
RWBY: a different path

Jaune Arc, a boy with a mysterious past accompanied by a ghost named Summer Rose, enters Beacon Academy trying to fulfill his childhood dream of being a hunter. Aspects of One Piece, Fate, Shaman King and Slime tensei

Senna_jonn · Película
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1 Chs

Going to Beacon

"Seriously Jaune, why do you have to be such an idiot sometimes" A lady with a cape with a hood spoke with a pout "Seriously, I made a contract with you to have more adventures and not get trapped in a sword"

"Summer, I've already let you enjoy yourself for several hours killing Kanemas, Grimm, Werewolf, and various other rogue supernaturals what more do you want?" Jaune replied with a sigh to her contracted spirit "I want to kill that bitch who killed me?"

"Summer... sorry but, I'm not going after Queen Grimm," Jaune said with a wry smile and rolled his eyes "I already have a whole fucking clan of werewolves after me"

"Ohh, Jaune watch out, that's Adam Taurus" Summer let go of her irritating smile and again pointed seriously at a masked man "He's one of Salem's underlings"

"Damn it... what is this idiot doing on the train?" Jaune asked irritably and hid in the wagon where a girl looked at him with confusion "Hello ma'am, I'm Jaune Arc, and what's the name of my beautiful princess?"

"Aaah no not again" Summer slapped her hand to her forehead "why did he have to become a womanizer where I was in his upbringing"

A random faunu linked to white prey opened the door of one of the last carriages of the train to surrender the passengers and use them as a hostage.

"Hands up, this is a kidnapping" The faunu shouted, pointing his gun at whoever was in the wagon. His surprise was to see a young blond man naked, on top of a girl with black hair also naked "what the fuck is this?"

The young man was biting the neck of the young woman who seemed to be enjoying it with a pleased face. The blond youth turned to the faunu with an angry face.

"Fucking empath, leak" The youth snarled looking at the Faunu with its red-slitted eyes and large fangs much larger than humans should have.

"What are you" The faunu bet the gun to the boy while he was shaking "Stay there if I'm not going to shoot"

The young blonde released the girl "Wait here beautiful Vivian" Speaking softly and romantically as he laid her down on the bench and she accepted with a satisfied nod. He kicked the faunu in the chest, throwing him out of the cabin.

The faunu flew with such force that when it hit the side of the train it shook everything and its aura was broken causing it to pass out.

"Damn, these guys don't respect anybody's fuck!" The young blonde growled irritably and looked at Vivian inside the cabin "Great, she's already out of action, thank you universe"

{It's not her fault Jaune, it was a goddamn 30 minutes straight of you fucking her} A girl with black hair and silver eyes appeared behind the young man now named Jaune{Most men can't last 5 minutes! moreover, you also drank her blood}

"Summer? Was that an insult or a compliment?" Jaune took away her frown and looked at Summer slightly offended "Seriously what do you have against men?"

{Nothing, just said fact! now, what are you going to do? already got everyone's attention} Summer points to a group of Faunus running towards them{"They look mad at you}

"What the hell did I do? I'm just a lovely blonde" Jaune cried confused and angry "I don't see why people keep hating me!"

{You still ask? lovely blonde is my ass!} Summer joked sending an offensive arm gesture at Jaune{You killed 3 of Clan Argnoir's werewolves, fucked Clan Argnoir chief's daughter! stole the heirloom of the Agnoir clan! want more examples?}

"no thanks" Jaune nodded slightly embarrassed.

{They're coming!} Summer spoke indifferently

"Die human!" A fauno arrived before them at great speed and attacked Jaune with a sword. Jaune dodged and grabbed the faunu's arm throwing him into the train wall and throwing him back at the faunu's henchmen knocking them all over like bowling pins.

"I noticed, speed-type countenance! annoying, I'll eliminate him first" Jaune said jumping back and keeping himself on guard. He then jumped forward blurring and appeared in front of the Faunus and drew his sword "faint"

Jaune landed the slash with the side of his croecea Mors sword on the Faunu's head, knocking him to the floor of the train. The other Faunus next to him tried to attack, but Jaune spun and kicked his weapons and coldly spoke "Surrender!"

