

Connor_Storer · Otras
Sin suficientes valoraciones
10 Chs

Seven deadly sins part one

"Okay in this universe ruby is a male and that all I'm going to tell you" zen said

"I'm a male in this universe, that weird" ruby said

"I want to know what ruby looks like as a male" Weiss said with others agreeing with her.

"Okay let's start" zen said

Ominous music filled the speakers, and as the view panned to the left, you could see that the city was in shambles.

The video started up from where it had paused. A young man was walking slowly down a street. He was wearing a suit of armour and seemed to be quite scarred, he was breathing hard.

Suddenly a shout "Hey! You got a minute? Give me a hand here." The boy flinched and hurried over.

"Yes, sir!" They walked down the road together,

"Wait who are these people?" Weiss asked

"Where ruby?" yang asked

"There's are soldiers they don't have huntsman or huntress but something else and this universe has magic in it" zen said

"Another universe with magic cool" ruby said excited.

"You'll see ruby in a minute" zen said

"Where are you from?" The older knight asked.

"Cains, sir." The younger replied.

"Cains?" the older questioned, "I'm an old-timer who's served the kingdom for 40 years, and I've never heard of the place."

"That's not surprising." The young man answered, looking quite flustered, "It's out in the boonies." The other turned his head to look at him.

'If you're this flustered, you'll never be a Holy Knight apprentice." He responded.

The boy laughed a little bit, "No, I could never be a Holy Knight."

"Then this might be a tough job for someone like you." The older knight replied grimly.

"What a holy knight?" Winter asked

"There basically like huntsman and huntress and defend the kingdom" zen said

"Thank you" winter said

Suddenly the boy looked at something off screen in terror. Eyes wide and gasping he asked, "Are those..."

"Holy Knights one and all."

Holy Knights lay dead on the ground. Rubble surrounding them. Blood splattered the ground, and the scene just kept going as the camera panned upwards. The young man gasped and started to back away, "Wh-what happened here?"

"What happened?" The man replied, "They were butchered. In the blink of an eye at that. By just seven people." The camera panned upward before fading to black.

"Oh oum who could of have done that to them" ruby said in shock

"That many people got killed by just seven people" weiss said looking sick.

Everyone sat in shock at the massacre they had just witnessed.

The screen turned on to show a panning view of a grassy hilled area with the words 10 Years Later and then Near Cains Town. The sun was rising in the background as someone walked across the screen in rusted armour in the foreground. A rusty night with a tattered cape. Dramatic music filtered out of the speakers, and the knight walked on.

The scene changed to show a sign reading The Boar Hat.

Someone set some glasses full of beer on a table, "Here you are! Five steins! Thank you for waiting!" We hear ruby voice say.

"10 years in the future wow that is far" yang said

"I can hear my voice" ruby said excited.

"It seems your like your bar" Qrow said

"Of course you know" summer said sighing

Qrow just shrugged.

The camera panned up to show a male Ruby smiling.

The scene shifted to show Ruby working hard running a bar, getting everyone seated and bringing them drinks. One customer commented "For such a little fella, he a hardworking waiter." Ruby turned and gave them a look,

"I'm not the waiter, I'm the owner! This is my place!" Ruby said

"She looks so young" yang said shocked.

"How can she be the owner of that bar she looks way too young" weiss said shocked

Ruby set down a meat pie on a table. "Here you go, fresh from the oven!"

"The Boar Hat's signature meat pie!"

"That looks good!"

"Let's dig in!"

As soon as they put the bite in their mouths they threw up.

"Our rep is for good booze and terrible food." The customers looked furious,

"You could have mentioned that!"

"Are you messing with us, you punk?" The customers stood up and looked like they were going to beat Ruby up, but they seemed to think better of it when one of them said, "Hang on, this guy has a sword..."

"Oh god your that bad you made the customer throw up" yang said laughing

"Shut up yang" ruby said

"Ohh know you made them mad" yang said

"She looks so calm" Weiss said

"Yeah I'm surprised that I'm actually able to talk to them" ruby said

"Yeah I'm shocked" yang said

"Oh, dear. We've got a difficult crowd tonight." Ruby said, he snapped his fingers. "Clean up this mess."

