

Warhammer and Ancient Rune Nerd, Is reborn in a world that should not have Rune's. Decides that he shall climb to the highest point he can and works with his Runes. So Someone commented wondering when I would update. Monday Wednesday, Friday, those are the days that I update. I have a patreon where we are several chapters ahead if you would like to take a look see at. Up to you. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=16995523 Artwork By LordValmar on Webnovel

ironpriest · TV
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84 Chs

Summer Sun Celebration Part 1

As I laid in bed on the night of the summer sun celebration before the eve of the summer sun celebration, I could feel Pinkie squeezing me in her sleep. 'It is finally here the start of the greatest adventure known to pony kind.'

Pinkie has been acting more like her television counterpart but only slightly. I can not wait to meet the lady who will help children learn about themselves for an age to come, 'Twilight Sparkle, I hope you can handle this version of the world.'

Because from what I have been seen, this world is slightly more dangerous than the television show. 'I cannot get involved in the first adventure because the girls need to be the elements of harmony.'

I slowly rub my hand through Pinkies' hair, terrified out of my mind. 'I cannot believe I am letting Pinkie walk into the Everfree forest alone without any protection.'

I let the tears fall from my eyes before holding her tightly…

---Pinkie's POV---

'Onyx is worried about something, and he knows something is coming.' Pinkie was touched by the care and love that Onyx showed her and snuggled into his arms, happy to be held.

'I wonder what you know, Onyx. Is it truly so bad that you have to cry?'

Pinkie was slightly worried.

---Day before summer sun celebration Twilight sparkle POV---

As I walked back from the Canterlot library, three ponies stopped me, whose name I do not remember. Of course, I won't say that out loud.

"There you are Twilight, MoonDancer is having a little get-together In the west castle courtyard." The white Unicorn talked to me.

They leaned in together and asked me. "Do you want to come?"

I quickly replied in a nervous tone, "Oh, sorry girls, I got a lot of studying to catch up on."

I slipped past them before I heard one of them speak in annoyance. "Does that pony do anything except study?"

While another replied in a tone that cut deep into me. "I think Twilight is more interested in books than friends."

'it is not that I am more interested in studying than friends. You three were rude to me when I became Princess Celestia student.' I thought in slight anger, 'Need to let that go, Twilight they are not important right now.'

As I moved to my apartment that Princess Celestia set up for me, I watched as two ponies waved at me, but I was so focused that I forgot to wave back. "I know I have heard of the elements of harmony."

As I ran up the stairs to my apartment, I looked over the land in Canterlot before sighing when I opened the door, I heard it thump against something. 'Must have been a book.'

I quickly called out to my friend Spike who I had hatched from an egg. "Spike… Spike…"

I heard him groan and saw him on the ground. "Spike, did I hit you with the door?"

He slowly rubbed his head. "Yeah, Twilight… what has you in such a rush?"

I quickly looked around my library and asked him to help me. "I need your help finding an old book… Predictions and Prophecies"

I turned to him, making sure he was helping me, and saw a destroyed present. "Who was that for Spike? Did I cause it to break?"

He held the package out, and I saw a ripped teddy bear fall to the ground. "It was my gift for Moondancer to give her at the little get-together. It looks like you caused the bear to rip."

"Oh, I am so sorry, Spike, but we really do not have time for that sort of thing right now." I slowly sort the books on the ground, looking for the book.

"But we are currently on a break, Twilight?" He looked at me, confused as to why I was in such a rush.

I slowly went through the various books spinning around me with my magic. "No… no… no… Spike, do you see it?"

"Yeah, it is right here," I noticed at the last second that it was in his hand and accidentally pulled him along with the book. I watched him flop to the ground.

"Sorry, Spike," I apologized quickly while picking up the book from the ground.

"It is alright, Twilight," he mumbled at me from the ground before pulling himself up.

I slowly flipped through the various pages looking for more information on the Elements of Harmony. "Elements… elements…"

"Aha!" I spoke in triumph when I had found the page I was looking for before I let out a confused reading. "Elements of Harmony… See Mare in the moon?"

I was confused about why the elements of Harmony could only be mentioned in a book like that before I heard Spike speak in confusion

"Mare in the moon… Twilight it is an old wives tale used to scare young ponies."

