
But she must be feeling guilty...! 2

He knocked on the door leading to her room after arriving at her quarter, he wasn't getting any reply and he wasn't sure if it peeping into the room or forcefully opening the door would be the right thing to do, he was about to take the latter choice when he noticed something.

The door isn't fully closed, judging from her habit of closing the door fully when she is inside her room but failing to fully close the door when she leaves the room which is a habit they have always tried to correct but to no avail, he realized that she hasn't returned to her quarters.

"Huo Ying, where are you?" He asked rhetorically with his face filled with worry, he placed his hands on his waist while he looked around her quarter to try finding her, maybe in her pavilion or somewhere near the trees in her quarter but he still couldn't find her, he decided to look for her in other places.