"Sheesh, you call that a mess?" Someone stepped in front of the camera. "Why do you even need me for this?" "

"Th-the pig, it's talking!"

"Don't get surprised by every little thing. This is why I hate hillbillies."

"Hawk, I need you to clean the floor." Ruby said.

"Ahhh it a taking pig" ruby said excitedly

"Jeez ruby calm down but how can the pig talk" weiss asked

"I actually don't know" zen said with a shrug

"It is cool that the pig talking though" yang said

"What a hassle...Being in charge of scraps disposal ain't no picnic." Hawk said, as he started eating the pie off the floor.

Soon the floor was clean of pie, and cleaner than the rest of the floor as well. "Make sure there are better scraps next time." Hawk said as he turned to walk away. Ruby looked at the customers,

"If you guys are interested, i could make a decent whole-hog roast." Ruby said

"Wow hawk got some sass" yang said

"Yeah I like him already" Qrow said

"No don't cook hawk" ruby said

"I can't tell if she joking or serious" Weiss said

"I think she joking or trying to scare hawk" Blake said

Hawk turned around and yelled, "That was great! Those were the best scraps I've ever had!"

Suddenly a man burst through the door shaking,

"I-I saw it!" The scene changed to the man being served at a table. "Honest! I saw it with my own two eyes! I'm positive that it was the Wandering Rusty Knight!"

"Everyone's been talking about it lately." Someone else at the table said.

"Come on, there's no such thing." Said another. "It's just something to scare children into behaving. If you keep misbehaving, one of the Seven Deadly Sins will come for you in armour that's rusty from blood!" They all laughed.

"Rusty armour like what we saw before" Weiss said

"Who are the seven deadly sins" Blake asked

"Well the seven deadly sins are the sin of wrath, the sin of gluttony, the sin of greed, the sin of sloth, the sin of pride, the sin of lust and the sin of sloth and they could be anyone in this room and you see who the seven deadly sins are in just a minute" zen said.

"Seven Deadly Sins?" Ruby asked from behind the bar.

"Yeah. You've never heard of them, our good underage owner?"

"They're even on those wanted posters. Those over there." Someone else at the table told Ruby.

It shows the wanted posters on each wanted poster it shows Weiss, Roman, Ren, someone in metal armour, jaune, ruby and then Nora

"When was it, 10 Years Ago?" One of the customers started. "That big fracas where dozens of Holy Knights who had gathered from across the land were all butchered. These Seven Deadly Sins were the ones who did it."

"So ruby doesn't know of them either" yang said

"I wouldn't say that" zen said

"What do you mean?" Weiss asked

"You'll see" zen said

"Wait no it can't be the seven deadly sin are me, Roman, Ren, Nora, jaune, ruby and someone else" Weiss said shocked

"That can't be we would hurt anyone" Ruby's said

"Looks like you the criminal that slaughter innocent people" cinder.

"Who ever said that the seven deadly sins actually did the crime and you guys haven't see them do it so how can you tell it was them" zen said to everyone

"Don't just accuse people based on what they done base it on what happened in their life and how they were treated and by that I mean don't judge a book by it cover" zen said

"Yeah ruby and the others wouldn't do that probably Roman but the others I don't think so" yang said

"They say that the way the Holy Knight's Grand Master himself was killed was too gruesome to look at. And their captain rose is the scariest of the bunch. They say he's even brought down whole countries."

"They haven't been caught yet right?" Another asked.

"Yeah, not a single one."

"Some of the rumors I've heard say they're all dead."

"They're dead, they have to be." Someone commented as Ruby served a beer in the background. "The new Holy Knights wouldn't let them live."

"Wow who the captain of the seven deadly sins" yang asked amazed

"Don't worry you'll see" zen said

"Yeah, that's true. Even now, with the king bedridden the Holy Knights are keeping the kingdom good and safe.

"But this wanted board is updated every year." One said. "Wouldn't that mean that they're not dead yet?" Now all the customers looked worried, until the third guy said "Anyway, this talk of a knight walking around in rusted armour is kinda farfetched. Right?"

