatsuhashi POV

In a Cave

I will wake up with a headache I will also feel my hands tied to something. I will hear a groan and notice Velvet and Fox beside me also tied up, but their injuries has been bandaged. I will hear a yawn infront of me and looked up as my eyes widen.

Me: "It's you...."

Joseph will look down at me.

Joseph: "Hello, how was your rest?"

Me: "Mr....Joseph...."

Joseph: "You can just call me Joseph. Yatsuhashi right? Team CFVY?"

I will nod.

Joseph: "Sorry for the restraints, but I just have to ask you some questions then I'll let you go."

I will look at the rest of JSPR in the room. Samuel was looking through his sniper scope which was positioned at the opening of the cave overlooking the forest. Persephone was sitting on a rock and seemed to be eyeing Velvet. While Rachel was staring at me...rather intimately. Better stay away from that one. 

Joseph: "What are you doing so far away from Beacon?"

Me: "On a shadowing mission."

Persephone: "Ah, brings back that time we went to Menag-"

Joseph: "Focus, Ms Comis."

Persephone will nervously chuckle.

Joseph: "What's the name of the guy you are shadowing?"

Me: "Mr Miyamoto."

Joseph: "Damn, that's like 50 miles West of here. I wouldn't want to be your pilot."

Me: "You wouldn't he's dead."

Joseph: "Way to ruin the mood, Yatsu."

Joseph will stand up and motion for Rachel to follow him to a place in the back of the cave.

~Joseph POV~

I will look at Yatsu before looking back at Rachel who was giving googly eyes to Yatsu.

Rachel: "What do you think about our strong....strong...strong...muscular..."

Me: "Focus."

Rachel: "What do you think about their story?"

Me: "Well, I don't think they'll have a good reason to lie."

Rachel: "And the maiden?"

I will sigh.

Me: "Our friend will have to wait. Let's take them back...I'll give our news to Ozpin in person."

Rachel will nod as me and her will head back to Yatsu as Fox and Velvet eyes will open.

Velvet: "Oh my god."

Fox: "Crap, what is it? Are we about to be eaten by giant birds?"

Velvet: "No, it's JSPR."

Fox: "Oh we are saved."

Samuel will smirk.

Me: "Persephone, untie Velvet and Fox we are going to bring you guys back to Beacon."

Persephone and Samuel would nod before untying their fellow students.

Velvet: "Where's Coco?"

My team will stop moving and look at Velvet confused.

Me: "We didn't see another person."

Velvet: "We can't leave we need Coco!"

Persephone: "Velvet, you guys were pretty scattered and we did a good check around the forest you were the only persons we found. Maybe the Grimm got to her."

Velvet: "So, Coco is dead?"

Persephone: "I'm afraid so."

Velvet will look disheartened as Persephone will rub her back. While Fox will look down and Yatsu will let out a heavy sigh.

Samuel: "We should start heading out. I can see some disturbance at the tree tops."

Coco POV

I will wake up and quickly look around looking for my teammates before feeling an excruciating pain at my legs.

Me: "OW!"

I will look at my legs being pinned by a piece of the bullhead's wing, no matter what I try I'm not able to wiggle free.

Me: "Come on..." 

The pain will increase as tears come out of my eyes.

Me: "Guys! HELP! PLEASE!"

Images of how I acted toward my teammates begin to appear in my head, not listening to Yatsu's wisdom, doubting Velvet's abilities from time to time, and not even treating Fox my first true friend as an equal.

Me: "HELP! PLEASE! AAH!" The pain will be too much for me as I pass out. "Please...help..." I will mumble.

Joseph POV

I will help Yatsuhashi onto the "Stalker" and sit him down. 


My eyes will turn blue before reverting back to it's normal colors. I will look out at the forest as rain begins to pour.

Rachel: "Alright, we are all set to leave."

Me: "Report back to Ozpin."

Rachel: "You are not coming?"

Me: "Something is still out there....or someone..."

Rachel will look out at the forest and nod she will hand Joseph a survival bag, extra dust, and an extra scroll.

Rachel: "Be safe, alright? We'll be back for you tomorrow morning."

I will nod.

Me: "You are in command."

Rachel will nod.

I will hop out and wave the bullhead off as it takes off. 

Me: "You better not die on me." I will mutter as I walk through the rain wearing a poncho.