
Rupture Dimensional: A Ghost in Marvel

A universe, something strange and endearing, can have so many strange things in itself, but they never meet their peers, the cosmic forces that control it prohibit this. But, what would happen if by chance of fate four concepts from different worlds were mixed into a single universe. A famous brotherhood of assassins. Energy, from heaven and earth. A famous cartoon. And a famous urban hunter. The Marvel universe has never seen anything like it.

Chris_Mayo · Película
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15 Chs


The end.

A strange concept, thought from a personal point of view.

There are so many imagined theories of it, but in the end, nothing, try to find or say how you could have the way to know something that is beyond your understanding. Without some divine intervention, it is impossible, at best you can only free your mind, and imagine the end result, always hoping for the best outcome or failing that, an end that is close to the imagined one.

Hate the feeling of control.

Hate being controlled.

To lose everything, because something stronger than you wanted it that way.

To feel helpless, to look at the unprecedented ending, but not being able to do anything to avoid it. Rules you have to follow, laws that chain your freedom. A world where the strong eat the weak, where connections are everything and where there is no way to break this cycle.

The questions of a whole generation.

And now in the twilight of a life, many answers to questions that tormented him were finally clarified.

Is it wrong to kill?

The action itself, taking a life, no matter how good or bad a person had been in life.

The infinite sociological and ethical loop is rooting the answer to a simple question, killing is wrong, no one has the right to decide about death.

A valid point no doubt.


What if the death of one, could save many. Eliminating an entire race, would save thousands more races, one life for hundreds more, the answer is simple, no one wants to hear it, but it is always there, no matter what they say, what they think or what they feel, killing is necessary.

Even though some people might think so, most people who have not experienced a traumatic event, find it impossible to understand.

In reality no one has the right to talk about justice, something so mundane that it is easily bent to the personal needs of the same being.

What is most important to one.

A hero, he would sacrifice what he loves most to save the world.


He would sacrifice the world to save what he loves.

In spite of everything, in the end.

He had his answer.

Killing is bad, it's true.

But still... if it is a crime to kill the wicked.

Then he will kill all the tyrants of the world.

And if anyone stands in his way.

Blood will rain down.


If from God himself.


He promises them.

Creation is more difficult than it seems. If you like this story, do not forget to comment and leave your review, it is something important for the creators.

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