"Yeah, it's crazy." laughed a guy at a nearby table. Then a clang sounded from behind the front door. All the men looked up, fearful. Hawk sniffed, "Why do I smell rust?" He asked. The door opened to reveal the armoured knight from before, with the tattered cloak. It walked forward slowly, creaking audibly from the rust.

"The...Seven...Deadly...Sins." It groaned as the men ran from the bar in fear. Hawk cowered in fear as Ruby vaulted over the bar to stand in front of the knight.

"Who are you?" He asked. But the figure fell backwards, the helmet came off and revealed the Velvet face before the screen faded to black.

"That rusty armour we saw at the beginning" ruby said

"It's velvet why was she in that armour and looking for us" ruby asked

"You'll see just watch" zen said annoyed.

"It's a girl." Hawk said as he and ruby looked at the girl on the bed, the armour piled in a corner of the room.

Ruby mainly hummed softly as he put his hand holding his chin as he had a thinking face.

"Let's make sure" ruby said

Hawk then screeched as he started sweating.

"This sleeping face. This body line. This smell" ruby said as he observed Velvets face, then her body and then sniffed her.

"And this Elasticity... it's definitely a woman"ruby said as he continued squeezing Velvet boob.

"You can tell just from looking" hawk shouted at ruby.

"Ruby you great pervert!" Weiss shouted

"It not me it another me" ruby said

"My sister innocence is gone she just like Blake" yang said sadly

"What that suppose to mean" Blake said offended

"I look at ninja of love that you was reading" yang said looking at Blake

Blake blushed deeply and looked away trying not to met yang in the eyes

"How dare you keep them in the same room as my sister" yang said

"What are they talking about" ruby asked Weiss just shrugged "I don't know" Weiss Said

Soon, Velvet then woke up, her right eye opening up.

Despite Velvet being awake, ruby continued squeezing velvet boob.

"U-Um..." Velvet managed to say as she sat down on the bed as her blush continued to turn brighter.

"Nothing out of the ordinary here" ruby said as he stopped squeezing her boob as hawk had an angry expression.

"Th-thank you very much." Velvet said to ruby.

"Where am I? Um, why am I..." Velvet asked

"You strolled into my bar and passed out cold." Ruby said.

"Your bar?"

"The Boar Hat. My Bar."

"You're...the owner?"

"Is that so strange?" Ruby asked

"N-no! I just saw the sword on your back so I just assumed..." Velvet said

"Oh, this?" Ruby reached up and grabbed the handle of his sword. Pulling it out Velvet flinched but the sword had no blade. "Did I scare you?" Ruby laughed, "If I only show the handle it looks like the real thing doesn't it? Call it a determent against people skipping out on their tab." He said, putting it back in the scabbard on his back.

"Yep she actually like velvet shy and kind" ruby said

"You don't have to scare her like that ruby" Weiss said

"It not me" ruby said

"Well I can't tell that ruby so I'm telling you" Weiss said

"It's the customers that get charged a fortune after eating your food that I feel sorry for." Hawk said.  Velvet squealed and ran over to Hawk.

"It's a talking piggy!" Velvet said

"The name's Hawk. Nice to meet you."

"Long ago I pestered my father to give me a piggy just like this for my birthday." Velvet said

"Did you get one?" Ruby asked.

"No." Velvet replied sadly. Seeing this Ruby quickly changed the subject,

"Hey, are you hungry? If you want, you can have a bite to eat." The scene changed to show Ruby serving Velvet a plate of delicious looking food.

"Even Velvet excited about hawks" ruby said 

"Who would want a talking pig?"Weiss asked 

Ruby, yang and Qrow put the hands up will saying "it'll be cool"

Weiss shook her head with others

"No velvet don't eat it" ruby and others saying the same.

"First you nurse me back to health and now you're feeding me...How can I ever thank you?" She asked.

"You should taste the food before you thank him." Hawk said.

"Okay, here goes." She picked up her silverware and cut off a bite of meat before tasting it. She immediately gagged. Ruby leaned over from across the bar.

"What do you think? Pretty disgusting right?" He asked.


"Oh poor velvet eating my food" ruby said feeling sad for velvet.

"Knew it." Hawk and Ruby said at the same time.  Velvet started crying, and Ruby looked over in concern.

"But still...it's delicious."

