

Warhammer and Ancient Rune Nerd, Is reborn in a world that should not have Rune's. Decides that he shall climb to the highest point he can and works with his Runes. So Someone commented wondering when I would update. Monday Wednesday, Friday, those are the days that I update. I have a patreon where we are several chapters ahead if you would like to take a look see at. Up to you. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=16995523 Artwork By LordValmar on Webnovel

ironpriest · TV
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84 Chs

Summer Sun Celebration Part 2

---Onyx POV---

As the guys and I sat there playing pazack, I could not help but look at the time on my watch. Because we played for a couple of hours and no one was in the hole more than 10 bits, I was technically up by 12 bits. I saw that the Summer Sun Eve Party was ending in twenty minutes. We would be heading to the party where Princess Celestia would be raising the sun itself. I looked at the three other male ponies that I had truly made friends with. "Last round, guys, we got to get ready to go."

They blinked in surprise before pulling out their own timepieces and nodded their heads. I watched as Pinkie was slowly helping the party winding down so people could be ready to move to the next location. I was surprised to see that Twilight was missing from the party but considering she was most likely worked hard when she met the various people of Ponyville itself. I was not genuinely surprised that she is probably really stressed because she hoped to look up the Elements of Harmony. I was surprised to see spike dancing with a lampshade on his head.' Where did that come from?'

"Last minute bet boys' best chance to earn your money back." I taunted them in a friendly tone, and they play scowled back at me before they started snickering. As we slowly played the last round, I could not help but worry about the preparations I had made. 'I hope they are enough, Pinkie, my love, I hope they are enough to help you.'

---Pinkie POV---

As I slowly got everyone prepared to head to the big finish of the night, I looked around and saw that Twilight was missing. She was a funny drunk. She complained about how the Princess thought she did not make friends because she liked to study over everything else. I do not want to admit to being angry about things like this. If I ever met her so-called friends from when she was a student, I might punch them in the face, and that is not counting what the others would do to them. She was our friend, that missing piece we did not even know we needed. The moment we had realized this, she was ours, and anyone who hurts our friend hurts one of us. She also admitted she would instead use this time to study about an upcoming threat to Equestria itself.

When we had prompted her on, she quickly explained the Mare on the moon being a true story and that the night of her supposed release on to the world was coming up. We nodded our heads and said we would help her later. I do not think I had ever seen anyone burst into tears when they were offered help. That told me more things about her previous' friends.' I could see that Fluttershy was especially angry in her own particular way. I was not surprised when Onyx held a watch up, letting me know that they already knew and were winding down in their own way.

It looks like Onyx has not drunk anything alcoholic at all, even though I saw a couple of people attempt to spike his drink. Onyx is a fun drunk. He uses his runes by writing on the air itself and causing incredible effects. He turned the gravity off in his home the last time he got drunk. I wonder where Twilight disappeared to. I looked around and saw Rarity. I slowly walked over to her and got my head next to hers, and spoke to her. "Do you know where Twilight disappeared to?"

She looked at me and nodded her head before looking over at the bedroom and pointing. "thank you, Rarity,"

She nodded and started helping the various party-goers get ready to leave for the next part, same with applejack. As I moved to the bedroom itself, I could not help but smirk. 'I wonder if she fell asleep?'

As I opened the door, I saw her in bed reading a book looking much more aware of herself than before. I slowly moved to speak up…

---Twilight's POV----

'Gosh, Darn it, I allowed myself to get drunk and talk about my problems to 5 other girls who listened to me without complaints, and oh my gosh, they are good people.' I could not help but blush at what I had done while I was drunk. 'and they called me friend without any reservation.'

"Twilight?" I heard from the doorway before seeing Pinkie Pie smiling up at me.

"Yes, Pinkie, what can I do for you?" I asked her because she most likely is coming to talk to me for a reason.

"it is currently 5:45… it is 15 minutes till the princess raises the sun." She informed me, causing me to jump and grab my watch and seeing she was telling the truth, "it will take us likely 10 minutes to reach the plaza where she is showing herself."

I slowly nodded my head and agreed, "I will be right down after I get ready."

She nodded at me and slowly left the room, and I heard the music finally turn off. I slowly gathered some warm clothing and put them on quickly before exiting the room. Seeing everyone was pretty much gone, and the room is spotless. I mused aloud, "I thought it would be dirty after the party?"

"Na Pinkie is a neat freak. She cleans up after every party. It is why she ended the party so soon after all" I jumped in shock at hearing Onyx speak behind me. "I am just waiting for the girls who are waiting on you."