I sighed before flipping through the book on old wives' tales, "Mare in the moon… The myth from old pony times."

I slowly read the story aloud "A powerful pony that wanted to rule Equestria, defeated by the elements of harmony, and imprisoned in stasis on the moon itself… aha here we go… legend has it that on the longest day 1000 years in the future the stars themselves will aid in her escape from her prison, leading to an eternal darkness."

I was surprised at how bad this was sounding before I called out to Spike, "Spike, do you see what this means."

"No… Woah," I watched spike fall of the ladder that he was not supposed to be on. I quickly caught him. "Ow… sorry, Twilight."

I sighed before handing him a writing utensil and a piece of parchment. "Take a note, please, and be ready to send it to the Princess."

I watched him jump off my back and unroll the parchment so he could write "Understood Twilight."

"My dearest teacher, my continuing studies into pony magic have led me to discover that we are on the verge of great danger for you see, the mythical story of the Mare on the moon is, in fact, Nightmare Moon herself, and she is about to return to Equestria and bring with her an age of eternal night" I directed at Spike so he could dictate my words. I looked at him in thought "something must be done to make sure this terrible prophecy does not come to pass, I await your quick response, your faithful student Twilight… did you get all that Spike."

I slowly walked towards the window and looked outside while listing to Spike speak, "Yeah, I got it all, Twilight… what do you want me to do with it."

I blinked before looking at him before informing him, "Send it off, of course."

Spike blinked in surprise. "Really right now. I mean, Princess Celestia is extremely busy."

"That is why it has to be now because this summer sun celebration is the thousandth night, Spike," I informed before he sighed.

"Alright, Twilight, I will send it even though I think this is a waste of time," Spike spoke before readying his mail magic which I was still in awe of. I cannot learn it. Apparently, I do not have an affinity for it. As I watched the burned scroll go out an open window before Spike spoke at me, "There you go, Twilight, it is on the way to the Princess… but I would not hold my breath, Twilight."

Before Spike coughed out a gout of flame from the flame came a scroll. "I knew she would want to take immediate action… once I informed her about the danger, Spike."

Spike had slowly opened the parchment before he read what was written aloud "My dearest Twilight, you know I trust you completely, but you really must stop reading those old books… so I am assigning you to oversee the summer sun celebration in the chosen location of Ponyville."

"I cannot believe she did not believe me, Spike," I spoke to Spike, distraught.

---time skip ponyville still Twilight's POV---

I saw Spike get a second letter. He started reading it immediately. "I am renting a location for you to stay while you are in ponyville overseeing the preparations, and I have a small side assignment… make some friends."

I heard him start snickering before I pulled the letter out of his hand, reading quickly and seeing it said exactly what he said. I let out a massive sigh, "I cannot believe this."

"Look at the bright side Twilight the Princess prepared for you to stay in Ponyville's Library," Spike informed me, trying to cheer me up, which was actually working.

"I will do my duty quickly check the preparations then research the elements of harmony in the Ponyville library," I informed Spike on the plan.

"What about her second assignment?" Spike asked worriedly.

"After I can prove it, I will worry about friends," I informed Spike about my plan.

As Spike and I landed in the center of ponyville, I quickly moved to the front, and speaking with the two Pegasus flying the ship, I bowed to them. "Thank you for the lift, kind sirs."

"You are a most welcome young lady," They spoke before taking back off, leaving Spike and me on the ground.

"Let's go, Spike," I spoke to him before noticing a pony walking towards me.

Spike tried to get me to talk to a strange pony walking towards me. "Maybe they will be different Twilight… just try to talk to them."

I greeted her only for her to gasp and runoff, leaving Spike and me to stand there in confusion. "Different is a word, Spike."

---Pinkies POV---

Oh my gosh, a new pony in Ponyville. I need to plan her party, and I know where she is likely staying. I quickly ran into Onyx. I babbled at him, "Onyx, there is a new pony here, and I need to plan a party. I am going to be super busy... wait, I can just use the Summer sun party in the library."

I quickly kissed him before running off to plan the party.

---Onyx's POV---

Well, I guess Twilight is here, and now I know how Pinkie was able to set up the party so quick. She already had it prepared 'after all, she rented out the library for her party a few days before.'