"Say, what were you doing wandering around in that armour?" Ruby asked.

"How can it be digesting and delicious" Weiss asked

"She saying it delicious because ruby showed her kindness and feed her and she too kind" zen said

"Yeah that make sense" Weiss said

"I'm searching for the Seven Deadly Sins." She replied.

"But why?" Hawk asked

"Nobody knows if they're even alive or dead." Hawk continued. "Those guys are serious villains!" Just then there was a banging on the door,

"Open up! We've had a report from some villagers! We, the order of the beard of the Mountain Cat serve under the Holy Knights and are stationed at the mountain's base! We're here to arrest the Rusty Knight, potentially one of the Seven Deadly Sins!" Yelled the soldier in charge of their group of five, as he banged on the door. "Come out peacefully!"

"So she is looking for the seven deadly sins even though we are apparently villains" ruby said

"Yeah I don't think all of them are dead since ruby there but they don't know that" yang said

"Great knights are here trying to arrest velvet" yang said

"Again with the unruly customers." Ruby said as he stared at the unopened door.

"Holy Knights." Velvet murmured in what seemed to be fear.

"Doesn't look like they're coming out." Said a second soldier, standing to the left of the first. A third soldier looked up and said,

"Out of curiosity, when did someone build a tavern on top of this hill?"

"Now that you mention it, I don't remember this being here three days ago." Said another. The first turned to look a the others.

"Aren't holy knights or even apprentice holy knights so why doesn't she seem scared" Blake asked

"You'll find out" zen said sighing

"So there wasn't a tavern on that hill then that odd how did she build it so fast" everyone thought.

"Stay on your guard. We face a Holy Knight who answered directly to the king, even if that was 10 years ago."

"Don't worry about it Allioni, he must be an old fart by now." Said the second again.

"He's right." Said the third, "He'll be no match for the likes of us, fighters trained by Sir Cardin himself.

"Don't underestimate them! Haven't I told you that before?" Allioni said, "During the uprising 10 years ago, dozens of Holy Knights were butchered in an instant!." The audience flinched,

"Oh great they been treated that means there amazing then" yang said sarcastically

"So Cardin a holy knight then that must be horrible" Blake said

"About that..." The second started again.


"Well, I've just been wondering if it hasn't been exaggerated a little bit."

"Meaning what, exactly?"

"They say that each Holy Knight is worth 100 soldiers." Said the third. "So how could dozens of them be killed? Right?" A fourth soldier nodded, Allioni raised a fist at the third,

"I saw it with my own two eyes!"

The second soldier raised his hands,

"Calm down. For now just stand back, Allioni. We'll see to this by ourselves." he turned to the door, "Hey! Come out here!" Ruby opened the door stepping out,

"You bellowed?" He asked.

"Who are you?" Allioni asked.  Ruby smiled,

"So he the person from before" Weiss said

"Yeah seems like it" Blake said

"She so calm definitely not the ruby we know" yang said

"Ha ha yeah" ruby said

"I'm the owner of this fine establishment." He replied.

"Where is the rust knight? Send him out." Allioni said. Ruby sighed and turned around.

"Come on out!" He called. The camera panned over to show Hawk dressed up in some of the armour.

"You called? I am Sir Hawk, the Rust Knight." he said walking outside. The second soldier gasped,

"Th-this pig is one of the Seven Deadly Sins?"

"Of course it isn't!" Allioni said, "H-how dare you!"

"Ha ha really hawk wearing the armour"yang said

"That some thing I excepted ruby to do" Weiss said with a smile

"Look you made him mad" yang said.

"I'm captain of the order of Scraps Disposal!" Hawk announced.

"There's no such order!" Allioni replied. "You little punk!" Allioni picked up Ruby by the front of his shirt.

"You've got some nerve making sport of knights!" Allioni continued, holding meliodas high off the ground. Velvet peeked around the corner before running off into the woods.

"How dare that bastard pick up ruby like that" yang said mad

"So it was a distraction for velvet to escape" Weiss said

"Allioni! A woman ran out the back!" Yelled the fifth soldier.