{Umm, that's cool, almost sounded badass} Summer teased and Jaune rolled her eyes

The Faunus tried to put up resistance, but when they saw those red eyes, they were cold and without hesitation. The Faunus bowed down placing their heads on the ground and their hands over their heads.

"Please don't kill us!" The faunus wept. Jaune looked at them and his eyes widened and a rush of air rushed out of him.

At the same moment, all the Faunus fainted as if something had knocked them out.

{King's will haki, who would have thought that little Jaune would have that in him!} Summer joked by touching Jaune's cheek who tried to bite her finger{Calm down little bat, I'm just kidding! Annoying}

Summer withdrew her hand and pouted.

"Me too!" Jaune laughed happily and pointed his sword at the last car where explosions were coming "Looks like you're having so much fun there"

{Yea! two faunus fighting the Atlas robots! they're getting along so well} Summer looked at the end of the car with her silvery eyes{Adam is doing most of the fighting}

"Is he supernatural?" Jaune asked also focusing his eyes on the fight, using Observation Haki "He's really good!"

{No, as far as I know, he's just a faun and doesn't know about the supernatural} Summer spoke nonchalantly, pointing to the last carriage. {He's part of Salem's mundane cycle! that's what the ghosts said before Salem killed me}

"worldly shekel?" Jaune asked confused "I thought Salem was one of the demon kings! why the hell would she have a human shekel not aware of the supernatural?"

{Simple! I have no idea} Summer replied floating beside Jaune{All I know is that I was recruited by the wizard of Beacon to defeat Salem and was placed with humans who know nothing of the underworld, just a little bit of magic}

"Wait! is there a mage in Beacon?" Jaune looked surprised "Beacon is a supernatural school and not a hunter school?"

{wrong, Beacon is a hunter school, only run by a wizard who uses humans, faunus, and supernaturals against Salem} Summer said board and pointed to the last car {things are starting to get serious!}

"If Adam is just a faun, that means I can defeat him myself!" Jaune stated puffing out his chest and bowing walking towards the wagon where the fight was taking place "Without the help of possession?"

{No!} Summer shook her head{Defeating him might be difficult for you, not impossible, but difficult}

"Which?" Jaune stopped looking at Summer in shock "what do you mean?"

{Do you think Salem would keep her around even though he's just a Faunu?} Summer stated patting her student's forehead {something I've learned in my life as a Shaman! different from you. I didn't have super strength, super speed, and near-immortal healing when I was alive. all I had was a bit of divinity focused in my eyes and the ability to use magic with power that the spirits lent me, the same goes for hunters or criminals with aura}

"What does that mean?" Jaune asked not understanding Summer's words "The powers of the spirits are very strong, there is no way to compare them with the powers of humans and faunus"

{Wrong!} Summer corrected him once more{you have enough physical abilities to withstand the possession of a powerful spirit, I, on the other hand, had a human body and I don't have healing, that means that to withstand the possession I had to become strong on my own, Same goes for Adam, he's powerful on his own, enough for Salem to keep him around, so he can take on you Jaune, even though you are, stronger, faster and more powerful, he beats you in technique and experience}

"Damn it, I thought all hunters were like the ones who attacked me when they saw me feed! I was a fool" Jaune lamented his lack of experience. besides being killed by Queen Grimm"

"But, one wonders why the hell a wizard and Queen Grimm have human soldiers who aren't as aware of the underworld?" Jaune asked confused going to the door of the wagon "That seems like a very disgusting and cruel game to me! why would they do that? What do they have to gain?"

{I'm sorry I don't talk much about myself! I just don't like remembering the things I lost in this silly war!} Summer spoke sadly touching Jaune's shoulder{Let's talk about your people! Why do ancient vampires destroy entire underworld villages and clans for no reason}

"Are they almost completely immortal and so bored with the inability to die?" Jaune replied as if it was obvious and then widened her eyes "Holy shit! The wait is the mage immortal too? I've never seen an immortal mage"

{here's your answer about Salem's game and the mage when you meet him you'll realize right away about his 'immortality'} Summer replied by jumping on Jaune's back and clinging to him

"I'll leave the bare minimum to you! I want to see how strong this Faunu is! If you see that I'm losing is allowed to do the possession on your own"

{You are immortal Jaune} Summer spoke in his mind{you're missing out is relative}

"If I'm being pushed too far back!" Jaune was sincere in saying this. Yes, he was immortal, but he could be overpowered and immobilized which wasn't good for him "come on!"