---Twilights POV a few hours later---

As I closed the door on Fluttershy, I quietly said goodbye to her while I walked around the room looking for the light. I spoke to Spike, "I just need to be able to study Spike… now where are the lights."

I was surprised that the lights turned on all by themselves before a bunch of ponies jumped out and yelled surprise, "Oh my gosh, why is everyone here?"

I jumped back when the pink pony appeared in front of me. "They are here to give you a welcome to ponyville party silly… well, not really. This party was all planned out before that, but we just had to make you feel welcome!"

She spoke rapidly until I saw a giant of a unicorn picked her up with a laugh. "Give her a second to breathe, Pinkie, and you have not even told her your name."

I saw her rub her head slowly and let out a giggle. "Right, I am Pinkie Pie, and this is my boyfriend, Onyx Cobalt."

I greeted them warmly. 'I might not have wanted this party, but from what it sounds like, it was already planned, and I happened to walk into it on accident.'

"Um… Miss Pinkie, how long is this party going to go on for," I asked because depending on what type of party it was, this might go on all night long.

"This is the summer sun eve all-night party… we party till the princess raises the sun," Pinkie explained before looking sheepish. "This is the place we usually host parties… it has been unrented for so long I pay to host a party here every once in a while."

'I see there is no way I am getting rid of them tonight, and there goes my plans to study… horse feathers,' I think before I watch the party start in earnest.

"I am going to get us a couple of drinks, Pinkie," Onyx spoke with a hefty tone of voice before he asked me, "Want anything, Twilight?"

"Do we have anything alcoholic?" I asked in genuine curiosity because if I am going to be here, I might as well get drunk.

"Yeah, we have beer." he looked at Pinkie with a question in his eyes.

"Same for me, handsome" the look Pinkie gave him was a little inappropriate for the public.

"Two beers and an apple juice," Onyx said as he walked away quickly with a blush on his neck.

"Who is the apple juice for?" I asked Pinkie after she took her eyes off of his butt. Which I can admit is tight looking.

"It is for Onyx himself… the big lug does not drink at all," Pinkie informed me, making me look at Onyx in surprise.

"So, if you are a party planner, what does Onyx do?" I see the various ponies pay a little more attention than before.

"I will tell you when we are alone… there is currently a betting pool about what Onyx does to make his bits" she snickered quietly at that

"Wait, how does no one know what he does?" I asked, confused because a lot of ponies would like to know what it is from what it sounds like.

"He works out of his house, which is the biggest in the whole of Ponyville," she explained with a tone of voice that did not match her smile. "He is pretty much one of the richest guys in Ponyville."

I blinked before looking at the onyx-colored Unicorn walking towards us before deciding to just ask him, 'He probably does not even know about the pool.'

"What do you do for work, mister Onyx?" I asked him, curious about what could make him the kind of money that Pinkie says he brings in.

He only smiled at me while handing me my beer. "I am a researcher, Twilight. I recently competed in the Next Generation Magical Armor Competition."

I blinked in surprise and realized that he was a runemaster then, "That is truly impressive… what do you do for money between grants."

"I make toys and sell them in Colt's Out of the Toy Box," Onyx explained quite simply.

---POV Onyx---

She is certainly different from the show, but I quickly realized that Rarity and Pinkie could be different from their Counterparts in the show. Why couldn't the main character be different? I slowly moved to the side of the room and drank my juice while I watched the Main Six finally come together for the first time.

I was quickly approached by big mac and a couple of the guys that I had been hanging with for fun. I greeted them happy to have finally made bro friends, "Big mac, Comet Colt, Astral Stepper."

Big mac was Big Mcintosh from the show. Comet was a Pegasus working as a mail transporter out of ponyville who specialized in long-distance transport. Astral was a unicorn that specialized in dream magic and helped as a therapist for the local youth. He kept the dreams from creating nightmares around ponyville which was slightly dangerous with Everfree forest being so close by.

They nodded in greeting before sitting with me. I quickly brought out a deck of playing cards. "We are playing pazack tonight."

The only reason I get to choose the game is that I brought the deck. So far, we each have a game that we like. Big Mac likes Poker. Astrel likes blackjack. Comet prefers a game of gin. They all groaned at that. "Hey, you want to play something else, bring your own cards."