"What? Inform Sir Cardin at once!" He Yelled, throwing Ruby roughly to the ground. Ruby landed next to Hawk, looking up at Allioni as he yelled, "That woman must be the real Rust Knight. After her!" The knights ran off into the forest after Velvet as Ruby got slowly onto his hands and knees. The screen faded to black.

"Come on velvet get out of there" ruby said

"Bastard" yang said

"Yang calm down I can handle myself" ruby said

The screen flickered back on to show Velvet running through a forest pursued by the knights.

"If I hunt down one of the Seven Deadly Sins it'll look really good for me! They'll make me an apprentice Holy Knight for sure!" Allioni said. Suddenly a knight flew through the air to the side of Allioni, "What? What's happening?"

"The pig is charging at us!" Yelled the second soldier. Hawk was running up behind the soldiers and throwing them up into the air with his nose. He hit all of the soldiers except Allioni who started yelling,

"That all he care about becoming a apprentice holy knight" ruby said

"Damn hawk it kicking there asses and he just a pig" yang said

"That official get we find a talking pig like hawk" Qrow asked

"No there are no talking pigs in your universe and I'm never will be" zen said

Qrow, ruby and yang was sad since they can't get a pig like hawk

"Stay away, stay away, stay away!" Hawk chased him to the edge of a cliff, Velvet was nowhere to be seen. "Where'd she go?" He questioned before being pushed off the cliff by Hawk.

The scene changed to show Ruby holding Velvet bridal style in the bows of a tree. "How can I ever thank you for saving me not just once, but twice?"

Ruby is shown, eyes closed, squeezing Ruby's boob with his hand whilst carrying her as he hummed in Agreement and nodded.

"Yeah I saved her" ruby said relived

"No why me why" ruby said

"You really are a perverted aren't you in this universe" Yang said

"You know, you can totally hit him if you want" hawk said angrily as a vein bulged.

The scene changed again to show them all standing looking over the side of the cliff. Ruby turned to Velvet, "So why are you looking for the Seven Deadly Sins anyway?"

"So that I can stop the Holy Knights." She replied.

"Stop the Holy Knights? From doing what?" Hawk asked. "The Holy Knights are the ones who protect Liones! They're Heroes!"

"Yeah hit me Velvet" ruby said

"So she trying got stop the holy knights from doing it what exactly" Weiss asked

"But what if they were planning to start a war in this country?" Velvet said.

"The other day, the entire royal family except the king was arrested by the Holy Knights." Velvet said

"The king isn't laid up in bed, sick?" Hawk asked. Velvet shook her head,

"That is a cover story spread by the Holy Knights. I don't know what they intend to accomplish by starting a war, but they're drafting people from the kingdom and surrounding villages. Making preparations slowly, but surely. Their reach will probably extend to this area soon." Velvet said

"There trying to a start a war really why would they do that" ruby asked

"So the holy knights have enough power to even arrest the royal family" Weiss said shocked.

"Seriously?" Hawk whispered.

"That's rough." Ruby said, Hawk turned to look at him.

"You never take anything seriously." he said. But Ruby continued,

"But what does this have to do with the Seven Deadly Sins?"

"If there is a hope of stopping the Holy Knights, it lies with the Seven Deadly Sins alone!"  Velvet said. Ruby crossed his arms,

"Wait, you're looking for the Seven Deadly Sins knowing what kind of people they are?" He asked.

"Ruby sometimes doesn't take things seriously but when she does when the time call for it" weiss said

"Aww thanks Weiss" ruby said while hugging Weiss

"Ruby get off me" Weiss said

"The Seven Deadly Sins." Velvet started, "The mightiest, most vile, order of knights in the kingdom. Composed of seven terrible criminals, each with the mark of a beast branded on his body."

"10 years ago, they were attacked with the full force of all the knights in the realm, on suspicion of having attempted to overthrow the kingdom. And were scattered to the four winds." Ruby broke in,

"Wow are we really that horrible" ruby said sadly

"Apparently some rumors say that they're all dead." Velvet turned around looking scandalized.

"Such amazing people wouldn't die that easily!" She exclaimed.

"But aren't they criminals?" Ruby asked her.

"It's the Holy Knights who are causing the people to suffer now!" She yelled at her before looking down. "Long ago when I was only 5 or 6 years old, my father would tell me stories about them all the time."

