
He's not the normal

Husker looked everywhere but Angel as he uncomfortably drank his vanilla shake.

"You so borin Husky. A plain vanilla shake?" Angel smirked as he sipped his fancy strawberry drink.

"Oh shut up. I dont get those fruity drinks, and chocolate gives me a stomach ache." Husker scuffed and look down to be met with a pig.

"Why does your rat look at me like that?" Angel let out a dramatic gasp.

"My nuggets is NOT a rat!" Angel picks up his pet and hold him in his lap.

"Really? At the table? ugh, you have no class legs." Husker roles his eyes as he sets back in his seat.

'No class hm?' Angel thought as a small memory flashed in his head. A small chuckle escaped his lips.

"Hm? Why the fuck are you laughing?" Husker looked over confused.

"Y-you sound just like ma pap." Angel's smile dimmed as he stared into his drink.

"Oh?" Was all Husker could say. 'Did I hit a nerve?' He thought.

"Yea..In my life, I was born into a mafia family. My dad was pretty harsh, not a lot of love in the family." Angel started to explain. It was different from the other times Husker listened to Angel talk, he actually WANTED to listen.

"My brother, he was a comfort until our teenager years, then he drifted apart from me too...you know, I hate the ocean. Whenever I'm near it or look at it, all I remember are the screams of grown men..Begging to have the concrete shoes removed and go home to their families.." Husker flinched when he saw the single tear slide down Angel's face and hit the table.

'Holy shit..I guess, he's not just some annoying whore' Husker thought, a wave of guilt washing over him. Husker's guilt trip was interrupted by Angel. He laughed, but Husker could hear how forced it was.

"Sorry Husky, I started rambling again. Come one, let's get back before Charlie thinks we're dead." Angel stood up and started to walk out. Husker looked over and saw Angel hadn't finished his shake, something he begged Husker to pay for.

While they walked back to the Hotel, a car slowed down and started to drive next to them. The window went down and there sat Travis.

"Aw look at this~" He faked puppy dog eyes. "The little SLUT and his pets!" He laughed and drove off.

"W-what the fuck?!" Husker slightly yelled, his wings lifted in anger.

"Leave it Husker, he's not worth your time ya know." Angel looked down, picking up his pace.

'Do people normally talk to him like that?' Husker thought. Husker hated people getting downgraded. Sure it was hell, but don't people have morals anymore?

*At the hotel*

"Angel, there you guys are." Charlie said with a sigh of relief.

"Where did you two head off to?" Alastor asked.

"Husky just took me on a little milkshake date~" Angel playfully stuck his tongue.

"Shut the fuck up. It WASN'T a date. Someone would have to be nuts to go on a date with you." Husker basically growled his words only to stop when he saw Angel's smile dim again.

"Yea." Angel chuckles. "No one would." Angel went off and laughed, and no one seemed to notice how fake it was..

*hours later*

"Hey, legs still isn't out?" Husker asked Nifty. Husker just handed out dinner when no Angel was seen.

"You're so worried about him~ So cute~" Nifty teased.

"I'm not worried, he just needs to eat." Husker picked up Angel's plate and walked off, leaving everyone confused and Nifty giggling.

"Hey legs, I brought you some-" Husker walked into Angel's room but stopped dead in his tracks. There stood Angel. Naked, and hanging on a pole while music played.

"Oh, I forgot it's dinner time." Angel looked at the food as Husker started to turn red. His wings quickly covered his eyes as he turned around.

"PUT SOME DAMN CLOTHES ON!" Husker yelled, making Angel chuckle.

"I'm practicing you dumb" Angel scrolled down and put on his clothes quickly.

"There, I'm clothed."

"Good." Was all Husker scuffed as he shoved the plate if food in Angles face and left the room.

'Thanks for reminding me Husky..means a lot.' Angel said with a smile as another tear ran down his face.