Blake Belladonna looked at the destruction he caused to his teammate with many Atlas robots lying on the ground and sighed. She took a core and looked at her partner

"Adam, I got the safe, let's call the others and go!" Blake shouted smiling and Adam looked at her emotionlessly

"Okay, let's just wait for the others to place the explosives on the train," Adam said and Blake widened his eyes taking a step back

"What did you say?" Blake asked in disbelief "Adam has innocent people in there"

"There are no innocent Humans Blake" Adam roared stomping his foot on the floor and making everything shudder"Now wait for the others to come back"

Adam's voice was so commanding and brutal that Blake gasped almost as if he felt compelled to obey, and nearly ducked his head.

"wow, how cruel you are to a lady" It was when a voice spoke from the end of the wagon waking Blake from his fear and looking in the direction of the voice to see a young blond man with red eyes completely naked with a bold smile "Beautiful cat, this man, did you harm?"

Blake turned red and when she saw Adam lunge at the boy she gasped "Careful" She screamed and the boy looked at Adam with wide eyes


"Damn, he's good" Jaune dodged the man's blow and kicked him. But, Adam dodged and tried to cut Jaune's leg who jumped back "you're right, he's different from those hunters"

{I told you}Summer spoke in his mind{He's coming}

Jaune threw back his hand and Croecea Mors came at him in time for him to defend himself from Adam's sword that launched three attacks in a row at him. Jaune parried them three attacks with some difficulty.

"Damn, he's not fast, but he's keeping me at bay" Jaune complained against attacking, and Adam ducking to dodge and attacking again Jaune defended himself

{Yeah, he knows you're stronger and faster and that's why he's keeping the fight at close range} Summer declared {Watch out, he'll use your countenance! disappear!}

"Damn it" Jaune screamed and blurred away from Adam who swung his sword forming a spiral of Energy that cut the side of the train like paper. But, Jaune landed sliding towards the other side of the train before turning into mist and disappearing.

He reappeared crouched in front of Blake who widened his eyes and Jaune looked at her from the corner of her eye "this is the moment you run away"

"Yes thank you" Blake snapped and ran to the last carriage

Then Jaune stood up and sighed

"My question is what a hunter of your level would do on the train" Adam pointed his sword at Jaune while biting his lip showing anger. But, his voice was calm and authoritative "by the blood on your body, I can see that you killed my comrades"

"Something like that" Jaune spoke and prepared {but don't worry, I'll send you to join them}

he cracked a smile and jumped up blurring and appearing in front of Adam waving Croecea Mors

"Damn... He's too fast" Adam yelled in rage as he parried the first strike and counterattacked. But, Jaune had already disappeared and reappeared behind Adam.

He attacked Adam with Mors croecea coated in Haki that turned black.

"What the fuck? A double countenance?" Adam snarled moving to dodge but Jaune's blade landed on Adam's chest completely ignoring the Faunu's aura and slashing him.

"I'm sorry! you're going to die" Jaune said seeing Adam stagger

"Damn it" Adam yelled falling backwards as blood poured from his chest.

Adam fell off the wagon

"He was very strong" he joked and looked to where Blake was and saw the girl cutting the cable of the last wagon with a scared face looking at him.

{damn, you scared her} Summer said inside Jaune's mind {you really mastered the Haki, congrats!!}

"Hey, it's not my fault I didn't go easy on her boyfriend" Jaune defended himself against the accusation "Now, I think we better get the hell out before the police come"

{Yes, much better} Summer nodded her head {Did you have fun? it was easy! since you didn't use Haki, thought it would be more of a challenge, did Salem lower the follower standards?}

"could be, but I think he just underestimated me" Jaune stated thoughtfully

{that's it makes more sense} Summer agreed