"About how they were the mightiest because they were the Seven Deadly Sins!" Ruby looked about to respond when there was a loud clang and the cliff shook like an earthquake, they looked around questioningly before a larger shake caused the part of the cliff they were standing on to break off and fall into the abyss. Velvet and Hawk screamed while Ruby remained perfectly calm.

"So she wants them to save the kingdom then" weiss said

"Yeah we the mightiest" ruby said

"Yeah there a group stronger than you but you do get stronger then them in the future" send said

"Wait who are they" ruby asked

"You find out who when we see the universe" zen said.

"Who could have destroyed that cliff" Weiss asked shocked at the power

There was a large dust cloud before the camera shifted to show a cardin holding a sword out. Presumably, he was the one who had caused the cliff to break off.

"Oh, dear. I forgot to confirm that those two were the people in the report." Cardin said while sheathing his sword. "Conclusion, two persons of unknown origins dead! Does that sound alright?" He asked turning to face the four knights from Allioni's group earlier.

"So it was Cardin he didn't even car that he killed them" ruby said

"Yep he an asshole in this universe as well" yang said

"B-but Allioni was at the bottom of that cliff!" The second knight protested.

"Then list three fatalities." Cardin replied. The knights backed away in fear,

"Sir Cardin! That's going too far!" The third knight protested as well. Sir Twigo narrowed his eyes,

"Shall I make it seven fatalities?" He asked menacingly, the knights started backing away in fright,

"He even threatening his own men when he supposed to be a hero i see what velvet means when she said that about the holy knights" rub said

"No! We're sorry! Forgive us!" Cardin walked closer to them and was about to pull out his sword when Ruby jumped up the cliff, Velvet in one arm, Allioni in the other and Hawk on his back. Cardin started yelling,

"You there! How dare you survive without my permission! I shan't revise my death tally conclusion!" He gripped the handle of his blade.

"Nobody asked you to conclude anything!" Hawk yelled back. Ruby nudged Velvet.

"Hey, are you awake?"


"Is he really that stupid and arrogant" yang said

"Your one to talk" tai said to  yang

"Yeah yeah I know but I changed" yang said

"Ok. When I give the signal run towards the forest, got it?" She nodded and he set her down. He had already dropped Allioni on the ground and Hawk had jumped off as well.

The scene switched back to Cardin,

"So, which of them is the likely member of the Seven Deadly Sins?" He asked himself. "Neither of them bears any resemblance to the wanted posters." He looked them over before zooming in on Blake's earring. He started walking across the grass towards them, glaring even harder. "Fate is smiling upon me today!" He said as he neared them. "The crest on that earing is that of the royal family. Meaning that, Conclusion! You are Princess Velvet!" Velvet gasped and Ruby looked over at her,

"Velvet a princess so that how she knows about the royal family then" Weiss said

"Princess Velvet?" He asked Hawk looked at her as well.

"Hang on, Princess velvet?!" He exclaimed, "She's the country's third princess!"

"An official decree has been issued to locate you." Cardin said coming even closer, "The order was to capture you alive but...If you died in an accident it would be regrettable but unavoidable."

He came closer still and Ruby shouted for everyone to run. They took off into the woods, Velvet started talking as they ran,

"He willingly to kill a princess how stupid is he" Weiss said

"It Cardin he just a idiot" yang said

"I musn't be captured yet! I mustn't give up yet!" Cardin grabbed his sword,

"Conclusion! Accidental death!" He shouted and swung his sword in a long horizontal arc. All of the trees were split in half and launched into the air before falling down in clumps on the forest floor.

Velvet gasped and opened her eyes to see Ruby kneeling above where she was laying, using his body to shield her.

"Hey." He said, as though everything were totally normal. He turned to Hawk getting off from over her, "You ok there Hawk?"

"Damn he a idiot but powerful to destroy that entire forest with one swing" yang said

"Yeah that could easily kill velvet or ruby" Weiss said

"Of course you try to protect her" yang said

"It the right thing to do" ruby said

"I'm Pork on a stick!" Hawk had a branch impaled on his back and he started crying and ran off behind some clumps of fallen trees calling for his mommy.