"Na, it is fine pazack is extremely fun. It is just hard to play," Big mac explained the annoyance they were all feeling, but there were smiles all around.

The other two quickly nodded in agreement. "Maximum raises are exactly 10 bits at maximum, with 1 being the minimum. The total you can sit down with is 100 bits."

They nodded in agreement with my rules because I had made it, so they did not have to overbet with money, and with pazack, it is hard to lose money.

"Well, shall we play" I quickly dealt the cards out to them before I smiled at the jokes we were telling.

---Twilights POV---

I was genuinely enjoying myself before I saw a couple of guys around a table. "What are they doing?"

Pinkie and the rest looked over before bursting into laughter. "They are playing pazack."

I looked at them in curiosity because I had never heard of pazack. "What is pazack?"

They slowly explained that pazack was a game where you were dealt 7 cards, 6 hidden the one not hidden was your base score. You got to decide on the card you had as your base score. Every round, you could either play a card adding or subtracting from your score, and you wanted to get close to a base score of 20 without going over. "That sounds extremely hard."

Pinkie nodded as she explained the rules to me slowly. "Every round, you can raise or call, but you have to play a card, and as a rule, you have to add three times and subtract three times each."

"That is a game that is based around luck and skill at the same time," I said in surprise before thinking about it a little more if you had a bad hand dealt, you could fold. "It sounds like every hand has a chance at winning, though."

The girls nodded their heads in agreement. "Yup, it is damn near impossible to truly get ahead because all you need is one bad hand, but if you do get ahead, it is easy to get away."

"So who is dating who?" I asked in curiosity because I should always ask new friends about their dating life from what I remember, or that is what the books say I should do.

"Pinkie stole Onyx before anyone else got a chance," Rarity informed me before Pinkie stuck out her tongue.

"Little miss Rarity is hunting Astral stepper," Rainbow teased in good humor.

"Rainbow has a massive crush on Comet," Fluttershy said in a shy teasing voice.

"What about big mac?" I asked in curiosity because it sounds like all of them are looking to date in the group.

"Currently pursuing the newest teacher at Ponyville high school," Applejack spoke aloud. "A miss Honey Cake, she is a cousin of the Cakes in town."

I nodded my head. Before making a guess about the guys themselves. "Let me guess they are pretty much the top picks of in ponyville."

"Yup, they are the best guys currently available as it were," Applejack informed.

I looked around for a second and spoke in a low tone of voice, "Anyone thought about starting a herd."

They looked at me before they sighed because it sounded like this is their only way to score. "Yeah, a couple of us have asked, and the only one that even seems interested is Onyx, and that is because he can afford it."

"I happened to notice that the guards in Ponyville have different armor compared to Canterlot," I asked in a leading tone of voice.

"That would be Onyx's work. The guard loves his work because his armor is better than anything else from the previous generation and cheaper." Pinkie explained that it was next-generation magical armor.

"The guards in ponyville always get the previous generation magical armor, but this time Onyx's work was extremely cheap, so they decide to buy new to support him." Rarity explained in happiness, which confused me before Fluttershy explained.

"Rarity made the suit pieces that you saw while Onyx made the metal parts and enchanted them." I was surprised by that because it sounded like Rarity and Onyx were Rune wielders.

---ethereal POV---

Harmony smiled happily that her current elements were truly gathered together for the first time before she felt nightmare moon escape her prison.

Harmony quickly sat in front of the chessboard across from Discord. 'What were you doing, Harmony?'

'My elements came together for the first time tonight, Discord. I could not miss that for the world.' Harmony informed happily before she got sober. 'You felt it, didn't you?'

'Indeed I did. Nightmare Moon escaped from her prison. The filth assisted her, so she got out slightly early.' Discord snarled quietly.

Harmony sighed in worry. 'Celestia is going to let herself be captured so she can reawaken the elements into an active fighting force.'

'You are worried she will be infected as well' Discord looked at her before sighing in annoyance, 'Just this once, I will help you protect her.'

'Thank you, discord' Harmony smiled and thanked the chaotic being.

'Do not thank me. This is a favor, ' Discord informed Harmony.