As I turned around, I saw the four of them sitting there waiting for each other, and then I heard them. My new friends giggling before they saw me and rushed over to talk. I heard Rarity ask me a question, but I could not understand. "What did you ask me, Rarity?"

"I asked you if you had enough clothes and that you were warm enough Darling." Rarity slowly asked me again before holding up a couple of jackets. Before I spotted that, they all were dressed quite warm despite being at a party indoors just moments ago. "We brought over jackets and long pants and skirts, Darling."

As they waited for me to answer, I realized that I enjoyed these five ponies' company more than ever. "Yeah, I have enough clothes lets go."

They nodded their heads and lead me out; as we were being followed by 4 big stallions, I realized that I had somehow joined a small family in its own way. 'I feel complete for the first time since I had become the Princess student.'

As we slowly chattered about various things, I saw Spike hanging with the stallions group and saw them completely accept him in their presence. 'I am glad Spike is making friends. I was worried about him.'

As we had arrived at the town hall, I watched them move off to do the things they needed to do, leaving me with Rainbow and Pinkie, the two pranksters of the group. "Are you excited, Rainbow, Twilight?"

We were confused about why she was so excited. I decided to ask her what has her in such a good mood, "What is up, Pinkie?"

"I was the one to design the party from the ground up. I was the one to recruit the others to do their jobs. This is like my dream come true," Pinkie spoke In a high tone of voice, visibly shaking in excitement.

I peered over at Rainbow and asked her. "Did you know she planned the party?"

"No, I did not, but I would not be surprised she is pretty much the party queen of Ponyville." Rainbow mused aloud. "If not Pinkie, then no one else could have planned this party."

As we watched Fluttershy begin making the birds sing, I could not help but be in awe of her animal control abilities. "Fluttershy is amazing."

"Yeah, she is," Rainbow said with something close to melancholy.

I blinked before looking at Pinkie questionably before Pinkie replied in an annoyed tone of voice. "Fluttershy was bullied in school because her cutie mark had nothing to do with flying."

As we watched the mayor of Ponyville begin Speaking. I quickly realized I do not know her name. "Rainbow, what is the mayors' name?"

Rainbow blinked before snorting in reply. "Mayor Mare."

I was surprised about the name because it was kind of on the nose. "Filles and Gentlecolts, As Mayor of Ponyville, it is my greatest pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration."

As the various Ponies in the audience burst into cheers, Pinkie being one of the loudest. "In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise and celebrate this the longest day of the year. And now it is my greatest honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony that gives is the sun and moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of Harmony to all of Equestria… Princess Celestia"

I was not surprised that when the music started and the veil was pulled back, my teacher was not there. The reason being I saw the moon flash for a spilt second, and the Mare was gone. As I saw them start to panic, I saw Onyx signal to a few Ponies in the audience, and watched them slowly strip out of their clothing, showing them wearing magical armor. They all had a guard symbol on them. They quickly moved just out of sight but still close enough to protect the room.

I saw Onyx's head turn so fast to the balcony I quickly followed his eyes and was surprised to see a blue smoke gathering. 'I know that movement technique, but when she uses it is white.'

When the guards did not immediately attack, I knew they realized they were outclassed by the alicorn in front of them. I looked at Onyx and saw him ready a talisman before stopping himself, most likely making the guess that she would just swat it to the side. "Oh, my beloved Subjects, how long has it been since I have seen your sun-loving faces."

I heard the brash Rainbow dash speak up, trying to keep everyone in good spirits. "what did you do with our princess?"

I was shocked that she was about to straight-up attack, this being only to be held down by applejack. "Woah, their Rainbow."

Watching the dark alicorn burst into laughter, she asked the question that I really hoped she would not ask "Why? Is my crown not good enough? Do none of you know who I am?"

I knew I needed to protect my friends from being attacked, so I quickly spoke up. "I know who you are. You are the Mare on the moon, NightmareMoon."

I watched as she chuckled at me as the various ponies in the hall gasped in shock. "Well. Well. Well, someone that truly remembers me… then you also remember why I am here?"

I looked around and saw that I was slowly being singled out by herd mentality. "You are here to… to… to…"

I honestly could not finish the sentence because I knew they were hoping for Princess Celestia to come and save us. Even though I knew she would have been here already if she could. She started Chuckling before gloating, "Remember today, Ponies, because it will be your last. From this moment onward, it is eternal darkness."

As we watched her laugh and lighting hit outside, I was not surprised when the ponies were immediately evacuated. What did surprise me was that we were heading to Onyx's home.