Velvet got up and started walking over to Cardin.

"Velvet?" Ruby called after her. "Hey, where are you going?" Velvet kept walking,

"There is no escaping him." She said, Ruby stared after her.

"Ahh poor hawk getting stabbed with a branch" ruby said

"Velvet going to give herself up to save ruby form Cardin" Weiss said shocked

"She said she wouldn't give up but she doing it save ruby" Blake said

"Hang on, you just said you can't give up."ruby said

"If I surrender myself peacefully, maybe he won't kill you in cold blood." Velvet replied

Cardin slashed his sword up in a vertical line. An arc of destruction radiating out from it. Ruby knocked Velvet out of the way just before it could hit her.

"Please, escape by yourself!" Velvet said from where Ruby was shielding her with his body again. Ruby looked over his shoulder,

"He seems pretty intent on killing us both regardless."

"Yeah looks like Cardin doesn't care at all about that" Weiss said

"Why?" Velvet rubbed her eyes, starting to cry. "I was happy...I set out to search for the Seven Deadly Sins all by myself...I've never traveled before so I was nervous..." Cardin walked closer. "So that no one would recognise me...I walked around in that clunky armour until I was exhausted. But I wasn't able to turn to anyone for help." She said through her sobs, "And now you've been so kind to me, a total stranger... That's why I don't want to involve you in my problems any longer, not when I don't even know your name!"

"Oh poor girl who cares" cinder said annoyed.

There was a dark scene of Ruby standing in front of a girl, both of them wearing armour, in the ruins of a city. Then a close up of the girls face, coughing up blood, telling him something. Ruby looked down, before smiling and looking up at her.

Ruby smiled down at her,

"My name is Ruby rose." Velvet gasped, eyes widening.

It showed the wanted poster of ruby with her name there.

"I don't believe it..." She whispered, "You can't be!" Ruby just smiled wider and laughed a little bit. "But you're just a..."

"Wait who that girl ruby thinking about" Weiss said

"So ruby told velvet but who is the captain and who want sin" Blake said

The scene switched to where the four knights were gathered around Allioni, he sat up quickly, "Where is he?!"

"Allioni?" The second one asked,

"The kid with the sword on his back!" He replied. The second one waved his hands in a calming motion,

"Take it easy Allioni, Sir Cardin has him on the ropes."

"Idiots!" Allioni yelled, "We mustn't anger him!"

"The kingdom will fall!" Allioni continued.

"Wait the kingdom will fall don't anger him that means ruby the captain of the seven deadly sins" Weiss said

"I'm the captain aww yeah that awesome" ruby said

"Don't forget you are getting blamed for a crime you might or might not have done" Blake said

"Yeah I know but come on I can't be what they said because if I was I could of killed all of them so no one would find out" ruby said

"Yeah that makes sense she hasn't killed any of them and even saved the rookie knight" Weiss said

"When he saved my life I saw it! He's the real thing! The most dangerous of them all." Cardin walked ever closer. "The symbol on his shoulder! It was-" The camera zoomed in on Ruby' tattoo,

"That symbol," Velvet said, staring at it. "It's a beast! No, a dragon!"

Cardin swung his sword down on to Ruby's back from high up above. But suddenly he was blown back by the power of his own swing, and Ruby stood in front of him, unharmed.

"What how is she unharmed" ironwood said

"It was a direct hit" winter said

"How can this be? I'm certain that my blade struck him." Cardin said, staring at Ruby. "But the one who felt the blow...was me!?" He spotted Ruby' sword, "What is that?! A sword with a broken blade?" Velvet stood up behind Ruby,

"Ruby? Are you really him?"

"Hold on," Cardin said, "Your face seems familiar...But if you are him, how is it that you look exactly the same as you did that day?" His eyes widened in shock. Ruby got into a fighting stance. Knees bent, right arm behind him left arm across his body holding his sword,

"Wait she hasn't changed for over 10 years how she human isn't she she should look older" weiss said

"Don't worry it will tell you when we see the universe that the future of this universe" zen said.

