
Roxanne Quinn

Hi readers enjoy this story go on a crazy college adventure with Roxanne Quinn Also the cover isn't mine so if you don't want me to use it please comment below

Rae_beauty · Ciudad
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38 Chs

Working with Kai

Roxanne POV

After school I went to the building Kai usually stay in .

"I'm here to see Kai. "I said as I looked at the man infront of me.

"Does he know you're here"He said

"Yes "She said.

"I'll go ask him don't move "He said and went in he came out not less than thirty second .

"You can go In "He said

I looked at him with a disgusting look, he deserved it, before going in. Kai was alone he was sitting on the floor working on his laptop which was the center table .

"Hey "I said letting him know I was here already.

"Oh hey "He said .

"Sit "He said. Of course I was gonna sit I didn't need his permission for that.

"Are you gonna help me or not Kai "I said

"You do know you're using me right"He said

"Of course I am, I mean opportunity comes but once doesn't it , I have to use you while I still can"I said ok maybe I shouldn't have said the last sentence.

"It's fine but if I help you find your mom , do you promise to stay"He said

"Yes I promise "I said, I wasn't planning on leaving before I just got desperate that's why.

"Ok "He said.

"Do you know anything about her I can use to track her"He said

"No , but I think mr Edward Kings will know her, he collided with the people who kidnapped me "I explained.

"They threatened me not to tell anyone and that I should give up on looking for my mom"I said

"Wait if they asked you to stop why are you doing this"He said

"Did you give up on your mom"I asked him and he didn't reply.

"Besides I'm scared she's in trouble because the man who kidnapped me was my step father"I said

"Edward Kings, he sounds familiar"He said

"He is one of my dad friends back in the day that's all I know"I said.

"I think he has met my dad before "He said

"Did you see the face of your step father"He said

"No Kai it was dark"I said

"Oh I'll ask my dad about Edward Kings if I can get him I'll get , your step dad and we'll find your mom"He said, he made it sound so easy.

"Hey I didn't know you were this smart"I said

"What's that supposed to mean"He said


I really want Roxanne to stay because she's the second black lady I could relate to .

"Hey I didn't know you were this smart"She teased.

"What's that supposed to mean "I asked

"I am the top student of the class"I said.

"Yeah that's because you bully others to do your assignment and write your bites "She Said

"Fair point but I can't throw my future away because I want to act like the king"I said

"wait you said you'll tell your dad aren't the both of you like enemies"She said

"We are but I'll swallow my pride because of you "I said and she was speechless.

"I need to go , call me when you have your update and be careful my stepfather seems dangerous"She said as she stood up and hit the glass of water on the table making it spill on her.

"holy sh..."She exclaimed and I took an handkerchief go help her clean up. It took a while before I realized my other hand was son her waist . She looked at my hand and I quickly let her go.

"I'll leave no need "She said before taking her backpack and walking out.

Kai you moron why did you that I hit my hand on the sofa continuously.

"What's going on here"I heard Nick voice.

"Nothing "I said before walking out

Roxanne POV

That was totally awkward good thing I left if not I don't know what would have happened. I stopped a taxi and I went into the car before it drove away .

"Dad I'm home"I said as I went in, he took a leave from work.

"I'm in the kitchen Annie"He said and I walked to the kitchen dad was already making dinner.

"What's dad making"I said

"You look happy "He said

"I am happy "I said

"I'm making Chicken burrito bowl with rice "He said

"Yummy I'll go freshen up"I said as I went to my room, I should really change I shouldn't expect dad to cook for me all the time.

I came out of my room and sat down opposite dad.

"Dad you know you spoil me right"I said as I ate.

"I know you're my only child " He Said

"Talking about that , dad have you ever thought of remarrying"I said

"Why did you ask I thought you're dream was for me to get married to your mom"He said

"You still love her don't you "I said

"I do still love your mother because it's not her fault "He said .

"What if she's married already" I said

"Then that's fate "He said.

"You won't even try to get her"I said

"If she's happy then I'll learn to leave her "He Said

"Dad , I think you should get married or get a girlfriend"I said

"You'll be fine with that "He said

"Honestly I'll be very happy if you and mom got back together, but the main reason I'm looking for mom is just to know I have one "I said

"I'm so proud of you , you're really mature "He said as he kissed my head.

"But I think I'm fine "He said and left the dinning area.

My phone rang right after I did the dishes , it was Anna.

"Hey Anna what'sup"I said

"I'm fine what about you"She said

"I'm doing good, why'd you call "I said

"Really do I need a reason to call my BFF"She said

"No but it's just out of the blues "I said

"Ok um... see Kayla and I told Ezra your home address"She said