"I have to go to the library," I spoke up in the evacuation before I spotted Onyx looking at me as I started to move off. I saw the five people I hoped were still friends stop as well and take off after me. Onyx chucked something at Pinkie, which she caught. I was not sure what they were doing, but the fact they came after me told me they were still my friends.

---Onyx POV---

One of the guards is watching me, looking for an order to go after them. "No, they have their job now, I have mine."

The guards nodded before continuing the evacuation. As we had arrived at my house, I walked to the central location and sat in a rune circle, and a massive dome sprung around my lands as I sat there cross-legged. I was not surprised that my brothers showed up in the room.

I could feel Big Mac's anger from here. "Once the barrier is up, I cannot lower it, big mac. It will last a few hours."

"Explain!" big mac said one word.

"To explain it, I would need to tell the whole story. Might as well sit down. We will be here for a while." They quickly found seats around me before I sighed. Right now, I was looking through two eyes, my barriers eyes which allowed me to see the Filth as it was called in this world before I watched harmony magic attack the Filth. Simultaneously, the Everfree spewed chaos magic to attack as well, and my real eyes that allowed me to see my brothers. My worried brothers that cared about their friends and family. "The mare in the moon was sealed away by the elements of harmony, but the rocks that the elements of harmony had inhabited at the time went inert."

"So we made a statue at her location of defeat. We, the rune society, built it in the Everfree forest, placing the five rocks that sealed her away in the statue itself. But that is not the end of the story. We were surprised when we felt Element magic being used less than a few years later. We had quickly rushed to the location only to discover that a person was using it. When we had tested them, we discovered that the Rocks that we thought were the elements themselves were jewelry created by previous elemental users." I explained as efficiently as possible. "Those five girls are all potentials for each of the known elements."

I could see big mac getting angrier with every word. "There were never more than 1 or 2 potentials together at one time, Mac. They are only hope to end this because with the five of them. We can be saved. She can be put back in the bottle. I know there is a sixth element, but I do not know it."

Astral asked me a question. "What about Twilight?"

"I could not have stopped her even if I wanted to. She is the top student of Princess Celestia," I explained before I see them getting angrier. I quickly sighed. "Pinkie is out there, guys, and I can do nothing but hope and pray that she can end this and come back to me."

I watch big mac get up before punching a wall in anger. "We are not elements, my brothers; if we went out there, we would most likely die."

"At least we would try. We could try Onyx." Big mac spoke in anger.

"What about the people I am protecting. Without me, this barrier falls, and the monsters rush in and start a wholesale slaughter." I finally snapped in anger at them, "And if you thought I would let you go out there without me, you lot are dumber than you look."

They grimaced at a truth I spewed at them in anger. They sat at three points around me with their back towards me in a circle. "What are you lot doing now?"

"The only thing we can do now be there for you," Comet said in exhaustion.

I looked at them and realized that I had been forgiven and that they were doing the one thing they can do to protect me. 'Pinkie, I hope you are ok.'

---Princess Celestia POV---

'I wish I had something to read' I watched as Rose stood in front of my bubble with Various guards trying to find a way to free me. I saw Luna returning, or as she is currently calling herself, because of the Filth, Nightmare Moon.

"Really, this is the best they can send a maid and a couple of old guards." I listened as she taunted them before looking away. "Go ahead and keep trying; it is not like you will succeed."

She really was arrogant, but she has a right to be the only runes that could release me is Onyx's, and beside me, he is the only one that can cast them right now. 'With the five elements with my beloved student, she should be able to cleanse Luna and free her from the filth… after all, I know something Luna does not.'

I could not help but smile as Luna did the paperwork in front of me while spying on my student and her friends. 'Even while corrupted, Luna is really good at paperwork.'

---Magical POV---

As Harmony sat on the bubble created by one of her agents, she was surprised that it would occasionally lash out and destroy a big clump of Filth. 'This is going extremely well so far… my element of magic has gathered in the library with her elements and will end this very soon.'

As Harmony peered at her magic element, she was surprised that she thought she needed the orbs themselves. Harmony smacked her face in disbelief. 'I can not believe that my element is this silly.'

Harmony reappeared in front of the chessboard. She was not surprised that Discord soon appeared afterward as well 'how goes your various missions?'

'not well I have no agents close enough to achieve my objectives of destroying the alicorn,' Discord admitted in annoyance 'looks like you win this round, Harmony.'

'Not yet, Discord. My elements think they need those dumb rocks to do the job.' Harmony complained at Discord.

Discord stared before bursting into laughter.