"Okay thank you" weiss said

"So," He asked. "Have you figured out who I am yet?" Cardin looked shocked,

"I-it can't be!" he said, "It truly is you!" He swung his sword at Ruby from up above again. Just as his sword slashed into the ground in front of Ruby, Ruby slashed his own broken sword horizontally in a beam of light, the light glinting of the sword itself. Shock waves spread out from the swing,

"C-conclusion. This extraordinary power! It's legendary!" There was a huge mushroom cloud of smoke from the top of the hill and Cardin was catapulted through the air, his armour cracking with the force.

"She countered his attack but how?" Winter said

"Well he magic a ability is called fully counter she can counter any magical attack and double the amount of damage from that attack" zen said

"That would be a useful ability against the maidens" Qrow said

"Seven Deadly Sins: the Sin of Wrath! Ruby, the Dragon Sin!" The screen faded to black again.

Ruby sheathed his sword in the scabbard on his back,

"So I guess this means you've found your first, right, Velvet? Look, about the other six...I had some business to discuss with them, so I started looking for them recently. I've been running the tavern for intel gathering purposes."

"So she looking for the other sins and hawing the tavern as intel gathering smart" Salem said

"If I had a pretty girl to act as a draw, I'd get a lot more customers and intel." Velvet just stared at him. "You're coming with us, right?" Velvet gasped, starting to cry a little bit.


The scene changed to show the five knights gathered around a crater that held Cardin.

"Sir Cardin! Hang in there!" One of them said. Cardin started pulling himself slowly into a seated position.

"Cardin got his ass handed to him by ruby" yang said proudly and laughing.

"R-request reinforcements from the capital." He said, "This is a matter of utmost importance." Then a shadow covered them all, and there was the sound of a pig squealing. A giant green pig landed on them, with the Boar Hat strapped to it's back like a backpack. Hawk threw down a ladder from where he was standing on the green pig's head.

"How's that for timing?" He asked. Ruby grabbed the ladder wrung with one hand, holding Velvet in the other arm.

"Way to go, Hawk's Mom!" He said. Hawk looked offended,

"I was the one who got her!" He yelled at Ruby, who payed him no mind.

"Is that a giant pig how?" Weiss asked

"Really ruby you could of thank hawk" yang said

"To answer your question Weiss I don't know how the pig is like that and I can't be bothered to find out" zen said

"Ok, Let's head to the next town! Take us out of here Hawk's Mom!" Hawk's Mom swung around and started marching off. Velvet screamed as the ladder was whipped around. The knights, including Cardin stared after them in shock as the green pig marched away from them.

The scene shifted to show ruby and Velvet standing behind Hawk on Hawk's Mom's head. Velvet started narrating in a voice over.

"Was out meeting the work of chance or Providence? What lies in wait for us? Despair or hope? This is how my and Ruby's adventure in search of the Seven Deadly Sins began.

"Is that velvet voice narrating" ruby said shocked

"It almost like she feeling someone else" Weiss said.

The scene switched to a scene, panning down from a starry sky with the words Approx. 38 Miles East of Cains Town. It showed a tower and then the words Fort Solgres. Then the inside of a room where Cardin kneeled in front of someone reporting.

"The Seven Deadly Sins." Oscar in front of him said, walking over to a map hung on the wall. "I hope it's really them this time. I've waited 10 long years. For the day that I will destroy the Seven Deadly Sins!" The camera panned up to show the Oscar face.

The camera panned over to show a view out the window. A large black bird with red eyes staring at Oscar  through the glass. Then the screen faded to black.

"So Oscar a holy knight" ruby asked

"Yes and he isn't like the other holy knights he getting forced to be a bad guy by someone else" zen said

"Really that good I rather not hurt anyone who doesn't deserve" Oscar said 

"Yeah I'm also going to tell you who was in that giant armour you saw on the wanted poster and I'm going to tell you which sin you are" zen said

Everyone nodded ready

"Okay so as you know ruby is the sin of wrath, Weiss is the sin of gluttony, Nora is the sin of envy, jaune is the sin of pride, Ren is the sin of sloth, Roman is the sin of greed and the person who was in the armour was emerald also know as the sin of lust" zen explained

"That all of it so no more questions" zen said

"Okay I really want to see who stronger than us in this universe" ruby said with others agreeing.

"Okay let's get on to the next universe" zen said